Feedback from the forestry sector will be used to help government with key decisions as it reviews programs, policies, and legislation related to PEI forests. PEI’s first Forest Industry Capacity Report surveyed 61 individuals in the forestry sector who provided insight into harvested forest products and services. “Most PEI forests are owned and managed by 16,000 private woodlot owners, so the forest sector on Prince Edward Island is essential to sustainable forest management. Annual revenue from harvested forest products and services is estimated to exceed $36 million, making it clear that this sector has a big economic impact as well,” said Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister Steven Myers. PEI has 250 full-time, part-time, and seasonal workers employed by the forest sector; most in rural communities. Softwood studwood and sawlogs are the primary products annually harvested on PEI and the 10 largest sawmills are responsible for 69 full-time and seasonal employees.