Region Archives: Canada East

Business & Politics

Resolute Announces Ratification of Collective Agreement at Eight Sawmills in Quebec

By Resolute Forest Products Inc.
Cision Newswire
July 25, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

MONTREAL – Resolute Forest Products Inc. announces the ratification of a four-year labor agreement with the Unifor union covering 1,000 employees working in eight of the company’s Quebec sawmills, following an agreement-in-principle reached on July 15. “We are pleased to have renewed the labor agreement with employees of this important business segment,” said Remi G. Lalonde, president and chief executive officer. “The collective agreement underscores their contribution to the company’s success and provides stability for our customers, communities and other partners.” The collective agreements ratified on July 22 cover hourly employees represented by Unifor at Resolute’s Comtois, Girardville, La Doré, Maniwaki, Mistassini, Normandin, Outardes and Saint-Thomas facilities. 

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Resolute gets green energy award

By Sandi Krasowski
TB Newswatch
July 23, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY — Resolute Forest Products is once again turning heads to the Thunder Bay pulp and paper plant after their thermal energy project was awarded the 2022 Environment + Energy Leader Award.  The plant was recognized for combining technology, conservation measures and fuel switching to reduce annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Seth Kursman, vice-president of Resolute’s corporate communications, sustainability and government affairs, says the company is pleased to receive additional recognition for its sustainability leadership.  “Resolute has demonstrated sustainability leadership with (greenhouse gas) reductions in terms of mitigating climate change, in the areas of safety, our forestry practices, the transparency of our reporting, and in the relationships that we’ve developed with communities and Indigenous communities,” Kursman said.

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Forestry Innovation Transition Trust Approves Four More Projects

By Nova Scotia Forestry Innovation Transition Trust
The Government of Nova Scotia
July 20, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Four more projects, totalling $6.2 million, have been approved by the trustees of the Forestry Innovation Transition Trust. To date, the Forestry Innovation Transition Trust has committed more than $25 million of the $50-million fund.

The funding includes:

  • Research Nova Scotia will receive $4.1 million to support the implementation of the 2021 research agenda Bringing Focus to Forestry Research, developed for the Forestry Innovation Transition Trust
  • the Christmas Tree Council of Nova Scotia will receive $1.1 million to support a tree improvement program
  • the Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment will receive $698,500 for Phase 2 of its Bio-technology Acceleration Centre
  • MTC Mass Timber Company Inc. will receive $325,000 for feasibility testing for commercial production of mass timber in the province.

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$351.5M plant intends on creating tons of tissue in Quebec

By Grant Cameron
Daily Commercial News
July 20, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Kruger Products has broken ground on a new $351.5-million tissue manufacturing plant in Sherbrooke, Que., bringing total investment by the company in the Estrie region since 2018 to nearly $1 billion. The plant is being built adjacent to one that was recently constructed in the Brompton Borough along the Saint-Francois River. The structure was finished just last year and inaugurated in June. Construction on the new plant will take place over the next two years and generate numerous construction jobs and direct employment in the plant itself. The project will deliver on the company’s vision to make Sherbrooke a major premium-quality tissue product manufacturing hub in North America. …Kruger Products is Canada’s leading manufacturer of tissue products for household, industrial and commercial use. Its parent company, Kruger Inc., is a fourth-generation family company headquartered in Montreal since 1904 that has facilities across Canada and the U.S.

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Resolute Forest Products is set to be sold, but company officials promise business as usual for Thunder Bay

By Heather Kitching
CBC News
July 13, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

…The Paper Excellence Group… announced on July 6 that it had reached an agreement to purchase Resolute for approximately $3.5 billion.  …Paper Excellence is owned by young entrepreneur Jackson Widjaja, whose grandfather, Eka Tjipta Widjaja, founded Indonesia’s Sinar Mas group and its subsidiary Asia Pulp and Paper. The younger Widjaja saw a flourishing market for pulp and paper in Asia and began investing in Canada in order to access its fibre supply… Fort William First Nation Chief Peter Collins said he hopes the sale will not impact his community’s rapport with Resolute… “It’s frustrating,” he said. “We’ve built such a good partnership with Resolute, [and] they didn’t think it was important enough to inform us of the possibility of the company being taken over.” ..When it comes to Resolute’s investment in forestry innovation, Peter Woodbridge (Woodbridge Associates) said he anticipates that Paper Excellence would “absolutely” continue on the same path.

