Adapting Australia’s native timber industry

By Philip Hopkins
The Gippsland Times
January 11, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: International

AUSTRALIA — Several Gippsland hardwood timber processors have vowed to continue operating despite being barred from access to the region’s native forest. The chief executive of the Victorian Forest Products Association, Deb Kerr, said,“The Victorian government’s decision last May created chaos with some businesses across the native hardwood supply chain being forced to either close permanently or diversify their business. However, a small number of processors will continue processing the native timbers, sourcing this wood from private sources in Victoria, from other states and from overseas.” In Gippsland, Australian Sustainable Hardwoods (ASH) at Heyfield began importing hardwood timber from the US some time ago as the state government began restricting hardwood supplies. ASH, which employs more than 200 people, is going to import more US hardwoods to make up some of the shortfall.

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