Region Archives: Canada East

Business & Politics

JP Gladu to lead transition at Indigenous Resource Network

Timmins Today
June 13, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

JP Gladu

JP Gladu has been tapped to lead the Indigenous Resource Network (IRN) in its shift from a volunteer-led group to a professional organization. Gladu, who hails from Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sand Point First Nation) in northwestern Ontario, will serve as the group’s acting executive director, assisting with the search for a permanent leader. …IRN board chair Arnie Bellis said… “We remain committed… to growing opportunities for Indigenous participation in the resource sector. “With his background in forestry, mining, and oil and gas, JP is the perfect person to lead these efforts.” The Indigenous Resource Network was launched in 2020 as a platform for Indigenous workers, business owners and leaders who support Indigenous engagement in the resource sector.

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Resolute Announces $1/share Special Dividend and $50 million in Lumber Investments

Resolute Forest Products Inc.
June 10, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

MONTRÉAL – Resolute Forest Products Inc. declared a special cash dividend of $1.00 per share of common stock, payable on July 7 for holders of record at the close of business on June 28. The company also announced additional capital investments of $50 million in its wood products operations…, and it confirmed the repayment of all amounts outstanding under its revolving and term credit facilities… The additional $50 million in wood products investments include: $22 million to modernize equipment at the Senneterre (Quebec) sawmill, which will enhance overall efficiency and productivity of the Abitibi regional operations; $13 million at the Thunder Bay / Fort William First Nation (Ontario) sawmill to increase capacity by up to 40 million board feet with new equipment and modifications to the fiber flow; and $15 million at the Glenwood (Arkansas) and Cross City (Florida) sawmills to support fiber optimization and overall efficiency. The Cross City investment will also increase capacity by up to 20 million board feet.

Additional coverage in Thunder Bay Newswatch: $13 million upgrade announced for Resolute Thunder Bay sawmill

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Resolute Forest Is Spending $50 Million to Expand Lumber Output

By Marcy Nicholson
BNN Markets
June 10, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Resolute Forest Products is spending $50 million to grow its lumber production after a U.S. housing boom sent demand soaring and lifted prices to record highs. The company is expanding capacity at sawmills in Ontario and Florida, it said Thursday. The funds will also go to modernizing equipment at a facility in Quebec and improving efficiency at one in Arkansas. …Resolute Forest’s projects are expected to be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2022. The company raised its 2021 capital investments guidance to $125 million from $100 million. Hamir Patel, an analyst at CIBC, said that Resolute’s chief executive officer “indicated the company has passed on sawmill acquisition opportunities” in the U.S. South this year.

More coverage from the Canadian Press: Resolute to pay special dividend, spend and cut debt

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World’s biggest biofuel producer to build refinery in Quebec to make diesel out of forestry waste

By Robert Tuttle and Kim Chipman
Bloomberg News in the Financial Post
June 7, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The world’s biggest biofuel producer is looking to convert everything from tree limbs to landfill garbage into fuel for motor vehicles and planes as demand surges for low-carbon fuel sources. In Quebec, Neste Oyj aims to build a refinery that would use forestry waste such as treetops and branches to produce renewable diesel, Jeremy Baines, president of the Finnish company’s North American operations, said. The search for additional feedstocks comes as demand strains availability of traditional biofuel ingredients like soy oil, contributing to food inflation and destruction of forests to plant crops. More fossil-fuel companies are entering the market, and U.S. production capacity for renewable diesel is expected to jump almost sixfold by the end of 2024, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Neste said it isn’t worried about heightened competition for raw materials.

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New Brunswick holds firm on royalty rates on Crown timber as Alberta, B.C. raise rates again

By Robert James
CBC News
June 3, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Timber royalties being charged to lumber companies in a number of provinces continue to rise in reaction to elevated prices for lumber, but the New Brunswick government is not budging yet from its decision to keep its royalty rates frozen at levels set six years ago… On Tuesday, Alberta raised its fees on Crown softwood logs for large users to a record $166.63 per cubic metre, the sixth increase this year. The fees are more than five times the $31.09 New Brunswick is charging companies…, a rate numerous critics have challenged as a gift to industry given high prices the lumber the logs are made into are attracting. Rick Doucett is president of the New Brunswick federation of woodlot owners and says it is not clear to him why the province is not making as much as it could from the wood it owns to fund services as other provinces are.

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Sawmill request denied for Whitehead Road

By Ryan Forbes
Kenora Online
May 28, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Councillors with the City of Kenora have denied a request from the community to build a sawmill on Whitehead Road, just off of Highway 17 East, due to the location.  The Application for Temporary Use bylaw asked the city to permit a 25-acre portion of the property to be used for the processing of products from raw sawmill materials, as well as the outdoor storage of these products for a three-year period.  The applicant notes it’s been difficult finding a properly zoned property with access to three-phase power and the highway, and they have made arrangements with the property owners to operate the small, portable sawmill operation.  The remainder of the property is mostly a scrap yard with four residential properties nearby.   Ultimately on May 18, councillors voted against and defeated the motion.