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Northern Pulp to conduct EA marine baseline studies in Pictou Harbour

Pulp & Paper Canada
July 11, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Northern Pulp mill has announced that along with its consultants, the mill is conducting marine baseline studies in Pictou Harbour. These studies will help inform its proposed transformation and Environmental Assessment report for the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change. The marine research conducted in Pictou Harbour, East River, Middle River and West River throughout 2022 will measure water flows, currents and tides, collect water samples for analysis and survey fish, fish habitat, aquaculture, vegetation and sediment. …The mill explained in a statement that the work undertaken for conducting the studies will be non-invasive and not interfere with commercial or Indigenous fisheries or marine traffic in the study area. Small boats may be seen in the area as they set up and begin monitoring. The mill management has been in touch with Pictou Landing First Nation, local authorities, lobster fishers and harbour users to notify them of this activity.

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Forestry assets could change hands

By Sandi Krasowski
The Chronicle-Journal in Yahoo! News
July 12, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY, ONT. — Resolute Forest Products Inc. is set to be in new hands after the Paper Excellence Group signed a deal to purchase the company valued at US$2.7 billion. …Resolute will complement Paper Excellence’s existing pulp, paper and packaging businesses while adding capabilities in lumber and tissue. Resolute owns or operates about 40 facilities, including power generation assets, in Canada and the U.S. It produces and markets a diverse range of products, including market pulp, tissue, wood products and papers. Thunder Bay’s plant, a leader in pulp and paper production, will play a significant role in the developing strategy. “Thunder Bay is an outstanding asset that we believe has a very bright future,” said Seth Kursman, vice-president of corporate communications, government affairs and sustainability with Resolute Forest Products. …Kursman says there are great opportunities ahead for Resolute and the Thunder Bay operations, which will ultimately be recognized on a global scale.

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Dryden’s Domtar to be sold in early 2023

By Ryan Forbes
Dryden Now
July 11, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

DRYDEN, Ontario — It looks like Dryden’s Domtar mill will be under a new set of ownership sometime next year after a convoluted deal between Paper Excellence, Resolute Forest Products and a still-to-be-determined third party company. Paper Excellence has signed a $2.7 billion deal to buy Resolute, which will continue to operate as a standalone entity. Resolute operates roughly 40 facilities in North America and would become a subsidiary of Domtar. …When Paper Excellence purchased Domtar in 2021, they were ordered by the Competition Bureau of Canada to sell a Domtar mill in Kamloops, BC, to address any potential ‘monopoly’ concerns in BC. Now, as Paper Excellence plans to acquire Resolute, Domtar plans to sell their mills in both Dryden and Espanola to a third-party company ahead of anticipated regulatory requirements related to the deal, which is expected to close in the first half of 2023. 

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Tafisa Canada inaugurates its new plant in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec

Tafisa Canada
July 5, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Tafisa Canada, a particleboard and decorative panel manufacturer, remains the manufacturer confirmed a total of $62 million in investments in its facilities in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec. After a $28 million investment, Tafisa officially inaugurated its new 70,000 sq. ft. plant and announced new investments of $34 million to expand its main plant. …To carry out this major project, Tafisa received the support Natural Resources Canada through its Investments in Forest Industry Transformation program, the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks within the framework of the Programme Innovation Bois Wood Innovation Programme, and the Town of Lac-Mégantic and Investissement Québec through its Essor Program. Tafisa is also expanding its main plant, a project that calls for additional investments of $34 million. The new production line will be in operation in the fall of 2023.

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New Brunswick hikes Crown timber fees 30 per cent

By Adrian Cox
CBC News
July 6, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The fee forestry companies pay the New Brunswick government to harvest timber on Crown lands is set to go up by 30 per cent. It’s part of promised changes the province is making to its Crown timber royalty fee system, which are expected to result in an additional $50 million this fiscal year, said Minister Mike Holland. …”it will be part of a larger strategy to move towards legislation that creates fair market value and an upward adjustment based on commodity rates going forward.” The legislation is set to be passed this fall and implemented next April. …The legislation will also give the province the power to include additional “upward adjustments” based on commodity prices for lumber. …The New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners  said they’re happy it’s finally come. …The New Brunswick Lumber Producers said they are disappointed by the lack of transparency and details.

