JD Irving, other companies want to appeal decision that releases them from land claim

By Mia Urquhart
CBC News New Brunswick
November 26, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Appeal requests were filed by Acadian Timber, H.J. Crabbe & Sons and the JDI intended appellants, which represents 13 companies. According to the JDI appeal, they’re looking for one of two things — for the original claim against them to be dismissed or that they “be reinstated as proper party defendants to this action with full rights of participation therein.” The JDI court document said Gregory’s decision to remove all industrial defendants from the case “was neither requested by the JDI Appellants nor contemplated by the Rule pursuant to which their motion was brought.” Removing them leaves them without a voice in the fight over land that they own, according to their notice of motion. …A spokesperson for Wolastoqey Nation stated, “Justice Gregory’s decision reinforces our position that negotiation between the Wolastoqey Nation and the Crown is our preferred approach.” Treaty veteran doubts court would take private land.

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