Region Archives: Canada East

Business & Politics

Ottawa Valley forestry sector booming amid skyrocketing lumber prices

By Tom Van Dusen
The Ottawa Business Journal
July 26, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

There may be more than 100 companies of all sizes already deeply immersed in Renfrew County forestry, but the 160-year-old industry is far from saturated. Alastair Baird, the manager of economic development services for the County of Renfrew… revealed to the Ottawa Business Journal that deep-pocketed European interests have almost finalized a deal to set up a multimillion-dollar operation in the county. …The true beauty of the new business is that it’s at the value-added end of the line… one of the biggest drawbacks in the industry – which employs some 6,900 workers in Renfrew County alone – now is a shortage of skilled workers. …About 20 per cent of the industry’s workforce is made up of women. Promoting their participation is an organization called Women in Wood, which was co-founded by Renfrew County forester Lacey Rose.

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Liberal, NDP, Tory leaders all oppose government funding for Northern Pulp

By Michael Gorman
CBC News
July 25, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nova Scotia’s three main political party leaders might not agree on much, but there’s one issue on which they share the same view: if the owners of the Northern Pulp mill in Pictou County get approval to reopen the beleaguered site, they should not count on financial assistance from the next provincial government.  …The $350-million project will eventually be submitted to the province for environmental consideration, however ownership has yet to detail how it would finance the plan if they get the green light.  Evidently, the people of Nova Scotia won’t be chipping in.  “Proponents and companies that want to do business here should be putting their own capital into it,” said Liberal Leader Iain Rankin, who added that he’s opposed to the type of forgivable loans given to mills in the past, most recently by the former NDP government.

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Province pours $7.9 million into forestry, mining in northeastern Ontario

By Collen Romaniuk
The Daily Press
July 19, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Greg Rickford

The provincial government announced more than $7.9 million in funding to support the forestry and mining sectors in northeastern Ontario. The money will support 16 different projects. …“This is an important infusion of high-tech capacity in the supply chains of forestry and mining,” said minister Greg Rickford. …The projects aim to enhance operations by improving safety, productivity, efficiency and revenue potential for local businesses, added Rickford. …Black Bird Management in Batchewana Bay will receive $2.65 million to build a new harvesting and processing facility for maple products. …Sudbury’s supply chain is also receiving a significant funding boost. More than 10 businesses will receive thousands of dollars to help build infrastructure, develop and launch innovative technology, and purchase new equipment to expand operations. …Other companies include Carlyle Forest Products.

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Electricity subsidies to pulp and paper mills to continue, despite NB Power’s rising debt

By Robert Jones
CBC News
July 20, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

An effort to fix NB Power’s struggling finances that is supposed to involve a look at “all options” will not include a review of the policy that requires the utility to subsidize electricity prices for six New Brunswick pulp and paper mills, according to the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development. The program is meant “to enable New Brunswick’s pulp and paper companies have access to competitive priced electricity,” said the department. …Figures released last week show NB Power paid out $9.7 million in rate subsidies to the mills under the program… Subsidies went to three mills owned by J.D. Irving Ltd. including two in Saint John and one in Lake Utopia, two owned by the AV group in Nackawic and Atholville and the Twin Rivers pulp mill in Edmundston. …The subsidy program requires NB Power to buy down the cost of “firm” electricity bought by pulp and paper mills to a national average…

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As the new ‘minister of everything,’ Rickford’s time is stretched too thin

By Ian Pattison
The Chronicle Journal
July 18, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Greg Rickford

…Aboriginal affairs have grown far more complex today. …But rather than establishing a genuine stand-alone aboriginal affairs department., today’s Ontario government has watered the file down even more, and given it less money. In a cabinet shuffle last month, Kenora MPP Greg Rickford was appointed minister of a merged department of northern development, mining, natural resources and forestry. On top of all that, Rickford remains as Indigenous affairs minister. …Forestry is beset by changing market forces, punishing trade disputes and lately, climate-induced fires. Natural resources need as much protection as they do industrial exploitation. …Northern development has always taken a back seat to southern Ontario priorities. Indigenous affairs is a challenge all its own and growing more so by the week. Each of these departments is in need of undivided attention. One man can’t do it all.