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VIA Rail workers issue overwhelming strike mandate

By Unifor
Cision Newswire
July 6, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

MONTREAL – Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 members issue a strong strike mandate ahead of July 11 deadline, as negotiations continue in Montreal.  “The strike vote result sends a clear message to the employer: The membership supports the bargaining committee, is firm in their demands, and is prepared to take action if needed,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President and lead negotiator.  “At this critical time, VIA Rail members deserve the best possible agreement, and that can only be won by working together, in solidarity.” From June 20 to July 1, 2022 both Unifor Council 4000 and Unifor Local 100 conducted strike votes with VIA Rail members across Canada.  The results for the vote were 99.4% in favour of strike action at Local 100 and 99.3 % in favour of strike action from Council 4000 members.

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Cascades is ranked 8th in Corporate Knights’ Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada

By Cascades Inc.
Cision Newswire
June 29, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

KINGSEY FALLS, QC – Cascades, a leader in eco-responsible recycling, packaging and hygiene solutions, once again demonstrates its leadership in responsible business practices by ranking 8th on the list of the Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada unveiled this morning by the media, research and financial information products company, Corporate Knights. …Through the years, a team of analysts has developed and refined a methodology for assessing a wide range of performance indicators. This year, 332 Canadian companies with revues superior to one billion dollars were among the organizations evaluated. Not only is Cascades ranked in 8th place, but it also stands out as a leader among its peers in the Packaging category (out of 35 companies evaluated) and is 1st place among its peers in the Containers & Packaging category of the Global Industry Classification Standard (out of 54 companies evaluated).

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Ontario’s new minister of natural resources faces environmental charges

By Mike Crawley
CBC News
June 28, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Graydon Smith

One of Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s new cabinet ministers faces a September court date over charges that he violated the province’s Endangered Species Act. …Graydon Smith, appointed Friday as minister of natural resources and forestry, was mayor of Bracebridge, Ont., for nearly 12 years until winning the riding of Parry Sound-Muskoka for the Progressive Conservatives in the provincial election. Smith is charged with harming or harassing Blanding’s turtles, designated by Ontario as a threatened species. The Town of Bracebridge itself and two senior municipal officials also face identical charges. The charges were brought by a local resident and have yet to be tested in court. …A lawyer for the Town of Bracebridge said Monday that she is confident the charges will be thrown out.

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Finance & Economics

Goodfellow reports positive Q2, 2022 results

By Goodfellow Inc.
Globe Newswire
July 7, 2022
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: Canada, Canada East

DELSON, Quebec — Goodfellow announced its financial results for the second quarter ended May 31, 2022. The Company reported net earnings of $12.5 million or $1.46 per share compared to net earnings of $14.0 million or $1.63 per share a year ago. Consolidated sales for the three months ended May 31, 2022 were $184.9 million compared to $185.5 million last year. For the six months ended May 31, 2022, the Company reported net earnings of $17.7 million or $2.06 per share compared to net earnings of $17.7 million or $2.07 per share a year ago. Consolidated sales were $314.3 million compared to $305.0 million last year. Following the unanticipated high return in the first quarter, Goodfellow delivered a strong second quarter through a well diversified offering of wood products and services.

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Canada Invests in Energy Efficiency for Buildings in Ontario

By Natural Resources Canada
Cision Newswire
July 25, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

LONDON, ON – Improving energy efficiency in our communities is an important part of our toolkit to fight climate change. It will help us exceed our climate goals, lower emissions where people live and work, and provide opportunities for Canadians to be part of building a clean and prosperous future that leaves no one behind. Today Natural Resources Canada announced an investment of over $2 million to three organizations that are advancing energy efficiency in buildings in Ontario. …The Government of Canada is also developing a Green Buildings Strategy, which will create local jobs and help Canadamove toward a resilient, net-zero emissions buildings sector by 2050. The Strategy will be focused on increasing the rate of building retrofits, ensuring buildings are resilient and net-zero ready from the start, and supporting systems change for the buildings sector of the future.

