Another strike in Finland and its impact on the paper industry

Alaina D’Altorio
Smith Corona
February 20, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: International

Another Finland strike is making headlines and giving the paper industry flashbacks to last year. The Finland Transport Workers’ Union (AKT), began its strike on February 15, 2023. …If this sounds familiar, that’s because the AKT was on strike just last year. On January 24, 2022 the AKT started blocking UPM goods going in or out of Finnish ports in support of the Paperworkers’ Union strike at several UPM mills. The UPM mill strikes lasted 112 days and affected the production of crucial paper supplies and materials. …Until further notice, all vessel operations, gate moves, and the handling of containers within port terminals has been suspended. A Finland newspaper stated that the strike “may cripple Finland’s foreign trade.” But as dire as this sounds, we’re not in the same position we were last year with weak paper supplies and high demand.

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