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Paper Excellence holds a media show and piles on the PR

By Joan Baxter
Halifax Examiner
July 16, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

On the morning of July 15, Iris Communications’ Sean Lewis sent out a press release on behalf of Paper Excellence. It was chockablock with carefully calibrated and curated PR, informing us that Northern Pulp’s 54-year-old pulp mill in Pictou County was set to become “a “best-in-class operation” and “one of the world’s cleanest, most environmentally focused, and community-based pulp mills.” And oh, by the way, in just two hours Northern Pulp would be holding a virtual “technical briefing” on the “transformation concept,” which media could access online, and if they wanted to ask questions they could dial in on a special number. The media briefing consisted of two men speaking for more than an hour, and then taking a handful of submitted questions. …For those who are not familiar with Paper Excellence and the Northern Pulp mill, it probably looked extremely encouraging.

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Company proposes ‘complete transformation’ of idled Northern Pulp mill in Nova Scotia

By Brett Bundale
The Canadian Press in the Niagara Falls Review
July 15, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The company behind a beleaguered mill in northern Nova Scotia is proposing a “complete transformation” of its operations in an effort to reopen the idled kraft pulp plant. The plan involves releasing treated waste water into Pictou harbour, which opens to the lobster fishing grounds of the Northumberland Strait. Mill owner Paper Excellence said its $350-million transformation plan would cut water use by nearly half, reduce waste water components by 75%, lower visible plumes above the mill by 70%. …Pictou Mayor Jim Ryan questioned why it took so long for the company to propose cleaning up the mill’s environmental footprint. “As far as I’m concerned, they burned one too many bridges,” he said. The union representing laid off forestry workers welcomed the proposal to restart the plant. …Graham Kissack, with Paper Excellence, said the company… wants a transformation plan for a clean and sustainable mill.

Additional coverage: Unifor press release – Forestry workers welcome Northern Pulp’s $350 million transformation

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Paper Excellence proposes a complete transformation of Nova Scotia kraft pulp mill

Paper Excellence Canada
July 15, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

ABERCROMBIE, NS –Paper Excellence is proposing a complete transformation of Northern Pulp Nova Scotia Corporation, in Pictou County. The Mill operated for more than six decades prior to its hibernation in January 2020. It is clear to Paper Excellence that future Mill operations and processes—from community engagement and transparency to forestry practices and addressing odour, air, and water emissions—must be better than the Mill of yesterday. Paper Excellence is proposing to transform the Mill into a best-in-class operation and one of the world’s cleanest, most environmentally focused, and community-based mills. “Paper Excellence acknowledges community concerns and wants to work with community members to build trust, finalize a transformation plan for a clean and sustainable Mill, and develop a new relationship for the Mill and community moving forward,” said Graham Kissack, VP, Environment, Health & Safety, and Corporate Communications, Paper Excellence.

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Lumber prices have soared, but New Brunswick’s tree sellers aren’t reaping the rewards

By Greg Mercer
The Globe and Mail
July 13, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

…The unprecedented size of the chip pile outside a sawmill in Sussex has become a talking point for people who live around it, and tangible proof of just how busy Canadian sawmills have been as they cash in on record prices for lumber in North America during the pandemic.  But for private woodlot owners in New Brunswick, it’s also an aggravating sight. At a time when lumber companies across the country are shattering profit records, the people who grow and sell trees for a living in New Brunswick say they’re not seeing a penny more.  “I was getting more money for my wood in the 1990s,” laments John Sabine, a retired police officer who runs a hobby farm and woodlot in Passekeag. “A lot of people aren’t bothering to harvest at all because prices are so poor. It’s not worth it.” [We respect the copyrights of the source publication – full access may require a subscription]

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Tornado damage in Barrie would have been less if building code followed Barrie

By Ian MacLennan
Barrie 360
July 19, 2021
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

BARRIE, Ontario — A back-and-forth has begun over whether building code protocols were followed in the wake of Thursday’s tornado in southeast Barrie. Greg Kopp a professor at the University of Western Ontario, maintains there would have been less damage in Barrie had the building code been followed. Kopp told Barrie 360 some of the roofs weren’t attached properly to the walls. …“Suggestions that the homes in Barrie affected by Thursday’s tornado did not follow code casts are misleading,” the city said. …“It is unreasonable to expect a roof to resist tornado strength winds and resulting forces when they are not required to be designed for that. Some of the winds were strong enough to lift and move the entire weight of a house,” the city added.