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Icon Architects unveils design for tallest mass-timber building in North America

By Ben Dreith
Dezeen Magazine
July 22, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Canadian studio Icon Architects has released its design for a 31-storey tower in Toronto that, if completed, will be the tallest mass-timber structure in North America. The structure has been proposed for downtown Toronto, near the University of Toronto. If approved by the city, the structure will be 90 metres tall, making it the tallest mass-timber structure in North America. Depending on the status of other designs – including a 100-metre-tall tower designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen planned for Switzerland –  the Toronto tower could be the tallest mass-timber structure in the world. Planned as a residential tower, the studio will use cross-laminated timber (CLT) as the material for the tower’s floors and for some of its walls, according to Icon Architects. “We are currently in talks with a number of manufacturers but in any case, they would be Canadian,” said Icon Architects principal Reza Eslami. “Nothing concrete yet, no pun intended!”

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‘All hands were on deck:’ Ontario company tasked with designing chairs for Pope visit

By Brittany Hobson
The Canadian Press in the Kelowna Daily Courier
July 20, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Rafael Studart & Frank Caruso

In a warehouse just outside Toronto, furniture makers put final touches on historic pieces that are to be part of Pope Francis’ journey to Canada. Beginning with wood from maple and oak trees, the designers bring to life sketches that were put to paper a month ago. The final products are eight chairs standing roughly 55 centimetres high — about eight centimetres higher than a regular dining room chair — adorned with white padding and a carved wooden crown depicting a swirling image of soaring eagles, salmon and a caribou herd. The chairs are for the pontiff to use at each of eight public programs he is to take part in during his Canadian tour, which begins Sunday and ends July 29 with stops in Alberta, Quebec and Nunavut. Quality and Company, a custom furniture manufacturer based in Maple, Ont., was commissioned to make the one-of-a-kind pieces. 

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Six-storey timber-frame condo rises in the Junction Triangle

By Adam Bisby
National Post
July 12, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

The custom cabinetry in its 28 units is Italian. Feature walls lend living rooms a Scandinavian feel. The central courtyard evokes a serene Japanese garden. But the bones of Gairloch Development’s Grain Lofts are undeniably Canadian.  That’s because the new six-storey condo project in Toronto’s Junction Triangle neighbourhood is one of the first residential buildings in the city to be constructed out of cross-laminated timber (CLT). Made from layers of solid-sawn spruce, fir and pine harvested from Ontario forests, CLT is being used as both a structural framework and an interior finish at Grain Lofts, which is replacing the Sporting Clube Portugues de Toronto at 1650 Dupont St.  “CLT will soon be industry standard as a way to build,” says project architect Gabriel Fain, who credits Gairloch for its “bold vision in wanting to rediscover the forgotten art of how we used to build while incorporating new technologies.

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Proposed Toronto Development Would be Tallest Mass Timber Building in the World

By Zakiya Kassam
Toronto Storeys
July 8, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Unix Housing has submitted an official proposal and rezoning application to the City of Toronto with hopes of developing a mixed-use building at 191 College Street. If approved, the development will include 31 storeys and 494 units. …Adding some extra flair to the proposal is the fact that this would be the tallest mass timber building in the world, breaking records previously set by Brock Commons in British Columbia and Mjøstårnet in Norway. …wood offers a lower build cost than concrete. And if prefabrication practices are utilized, wood structures can be erected more efficiently than concrete ones. The case for wood is made even stronger because Ontario is facing a concrete shortfall due to stalls in production earlier this year and ongoing labour underages. Moreover, in a move intended to help deescalate the housing affordability crisis, timber construction is actually being encouraged here in Toronto.

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Replacement of ‘iconic’ Vaughan Creek covered bridge set to open this summer

By Hannah Rudderham
CBC News
July 7, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

The small New Brunswick village of St. Martins is often portrayed with two covered bridges and a lighthouse all in the same photo. But in 2021, the original Vaughan Creek covered bridge, built in 1935, was removed because of deterioration. It was a controversial decision. The province originally wanted to replace the bridge with a two-lane metal structure that would “mimic” the covered bridge. “We got together and decided that we had to do something about it,” said Ray Boucher, president of the Covered Bridge Conservation Association of New Brunswick. …It’s the first New Brunswick covered bridge to be replaced by a true timber structure and the first two-lane covered bridge, said Boucher. …The construction is being completed by Dunbar Construction Limited. The replacement project will cost $5.5 million. The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure said Western Wood Structures is providing the wood timbers for the project.


