Andrew de Vries
Canadian Forest Owners (CFO) is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew de Vries as Chief Executive Officer of the national organization of private forest owners, effective February 1, 2024. CFO represents 450,000 forest landowners… As leader of CFO, de Vries brings with him over 30 years experience in natural resource management across Canada, the United States and internationally where he has developed expertise in sustainability and conservation biology, as well as community, Indigenous and government relations. …De Vries’s appointment marks the retirement of CFO Executive Director Jean-Pierre Martel. …“We are pleased to have someone of Andrew’s calibre leading Canadian Forest Owners. He is well known in the Canadian forest sector and abroad through his professional roles, as well as in Ottawa. Andrew has demonstrated his ability to balance a variety of perspectives and interests while having intimate knowledge of private land forest management,” added CFO Vice-Chair Domenico Iannidinardo.