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B.C. forest fuel load becoming priority after decades of warnings

By Tom Fletcher
BC Local News in the Nelson Star
July 26, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Years before the back-to-back record B.C. forest fire seasons of 2017 and 2018, the provincial government was on record as identifying a half century of forest fire suppression and the resulting forest fuel accumulation as a key to more volatile wildfires. The 2003 Okanagan Mountain fire near Kelowna prompted the first modern-day reappraisal of forest fire prevention. …Local politics is one impediment to changing an aggressive timber protection that started in the late 1940s. Prescribed burns in spring produce heavy smoke, and for decades logging restrictions focused on preserving “view corridors” along highways and around communities, accumulating fuel in the highest-risk locations. In the latest revamp of forest policy, Premier Horgan and Forests Minister Conroy have committed to more use of prescribed burning to reduce fuel load, citing Indigenous forest burn practices that cleaned out underbrush to make forests passable for migration and hunting.

Additional coverage in the Sunshine Coast Reporter, by Stefan Labbé: B.C. forests are ‘bonfires waiting to go off’ — are more fires the solution?

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B.C.’s rare inland rainforest at risk of collapse, international scientists warn in new study

By Sarah Cox
The Narwhal
July 23, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Dr. Dominick DellaSala

Ecosystem collapse in B.C.’s rare inland temperate rainforest is imminent in nine to 18 years if logging rates continue at current levels, according to a new study by Canadian and American scientists that classifies the old-growth forest as “critically endangered.”   “Within a decade or two we could really be facing a major extinction event in the inland temperate rainforest,” Darwyn Coxson, one of the study’s nine authors, told The Narwhal.   “We usually think of things like that happening far away, in the tropical rainforest or in a coral reef — ecosystems far removed from British Columbia,” said Coxson, a professor in the ecosystem science and management program at the University of Northern B.C.  “But this is happening in the inland temperate rainforest … I hate to use the word alarming but the scientific findings are really quite unequivocal. We have 20 years of science leading to this conclusion.”

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Scientists fear for wildlife in Ontario’s boreal forest as wildfires get more frequent and intense

By Logan Turner
CBC News
July 25, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

As wildfires continue to burn through northern Ontario’s great expanse of boreal forest, smothering the deep greens and blues of the land, experts are keeping an eye on the hundreds of animal species living within. Although the 2021 fire season has already been one of the worst in the past decade, this year’s fires aren’t the most worrying — it’s those yet to come. “Animals are adapted to wildfire. Some animals head to the water and others escape ahead of the fire,” said Connie O’Connor, director of the Ontario Northern Boreal Program for the Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada. But as summers in northwestern Ontario become warmer and drier, fires are becoming more frequent, larger, hotter and more intense. “My fear is… the stage where it is too much for animals’ natural adaptations to fire to handle.”

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Northwestern Ontario NDP MPPs call on Ford to declare state of emergency over forest fires

July 22, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Northwestern Ontario NDP Members of Provincial Parliament are calling on Premier Doug Ford to declare a state of emergency over the forest fires burning in the region… [They] also requested more resources to help fight the fires, more than 160 of which were burning in northwestern Ontario on Thursday…  In an interview with CBC News, MP Monteith-Farrell said the provincial government needs to take the fires in the region “more seriously.” “We need more resources,” she said. “We need more resources on the ground, in the air. We need assistance with the people that are being evacuated. And a state of emergency allows for resources to be flown a lot quicker. And it also brings attention to the fact that this is a crisis.”