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Canada supports innovation in the forest bioeconomy with assistance to Maison de l’Entrepreneur d’Antoine-Labelle

By Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Cision Newswire
July 8, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

MONT-LAURIER, QC – Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED) Supporting innovation and the development of greener products contributes to economic development in Quebec’s regions … announce a non-repayable contribution of $245,500 for Maison de l’Entrepreneur d’Antoine-Labelle. This CED support will allow the organization to coordinate implementation of actions to develop an industrial cluster focused on forest bioproducts. Maison de l’Entrepreneur d’Antoine-Labelle was created when a group of economic players came together with the goal of making the MRC d’Antoine-Labelle an innovative entrepreneurial community. 

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New Brunswick syrup producers want moratorium on logging sugar maples

By Alexandre Silberman
CBC News
July 21, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

New Brunswick’s growing maple syrup industry is calling on the province to impose a moratorium on logging in areas with a high concentration of sugar maple trees. The request comes as the New Brunswick Maple Syrup Association waits for a response from the province on an expansion plan. It is asking for an additional 12,000 hectares of Crown lands for syrup production, nearly doubling the current allocation. Louise Poitras, executive director, said producers are raising concerns about recent logging activity in areas with sugar maples, primarily in northern New Brunswick. “We can’t take it anymore. The only thing we want to do is protect those trees. So a moratorium is what we’re asking for.” The province has restrictions in place that limit any widespread logging in areas of maple dominance, requiring selective cutting.

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Forests Ontario planted 2.5 million trees in Ontario this season – bringing the provincial total to more than 36 million

By Forests Ontario
Cision Newswire
July 18, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

BARRIE, ON – Forests Ontario and its partners planted 2.5 million native tree seedlings across the province this season as part of its 50 Million Tree Program. This brings Forests Ontario’s program total to 36.7 million trees planted, creating more than 18,000 hectares of new forest on nearly 7,000 project sites. “The help of our planting partners was key to Forests Ontario achieving this planting milestone,” says Rob Keen, Chief Executive Officer of Forests Ontario, and Registered Professional Forester. “The generous support of individual donors, corporate sponsors, and the Government of Canada has been critical to our success this year and will remain essential as we work with our provincial and national partners to plant more and more trees each year.” …”83 per cent of the total hectares planted under the 50 Million Tree Program are thriving and already sequestering significant amounts of carbon,” says Elizabeth Celanowicz, Chief Operating Officer of Forests Ontario. 

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Quebec plan to help caribou won’t save the species, biologists and experts warn

CBC News
July 17, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Measures proposed by Quebec’s government to help protect its dwindling caribou herds won’t make a difference in the short term, say biologists, who cite a lack of willpower to create protected areas for the species. …Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault had previously sent an ultimatum to the Legault government, requesting all information concerning measures to protect Quebec’s caribou and their habitat by April 20. …Without a sufficient plan, Guilbeault had threatened to use a decree to impose measures under the Species at Risk Act. The provision has never been used in Canada. The federal government would theoretically take over about 35,000 square kilometres, or 2.3 per cent of Quebec’s entire territory, to protect the species. ..The [biologists] propose several measures, including dismantling certain forest roads, developing and maintaining caribou enclosures, controlling predators and monitoring the herds remotely from a distance.

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Lamenting the fate of Nova Scotia’s forests

By Dale Smith, retired gov’t employee
The Saltwire Network
July 15, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The early decades of the current century have seen appreciation of our forest ecosystems sink to new lows through the promotion of “biomass,” for which trees are valued merely as fuel to burn in producing energy. And, of course, there is the long and storied history of lumbering and sawmilling, with corresponding values calculated in “board feet.” The single-minded and self-serving reductionist approach of industry’s profit-taking from our province’s forests contrasts sharply with the far more complex ecological reality.  …The Lahey report calls for an ecological approach to forestry, based on the irrefutable conclusion that forestry practices should “give priority to protecting and enhancing ecosystems and biodiversity” as “the foundations on which the other values, including the economic ones, ultimately depend.” Surely this is the responsible path forward”.  

