Alberta Forest companies release harvest plans

By Richard Froese
The South Peace News
June 14, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Hillary Wait, Stuart Adkins & Aileen Sturges

HIGH PRAIRIE, Alberta — Harvesting plans for three forestry companies operating in the High Prairie and Slave Lake regions were presented May 30 at a joint open house at the High Prairie Legion Hall. Plans were displayed by West Fraser Timber that operates High Prairie Forest Products, Tolko and by Millar Western Forest Products. Plans for harvesting trees are getting back on track for the three companies after extensive wildfires in the spring and summer 2023 destroyed countless trees. Tolko northwest regional forestry superintendent Hillary Wait says the company plans to return to its harvesting plans. …Harvesting plans are on track for High Prairie Forest Products. “We’re looking to a regular harvest this year,” planning forester Aileen Sturges says. …Millar Western plans to start with salvage, says forestry superintendent Stuart Adkins. …All proposed harvesting plans must be approved by Alberta Forestry and Parks.

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