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A Rewarding Evaluation and Coaching Service for Forestry Contractors

July 22, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Today’s forestry contractors have access to a wealth of tools and data to help them manage their operations and improve their financial performance. However, it’s not always easy to understand and use all the information available. Building on its expertise in harvest diagnostics, FPInnovations has developed a new service called “Evaluation and Coaching” for forestry contractors. Over the past year, four Quebec entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this service and benefited from FPInnovations’ expertise. The method begins with identification of a specific aspect of their operations that forestry contractors would like to improve. An initial on-site meeting is then organized to observe operations and identify the performance indicators that will be measured during the project. An action plan is developed that identifies the targets and means to reach them. Regular meetings make it possible to take stock, confirm progress and provide advice on how to achieve the targets.

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Record lumber prices are cooling without ever reaching New Brunswick timberland owners

By Robert Jones
CBC News
July 23, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

When North American lumber prices hit a record $2,050 per thousand board feet on May 7, about $100 of that was going to New Brunswick landowners who were selling sawlog quality trees into the market. It’s a fact that still irks Linda Bell. …”This is something landowners waited for for years, to try and get a good price, and it just didn’t happen. These increases for lumber never filtered down through to landowners at all.” …According to Statistics Canada, New Brunswick sawmills and wood preservation operations set a manufacturing sales record for treated and untreated lumber in May of $199.8 million.  It’s double the sales of any previous May and the third month in a row lumber producers in the province have set new sales records. 

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Investing in Canada’s Plan to Plant Two Billion Trees

Natural Resources Canada
Cision Newswire
July 20, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

MILTON, ON – There is no path to net-zero emissions that does not involve Canada’s forests. Planting trees… removes and stores carbon and provides spaces for recreational opportunities. Adam van Koeverden, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth and to the Minister of Canadian Heritage (Sport) and Member of Parliament for Milton, announced $190,403 to Conservation Halton in support of the Government of Canada’s plan to plant two billion trees over 10 years. Conservation Halton will plant 50,000 trees at 36 sites across the region. This project will support planned restoration projects in ecosystems such as wetlands, creeks, former farmland, and forested areas and will provide increased regional biodiversity, resilient communities, and the creation of green jobs. …The Two Billion Trees program represents a 40-percent increase in the number of trees we typically plant over a decade and will see trees planted in both urban and rural areas across the country.

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Restrictions On Ontario Forest Industry Implemented

By Mike Ebbeling
CKDR News, Dryden
July 19, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO —  The government is taking additional measures to protect public safety and reduce the likelihood of human-caused fires in Northwestern Ontario. Restrictions are now in place on higher-risk forestry operations that have the potential to cause sparks and ignite fires. That includes blasting, the use of mechanized power equipment and power saws for harvesting or processing wood, and all hot works such as welding, torching and grinding. Minister of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry Greg Rickford says they didn’t take this action lightly and appreciate industry partners coming together to protect public safety. The restrictions are in place until further notice. [END]

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What Should a Dean of Forestry Say about Old-Growth Logging?

The Tyee
July 16, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

John Innes

Michael Paul Nelson

On July 2, as the protests in Fairy Creek escalated, UBC dean of forestry John Innes posted a “personal message.” He’d faced criticism from some for not demanding a stop to old-growth logging in the province, he said, and criticism from others for not condemning the protesters. Innes therefore wanted to publicly share his views about a “situation” which “is a lot more complex than most people suppose.” This week The Tyee received an alternative to the message from Innes, submitted by Michael Paul Nelson, professor of environmental ethics and philosophy at Oregon State University. Nelson, who said he had applied for the same job that Innes now holds, calls for a “paradigm shift” in forestry. We publish both pieces here.