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After the fire: Scientists turn to drones and lasers to keep forests healthy

By David Paterson
The Toronto Star
July 12, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

On five acres of land near Kenora in northeast Ontario, researchers are trying to bring a forest decimated by fire back to life using a mix of Indigenous insights and modern technology.  Flash Forest, a Toronto-based startup, is working with Miisun, the First Nations group that manages the Kenora and Whiskey Jack Forests, to replant the previously rich stands of white spruce from the air. Over the course of a single day this spring, drones carpet-bombed the area with pods containing a mix of seeds and micronutrients selected to encourage regrowth of a dense, ecologically diverse forest. Later this month, researchers are returning to site to assess how many of the seeds germinated and whether the forest has taken the first step on the decades-long road to recovery. …The company is aiming to plant a billion trees by 2028. Over the planting season in 2023, it’s planning to deploy 480,000 seed pods per day. 

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Recruiting and retention issue smolders for forest fire fighting

By Alex Flood
The Soo Today
July 10, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

“What would you pick: a job in fire for $56,000 a year or work in a mine for $115,000 a year working four on and four off?” asks Paige Molholland, a former fire management technician with the Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services. Molholland recently quit her job with the AFFES, a branch of the province’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry which protects communities and wildlands from fire outbreaks. Concerns are growing that experienced staff at all levels of the province’s wildfire control program are leaving. In a resignation letter to the program’s upper management, Molholland says technicians like herself are absorbing larger responsibilities while receiving the same pay as crew leaders that have fewer duties. …The ministry points out that Ontario, and other jurisdictions, are experiencing challenges with the availability of skilled and experienced candidates for wildland firefighter positions and it is exploring recruitment and retention strategies.

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What’s happening with Wolf Lake’s old growth red pine forests

By Naomi Grant, Franco Mariotti and Viki Mather
July 7, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

SUDBURY, Ontario — Wolf Lake is the largest remaining old-growth red pine forest in North America. …It has been recognized as a fish sanctuary, a candidate for park status, and as a priority natural area for protection. It is also the site of active mining leases and claims. Wolf Lake’s Forest Reserve status protects it from logging but allows mining activity, with the intention for the lands to be added to the provincial park or conservation reserve when the mining claim or lease expires through normal processes. The past two winters have seen early mining exploration activity ramp up at Wolf Lake. More is planned. …The Ministries need to be prepared with a protection plan that sees Wolf Lake Forest Reserve integrated into a protected space, once mining leases and claims are no longer active. 

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Tourism and Forestry Industry Shake Hands

Wawa News
July 3, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

WAWA, Ontario — Float planes were still grounded as ice persisted on the fly-in remote lakes, but the hand shakes were warm and genuine. Hornepayne Lumber, Columbia Forest Products and Pine Portage Lodge (a Resource-Based Tourism Operator) have signed a Resource Stewardship Agreement (RSA) for the forest surrounding Hornepayne, Ontario. This is indeed a milestone, as it is the first RSA to be signed during the implementation of the Nagagami 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan (FMP). “This RSA is about two resource- based industries working together for mutual benefit”, states Dan Bowes, Ontario Woodlands and Fibre Resources Manager at Columbia Forest Products, as he recognizes this will be used as an example for other potential agreements amongst the remaining twenty plus outfitters in the area.

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Daki Menan Lands and Resources Celebrates Launch of its Forestry Initiative

By Natural Resources Canada
Cision Newswire
June 30, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

TEMAGAMI, ONTARIO—…Enhancing Indigenous leadership in forestry-related opportunities, businesses, careers and governance is an important step in supporting a more diverse and inclusive forest sector. With the launch of the Daki Menan Lands and Resources Forestry Initiative, Temagami First Nation is advancing its vision of becoming a leader in the forest economy. By achieving this milestone in the implementation of its Forestry Development Strategy, the Temagami First Nation is well positioned to pursue a wide range of forest sector opportunities, including tree planting, forest firefighting, silvicultural services, firewood production and custom milling. The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, and the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor, are pleased to celebrate the grand opening of the Daki Menan Lands and Resources Forestry Initiative.

