Frustration over job losses in the Alberni Valley has workers urging Western Forest Products to sell their shuttered Somass Mill to a company that will open it back up again. The mill went down on an indefinite curtailment nearly a year ago and workers are hopeless the company will ever re-open it. Stress is high in Port Alberni’s Forest Industry, where workers fear even more job losses could be on the way in the new year. …So the United Steelworkers are rallying for the re-opening of Western Forest Products shuttered Somass Mill or its sale since an interested buyer has appeared on the scene, offering hope to this community that is running sorely low on it lately. “There’s interested parties that would like to buy it and then run it,” said United Steelworkers Local 1-1937’s Norm Macleod. …The workers union is supported by Port Aberni’s Mayor and will be meeting with Western Forest Products next week.