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Health & Safety

EACOM welcomes a mobile vaccination clinic for its employees, families and contractors in Nairn Centre

By Jean Brodeur
EACOM Timber Corporation
July 27, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nairn Centre –Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ mobile clinic will be present at EACOM’s Nairn Centre sawmill to offer COVID-19 vaccination to employees, their families and contractors. The operation aims to facilitate access to the vaccine for those who didn’t have the opportunity to attend a regular vaccination clinic. “Protecting our employees and the community has always been a priority for us. …offering them an easy access to vaccination was the logical next step to accelerate the return to a new normalcy” explains Éric Larouche, Vice-President of Human Resources at EACOM. Earlier this year, EACOM Timber Corporation announced the rollout of an incentive program to thank employees and contractors who get vaccinated with the objective of reaching the 85 percent vaccination rate among the staff. EACOM does all it can to encourage its employees and contractors, whether it’s a $350 bonus from the COVID-19 Vaccination Thank-You Program or welcoming mobile clinics.

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More air quality alerts issued as smoke, over 140 forest fires plague northwestern Ontario

CBC News
July 26, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Air quality statements to more northwestern Ontario communities have been issued by Environment Canada as they deal with smoke and poor visibility due to over 140 forest fires burning Monday in the region as well as in Manitoba. The statements affect the Geraldton, Manitouwadge, Hornepayne, Nipigon, Marathon, Pickle Lake, Red Lake, Ear Falls, Pikangikum, and Sioux Lookout areas. “Smoke plumes from active fires in northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba will continue, resulting in poor air quality,” Environment Canada said. “Low visibilities can also be expected, particularly in areas closer to the fires.” …In a joint statement Monday morning, Minister Greg Rickford and Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said the province is “ready to provide all necessary additional support” to firefighting efforts in the region.

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Smoke from Ontario forest fires triggers air quality warning in south of province

By Gabby Rodrigues
Global News
July 26, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Environment Canada issued a special air quality statement for a portion of southern Ontario after forest fires in northwestern Ontario led to high levels of air pollution. The weather agency said the smoke from the forest fires is causing poor air quality and reduced visibility. The areas under the special air quality statement include Hamilton through Toronto to Ottawa and as far north as Barrie, Grey Bruce and Algonquin. “Smoke is expected or occurring,”  Environment Canada said, adding that smoke plumes may move over southern Ontario. “Air quality may deteriorate if the smoke descends to ground level.” …“Wildfire smoke is a constantly changing mixture of particles and gases which includes many chemicals that can be harmful to your health.

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Is your emergency kit packed?

By Jordan Rivers
Kenora Online
July 20, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

It’s recommended that Canadians have a 72-hour emergency kit ready in case of evacuation, threatening weather, and power outages. The hot, dry conditions have led to an unusually bad forest fire season, resulting in the evacuation of several First Nation communities and threatening the communities of Red Lake and Madsen. From Safe Communities Kenora, Maria Bagdonas says region residents need to have their kits ready so they can evacuate at a moment’s notice. “Take the time before an emergency is imminent and get together the things that you want to take with you,” said Bagdonas. “Put them in a convenient place so it’s just a matter of when the [evacuation] order comes in, it’s grab and go.” Some of the items that should be in your emergency kit include; Water and snacks, Important documents, like a passport, Cash, Portable radio and batteries and, Medication. And make sure your car is evacuation-ready.

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Special air quality statement issued for Toronto, southern Ontario due to wildfire smoke

By Ryan Rocca
Global News
July 19, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Environment Canada has issued a special air quality statement for all of southern Ontario due to smoke from forest fires in northwestern areas of the province. The weather agency issued the alert Monday evening, which said that the smoke is causing poor air quality and reduced visibility. “Elevated particulate matter levels and hazy conditions have been reported at several stations,” the statement said. “Reduced visibilities and deteriorating air quality are possible if the smoke descends to ground level.” Officials said people should consider taking precautions to reduce exposure to the wildfire smoke as it’s “a constantly-changing mixture of particles and gases,” which could be harmful. …A special air quality statement has also been issued for some northern Ontario regions.