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Opportunities found for local wood supply in Southwest Ontario

The Fort Frances Times
June 29, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

FORT FRANCES – Ontario — New forestry opportunities have been identified for the Rainy River District, following a recent wood supply study. Boundary Waters Forest Management Corporation in Partnership with Rainy River Future Development Corporation and Atikokan Economic Development Corporation has conducted a Wood Supply Study on the Boundary Waters Forest Sustainable Forest Licence (SFL). The Purpose of the wood supply study was to examine the current harvest and procurement strategies being implemented… and identify where there are potential opportunities for new entrants and users for forest products. This included examining unutilized and uncommitted volumes, as well as opportunities in residual biomass volumes from ongoing harvest activities. As a result of this study, several wood opportunities… could allow for the expansion of existing facilities and the potential for new wood fibre facilities.

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Atikamekw council of Manawan accepts recommendations to stop illegal logging on its territory

By Emelia Fournier
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
June 29, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The Atikamekw Council of Manawan is approving recommendations from Quebec’s forestry ministry to stop illegal logging on private property in the community. In February 2022, the logging company Scierie St-Michel cut a path through a maple grove which was supposed to be protected. The act provoked a blockade at the head of the route leading to the property. The blockade and a moratorium on logging in the surrounding area of Manawan, located about four hours north of Montreal, have been in place since February. The forestry ministry’s report concluded what the property owners already knew, that the forestry ministry and the Scierie St-Michel were at fault. …Among the seven recommendations, the forestry ministry should directly include community members in forestry activities, require approval from Manawan’s territorial resource department for future cuts, and review the consultation process.

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How do you define an ‘invasive’ species?

By Steph Wong Ken
The Narwhal
June 25, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Donna Powless

…While community members saw the forest as essential to the sustainability of the ravine, Metrolinx saw the trees in a different light: invasive. According to Metrolinx, “268 trees were identified for removal, and of these, 205 were invasive species,” primarily Manitoba Maples and Norway Maples. The designation made it that much easier to move ahead with clear cutting the area [part of the expansion of the Lakeshore East GO transit line].  …We’ve been conditioned to use the term “invasive species” to single out the unwanted, a plant or animal species that has the ability to spread beyond our control. …At its most extreme, the rhetoric around invasive species has parallels with a desire for genetic purity, and the need to prevent hybridization in nature. …“Every plant has a purpose, whether they’re invasive or native,” says Donna Powless, Cayuga from Six Nations, and a member of the Indigenous Land Stewardship Circle. 

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

The planet is turning into a gigantic tinder box

By Michael Harris
The Hill Times
July 25, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East, International

Joe Biden and Mohamed bin Salman

…While politicians obsess about inflation and the next electoral cycle, the planet is stewing in its own juices. Triple-digit temperatures in the United States and Europe are killing people because they don’t have air-conditioning, or they can’t reach a “cooling centre.” Just one per cent of Europeans have air conditioning. …American authorities are predicting massive power outages this summer due to increased demand. …British firefighters say that this is the busiest they have been since the bombing of London in World War II. Unchecked, climate change will be World War II to the power of 10. …The situation is almost unforgivable when it comes to how political leaders have been caught with their pants down on climate change. …Instead of holding politicians’ feet to the fire,  most of the public obsesses about the price of gas, the first pick in the NHL draft, or who’s on the cover of Vanity Fair.

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407 ETR launches paperless billing campaign with a goal to protect and enhance biodiversity

By 407 ETR Concession Company Limited
Cision Newswire
July 4, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

TORONTO– 407 ETR (Express Trail Route) is proud to support the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) to help protect and care for Ontario’s biodiversity and natural spaces. In addition to a $50,000 contribution to NCC, 407 ETR is donating $2 for each customer who converts to paperless billing from July 4 to September 2, 2022. The funding will help support ecologically significant lands, including the Happy Valley Forest and MacMillan Nature Reserve on the Oak Ridges Moraine. …”We’re working to reduce our carbon footprint and cutting back on paper consumption is one way we’re making a difference. When customers take the action to go paperless, we’ll pay it forward with a donation to help protect biodiversity,” says Javier Tamargo, President and CEO at 407 ETR. …For more information, visit

