Albertans sound alarm over wildfires as early start to season creates concern

By Jim Mandeville, senior vice-president, First Onsite Property Restoration
Calgary Herald
April 4, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

…Whenever we get a major fire close to homes or businesses, there is a risk — not only of evacuation and an effect on residents’ lives, but a looming threat of business interruption. The No. 1 piece of preparedness advice is awareness — always listen to authorities. If a community is on evacuation alert, residents need to be ready to go at the drop of a hat… For businesses, preparation can be a complex matter but is an important step toward mitigating risk and minimizing the effects of a wildfire. … Residents and business owners need to be aware of the tangible ways they can protect their lives, properties and assets from wildfire. …While community planners take into consideration how development can coexist with natural areas, communities can plan for events and take extra steps to prepare in advance to protect properties, reduce business interruption and safeguard lives.

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