Additional coverage in Ottawa Citizen: Air quality statement issued for Ottawa area; those exposed warned to take precautions


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Forest firefighter dies after medical emergency in northwestern Ontario

CBC News
July 18, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

A forest firefighter has died in northwestern Ontario after a medical emergency that occurred last week in the Fort Frances, Ont., area, the province’s Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) agency said. …the agency and the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry are “deeply saddened” by the firefighter’s death. The deceased, who has not been identified, was a contract firefighter who died in hospital following a medical issue that occurred on July 15, while he was helping respond to wildfires burning in the Fort Frances district, Marchand said. …As of Sunday morning, there were more than 100 forest fires burning in northwestern Ontario, according to the province’s interactive forest fire map. …A restricted fire zone remains in effect for the Kenora, Fort Frances, Dryden and Thunder Bay districts, as well as portions of the Sioux Lookout, Red Lake and Nipigon districts. No outdoor burning is allowed in those areas.

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Dryden hospital declares Code Grey due to forest fire smoke

Thunder Bay News Watch
July 14, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

DRYDEN — Smoke from forest fires in Northwestern Ontario has prompted the hospital in Dryden to take measures to minimize the amount of outside air entering the building. Dryden Regional Health Centre has called a Code Grey – Partial Air Exclusion. The hospital says this means closing air intakes, windows and door openings, and minimizing entry and exit from the hospital as much as possible. …The Dryden Area Family Health Team is also advising local residents to stay inside, keep outside air out of their homes by closing windows and doors, and set air conditioners to the recirculation setting. When riding in vehicles, they said windows and vents should be kept closed, and the A/C setting should also be left at recirculation.

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Forest Fires

Ignition fire next step in attempt to control Trozzo Creek wildfire

By Timothy Schafer
The Nelson Daily
July 27, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada West, Canada East

In order to contain and diminish the wildfire burning northeast of Winlaw another fire will be set.  The BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) will be setting a 50-hectare ignition fire to remove unburned fuel in the path of the Trozzo Creek wildfire, the Southeast Fire Centre announced in a communication Tuesday morning.  The fire will be set at the five km. mark on the Trozzo Forest Service Road, likely adding more smoke to the skies from Winlaw to Slocan, and drifting into Nelson.  The centre could not confirm the precise date of the start of the ignition since it will depend on weather and site conditions.  …Hand torches will be used to carry out the planned ignition on the site — which is reportedly contained by a machine guard, retardant line and the forest service road itself. 

Read Full Story Here

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Ontario government provides update on forest fires across the province

By Jay D. Haughton
Kenora Online
July 26, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

High temperatures associated with below-average amounts of precipitation have led to the continuation of many large wildland forest fires across Northwestern Ontario. As of an update yesterday 140 active forest fires are burning in the Northwest Region of the province. In Ontario this year there have been a total of 902 fires to date and a total of 520,134 hectares that have been affected by forest fires which is double the 10-year-average. The Kenora area has only seen 63 millimetres of rain which is well below the monthly average of 103.4 millimetres. …The many large forest fires across the region have forced over 3,000 people through complete evacuations of the Poplar Hill and Deer Lake First Nation communities, and the evacuation of vulnerable residents of Pikangikum, North Spirit Lake, and Cat Lake First Nation communities. 

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Ten new fires discovered

By Jay D Haughton
July 24, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Ten new fires were discovered in the northwest region by the early evening of July 24, 2021, according to Aviation, Forest Fire, and Emergency Services.  At the time of this update, there were 137 active fires in the northwest region. 44 fires were not under control, 8 fires were being held, 26 fires were under control and 59 fires were being monitored.  The wildland fire hazard is high to extreme in the western portions of the region as well as an area of far north Nipigon district and low to moderate in the eastern portions of the region.

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Smoke advisory still in place for Timmins and area

By Maija Hoggett
Timmins Today
July 19, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Smoke from forest fires in northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba is still affecting the air quality in Timmins and area. A special air quality statement remains in effect for Timmins, Cochrane and Iroquois Falls. It is due to the “high levels of air pollution” from ongoing forest fires. “Smoke plumes from active fires in northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba will affect the area resulting in deteriorated air quality across much of northern Ontario,” reads the Environment Canada advisory. “Conditions are expected to improve tonight or Tuesday morning as winds shift to a more northerly direction with the passage of a cold front.” As of yesterday afternoon, there were 101 active fires in northwestern Ontario.

