The B.C. Greens would put a stop to logging in-old growth forests in the province if the party forms a government after the provincial election. …Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau said the Greens would also fully fund the protection of old growth forests and compensate First Nations for any lost revenues due to deferrals. As well, she said her party would the stop clearcut logging and switch to practices like selective logging, commercial thinning, and longer rotation cycles. …“In addition, 20 per cent of the annual-allowable cut [of forests in B.C.] would be dedicated to community forests.” Furstenau said these measures would protect forests, while boosting local jobs and supporting rural economies. …“Timber barons have been allowed to run roughshod and have failed to protect watersheds, species at risk and communities. We need a government oriented to protect these things. We’re at a point where we can’t continue on as normal.”