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Environmentalist calls for reduction in biomass use to generate electricity

By Michael Gorman
CBC News
June 27, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

NOVA SCOTIA — The Ecology Action Centre’s senior wilderness coordinator is calling on the Nova Scotia government to reduce the use of biomass to generate electricity now that more hydroelectric power is flowing into the province. In 2020, the government signed a directive for Nova Scotia Power to burn more wood chips, waste wood and other residuals from the forest industry to generate electricity. At the time, power from Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project in Labrador was not flowing at high enough levels to reach provincial targets. In recent months, however, Muskrat Falls has delivered Nova Scotia’s full share of electricity. Ray Plourde with the Ecology Action Centre said that should be enough to end the 2020 directive. A spokesperson for the provincial Natural Resources and Renewables Department said that although the Maritime Link has “at times” delivered adequate electricity to Nova Scotia, “it hasn’t done so consistently.” 

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Health & Safety

Northwestern Ontario pulp & paper mills named safest in Canada

Northern Ontario Business
July 11, 2022
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

A pair of northwestern Ontario sawmills has been deemed the safest in Canada. In 2021, Resolute Forest Products’ Thunder Bay facility and Domtar’s Dryden operation had the fewest recordable incidents amongst their peers. The finding was reported in the spring edition of the industry publication Pulp & Paper. Resolute Forest Products earned the top spot in Category A, for mills that record more than 80,000 worker hours per month. The facility had five recordable incidents in 2021, with a total of 1,001,259 total hours worked and a mill frequency of 0.998. Domtar came out on top in Category B, for mills that recorded between 50,000 and 80,000 worker hours per month. The Dryden operation reported one recordable incident in 2021, with a total of 741,079 total hours worked and a mill frequency of 0.269. The top spot in Category C, for mills with fewer than 50,000 worker hours per month, went to Cascades Containerboard Packaging in Mississauga.

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Forest Fires

Not many forest fires in Quebec so far this year

The Canadian Press in CTV News
July 21, 2022
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

While many parts of Canada are being hit by severe forest fires, especially in the west, little damage has been done so far to Quebec’s forests. The Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU) reports there are currently two active forest fires in Quebec, which has the largest territory among Canadian provinces. Both are burning in small areas in the northwest Jamésie region and are under control. So far this year, there have been 293 forest fires in Quebec, compared to a 10-year average of 344 at the same time. About 227 hectares of forest have been affected by fire this year; the average for the last ten years at this time was 18,708 hectares. …SOPFEU reports that many of the forest fires in western Canada are producing large plumes of smoke that can travel thousands of kilometres. Tuesday, smoke was noticeable in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.

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6 forest fires burning in Newfoundland as fire ban implemented in St. John’s area

By Heather Gillis
CBC News
July 19, 2022
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Firefighters are on the move across the province Tuesday, getting ready to assess and battle six forest fires in eastern Newfoundland from Conception Bay South to Terra Nova.  That comes as major municipalities on the Avalon Peninsula have issued fire bans preventing people from having open fires or lighting fire pits, charcoal barbecues and chimineas to prevent the possibility of further fires.  The provincial forest fire duty officer, Colin Carroll, believes a series of lightning strikes started the majority of the forest fires, which sparked up after 3 p.m. Monday amid dry ground conditions and fire indices ranging from very high to extreme.  The largest forest fire, near Lake St. John, is 50 hectares, or the equivalent of 123 football fields. It is out of control and burning near some cabins in a remote area south of Thorburn Lake.

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New wildfires reported in Ontario’s northeast region

By Daniel Bertrand
CTV News
July 11, 2022
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry confirmed a new wildfire in the northeast region late Saturday afternoon. The new fire is outside of the Sudbury district in the Wawa district. Wawa 3 is located approximately 2 kilometres west of the narrows of Wabatongushi Lake. According to the MNDMNRF the fire measures 0.3 of a hectare and is not yet under control as of Sunday morning. There are is only one other active wildfire in the region. The Sault 10 fire is listed as under control and only 0.1 hectares in size. For real time updates on fire hazardous across the province can be viewed on the ministry’s interactive fire map. [END]

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