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Drone blocks water bomber from fighting wildfire in Manitoba’s Whiteshell Provincal Park

By Marina von Stackelberg
CBC News
July 19, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

A water bomber trying to put out a forest fire in eastern Manitoba had to turn back after someone flew a drone in its way, according to the province. It happened on Saturday as the plane was en route to douse the flames of a fire in Whiteshell Provincial Park near the Ontario border. The water bomber was flying over the south shore of West Hawk Lake when a drone got in the way of its flight path. The water bomber had to turn back, leaving the firefighters on the ground in jeopardy. …Most of Manitoba remains under a fire ban including Winnipeg. …additional restrictions will be in place for an area near the Ontario border. A full travel ban will kick in for the Wildfire Service’s Area 4… The province says there will be no access to cottages, and permanent residents must be ready to leave on an hour’s notice.

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Mexico sending 100+ firefighters to Northwestern Ontario

By Jordan Rivers
Kenora Online
July 16, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Mexico is sending more than 100 firefighters and support staff to help Ontario in its fight against several large forest fires in the Northwest. The Mexican fire crews will be briefed on fire, safety and COVID-19 protocols before receiving their fire assignments. The firefighters will be required to follow the health and safety guidelines recommended by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, such as physical distancing, frequent hand washing, and daily self-assessments. The Mexican fire crews will also remain in their own cohort. …The forest fire hazard remains high to extreme across the region as the hot, dry conditions continue. As of July 15, there are 94 active fires in the region. Thirty-two fires are not under control, seven fires are being held, 25 fires are under control and 30 fires are being observed.

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Twenty-nine new forest fires detected in Northwest Region

By Leith Dunick
The Thunder Bay News Watch
July 15, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY – Twenty-nine new forest fires were discovered in the Northwest Region by late afternoon on Wednesday. There are currently 97 fires active in the region. Four of the new fires were found in the Thunder Bay sector, according to a release issued by Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services. Of those fires, Thunder Bay 73, at 0.1 hectares and located near Pearl, is listed as not under control. A dozen of the new fires were found in the Kenora sector, including a cluster of four 37 kilometres west of Perrault Falls. Three more are located north of Kakagi Lake, some 84 kilometres southeast of Kenora. …As a result of all the fire activity, a restricted fire zone has been put in place across Northwestern Ontario.

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Nova Scotia Sending Wildfire Crews to Help Provinces Battling Fires

The Government of Nova Scotia
July 15, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nova Scotia has answered the call to help fight wildfires in Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia. Twenty-three Department of Lands and Forestry wildland firefighters and one agency representative will fight alongside other crews to gain control of forest fires that are currently burning out of control. They will leave Halifax on Friday, July 16, and join other Atlantic Canadian firefighters to form two 17-person crews headed to Thunder Bay, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man. Nova Scotia also sent one fire investigator to British Columbia last week. Current fire conditions in Nova Scotia allow for resources to be shared. The Department of Lands and Forestry will ensure proper firefighting resources are maintained within the province.

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Emergency Area Order in effect for Northwestern Ontario

By Jay D Haughton
Kenora Online
July 14, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

High temperatures, little precipitation, and many thunderstorms have caused many multiple large forest fires across Northwestern Ontario. The extreme fire hazard and increased forest fire activity, have led the ministry to issue an Emergency Area Order across Northwestern Ontario. This order is in effect to allow the ministry to take special measures to ensure the safety of people and the protection of critical property. The Restricted Fire Zone is still in effect for the Northwest and the ministry asks residents to avoid having outdoor fires, which includes burning of grass, debris, and campfires, even when using an outdoor fire grate, fireplace, or fire pit. These restrictions are in place to reduce the number of preventable human-caused fires and lower the risk of wildfires impacting the public. Portable gas stoves may still be used BUT must be handled with extreme care. …Eighteen new fires were confirmed in the northwest region by late afternoon yesterday.

