A new plan for Pennsylvania forests: new uses, more trails, continued logging

By Ad Crable
The Bay Journal
July 22, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

It’s been 30 years since the largest landowner in Pennsylvania — the state itself — came up with a strategic plan to guide the use of its 2.2 million acres of forest, along with 12 million privately owned acres. The Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry’s list of challenges has evolved in those three decades, now including climate change, invasive plants, diseases and destructive insects. New recreational uses have also come to the fore, such as mountain biking, forest bathing, e-bikes and all-terrain vehicles — not to mention an inundation of visitors during and since the COVID-19 pandemic. Time for a new blueprint. After several years of public opinion polling and surveying the many stakeholders of state forests, the bureau has drafted a new plan called Forests for All: A Plan for Pennsylvania’s Forests and People.

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