A history of old growth forest loss in America

By Jim Thornley
The Greenfield Recorder
March 29, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

Johanna Newman’s column [“White House must take older trees off cut list”] was a commendable piece; however, some of the worst cutting of older forests is due to logging projects in the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont and in New Hampshire’s White Mountain National Forest. Sadly, Massachusetts has no national forests or parks, or in fact any significant amount of permanently protected state-owned forests. On the accompanying four maps can be seen the change in old growth forest cover as European colonists arrived. …Geographer Richard Hakluyt convinced King James in 1606 to issue a charter for companies to establish settlements in North America, arguing that the wood resources from forests provided the greatest reason for chartering these settlements. …In the eastern US, only one significant spot of old growth forest is left. It is the Adirondack Reserve.

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