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Ontario issues emergency order to help deal with northern wildfires

Canadian Press in City News Toronto
July 14, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Ontario has issued an emergency order for the province’s northwest to allow it to better respond to growing wildfires in the region. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says the order means the province can close roads and restrict access to certain areas as needed to fight the fires. It says high temperatures, dry conditions and frequent thunderstorms are contributing to multiple large forest fires in the region. The government says there are currently over 70 forest fires burning across northwestern Ontario. …Natural Resources and Forestry Minister Greg Rickford says the government is doing everything it can to protect communities in the area. “Public safety is our first priority, and we will continue to provide all support necessary to protect the health and well-being of those impacted by wildfires,” he said.

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Nine new forest fires in Northwestern Ontario

TB Newswatch
July 13, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

DRYDEN — Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry firefighters are battling 69 active fires in Northwestern Ontario, including 19 that are not under control.  The total includes nine new fires discovered by late afternoon on Monday.  Among the new outbreaks, the largest was a 35-hectare blaze near Sharpstone Lake, about 140 km northwest of Red Lake.  An MNRF report highlighted the status of several fires of note.  These include Red Lake # 65, which has burned over 4,000 hectares about 16 km southwest of Poplar Hill First Nation.  The ministry said the fire is exhibiting extreme fire behaviour.  …Red Lake # 51, 27 km west of Deer Lake First Nation, is being observed at 36,000 hectares.  …Residents of Deer Lake have been taken to Thunder Bay, and a number of residents of Pikangikum have also reportedly left their community as a precaution.

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Forest fire evacuees from Deer Lake First Nation to arrive in Thunder Bay today

CBC News
July 12, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Some residents of Deer Lake First Nation are due to arrive in Thunder Bay, Ont., this afternoon after they were forced from their homes due to forest fires. …More than 60 forest fires were burning in northwestern Ontario on Monday. The provincial Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) agency said the Red Lake 51 fire is burning about 27 kilometres west of Deer Lake. it’s being observed, and was listed at more than 27,000 hectares in size. The city is also hosting evacuees from Poplar Hill First Nation, which is also being evacuated. …Thunder Bay Mayor Bill Mauro said the city is able to accommodate the 400 evacuees from the two communities. “My questions are always to the chief of police, the chief of the paramedics and the chief of fire, ensuring that we have the capacity to manage the situation,” Mauro said. “All three told me that they do.”

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It’s so dry: Rickford on the Northwestern Ontario forest fire situation

By Jay Haughton
Kenora Online
July 12, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Greg Rickford

Northwestern Ontario has been faced with the task of fighting over 60 forest fires across the region. Thunder and lightning storms recently have caused more fires to start. The fires are the result of a hot and dry summer as of late and little precipitation in the area. Most recently the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has extended the Restricted Fire Zone that was issued on June 30, 2021, to Thunder Bay and portions of the Nipigon and Wawa districts. …The Red Lake 65 fire southwest of the Poplar Hill First Nation has forced members to evacuated. The fire is labeled as not under control at 4,012 hectares and crews are setting up sprinklers on structures in the vicinity of the fire. The City of Thunder Bay will be hosting 800 community members from the First Nation. Another notable forest fire in the area is the 27, 549 hectares Red Lake 51 fire.

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Nishnawbe Aski Nation calls for state of emergency as forest fires threaten Indigenous communities

CBC News
July 13, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) is calling on the province to declare a state of emergency to enable it to fully support northern Ontario Indigenous communities threatened by forest fires. In a media release issued Monday night, NAN Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler said “if fire conditions and behaviour continue on current course the potential for full scale evacuations of several communities is a reality. This is quickly becoming a NAN-wide emergency and requires an immediate, coordinated response.” Evacuations of the communities of Deer Lake and Poplar Hill have been taking place in recent days, with members being hosted in other Ontario communities, including Thunder Bay. …NAN said a provincial emergency declaration would allow full support for Indigenous community evacuations, including the use of aircraft, watercraft, and temporary accommodation in other communities.

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