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EACOM Reacts To High Lumber Prices

By Tim Davidson
May 31, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Forest companies seem to be philosophical about high lumber prices. Biliana Necheva is a spokesperson for EACOM says because lumber is a commodity there are large swings in prices. “It’s a very cyclical industry,” explains Necheva. “2019 was a rough year for us and the start of 2020, especially the start of the pandemic, did not look very rosy at all. Some mills had to shut down. Fortunately, no Eacom mills had to shut down.” Necheva adds they are planning to put their profits to good use. “What we are doing in the meantime is investing in our people and facilities to make sure we’re ready for the next downturn.” Necheva says at some point the price of lumber will go down again, so they have to be prepared for that eventuality. EACOM owns the sawmill in Ear Falls. [END]

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Ontario Forest Industries Association Statement on the U.S. Department of Commerce Doubling Softwood Lumber Tariffs

Ontario Forest Industries Association
May 27, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Toronto, Ontario – The Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) President and CEO, Ian Dunn, issued the following statement in response to the United States Department of Commerce’s decision on new countervailing and anti-dumping duty rates. These new rates will effectively double Canadian softwood lumber tariffs from 9% to 18.32% later this year, with rates for some mills in Ontario and Quebec as high as 30%. “…Taking this action will serve as another blow to the American consumer. …The Central Canadian softwood lumber industry, representing Quebec and Ontario, has been unwavering in supporting free, unencumbered access to the U.S. marketplace. Ontario’s forest industry is not subsidized, and we will continue to defend the sector against these unjust trade actions. …We encourage the United States to live up to its international obligations. The Biden Administration should respect the rule of law and trade frameworks to do what is best for American households.”

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Proposed U.S. lumber duties provokes cautious response in New Brunswick

By Robert Jones
CBC News
May 26, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Blaine Higgs

A new round of  punitive U.S. duties being considered for lumber imported from Canada, is generating a mild response from New Brunswick so far, with industry saying little and the province taking four full days to carefully fashion its own position.  “As the U.S. consistently relies on Canadian lumber, including from New Brunswick, to meet its domestic demand for building materials, a rise in duties on softwood lumber products originating from Canada penalizes the American people,” said a statement released by Premier Blaine Higgs late Tuesday.  “It comes at a time of unprecedentedly high lumber prices, when both countries should focus on finding a resolution to this long-standing trade issue in order to further aid economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”  …On a per capita basis lumber production in the province is three times the Canadian average, making the issue especially important here.

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New Brunswick lumber company sales during record price surge pass $1B

By Robert Jones
CBC News
May 19, 2021
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

New Brunswick lumber companies rode escalating prices to another income record in March — but it’s not all good news in the province’s forest industry, as discontent over the price being paid for New Brunswick trees that lumber is made from continues to grow.  “It’s very frustrating,” said Linda Bell, who represents private sellers of wood in Carleton and Victoria counties. “It’s absolutely ridiculous as far as I’m concerned.”  Records compiled by Statistics Canada show sawmills and wood treatment facilities in New Brunswick earned $173.9 million on the production of lumber products in March, obliterating a 19-year-old earnings record for the month by more than $80 million.   It also pushed the value of production of treated and untreated lumber in New Brunswick over $1 billion in just eight lucrative months stretching back to last August. That is $463 million higher than lumber operations, mostly sawmills, made during the same period one year earlier.

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Finance & Economics

Unprecedented lumber situation part of perfect storm of factors

By Darren Lum
Minden Times
May 26, 2021
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Rising lumber cost in North America have seen record setting prices and there are multiple aspects to it that need to be considered. …Malcolm Cockwell, the managing director of the Haliburton Forest’s forest product division… said the lumber industry is cyclical. “The sawmills need to ‘win’ sometimes. This is one of those times. …“While the big softwood sawmills are doing pretty well these days, not all of the extra margin is going to the sawmills or even to the retailers. There are also brokers, warehouses, railways, and truckers involved. My point is that a lot of people are benefiting from these high prices, and those benefits are being spread around the economy,” he wrote. …“The spike in prices is a reminder for many people as to how much we rely on reasonably-priced forest products in our daily lives, and that reasonably-priced lumber comes from well-managed forests and well-built manufacturing facilities. 

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Soaring lumber prices a boon for concrete homes in Atlantic Canada and across the country

By Aaron Beswick
The Saltwire Network
June 9, 2021
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Blake and Bruce Glass spend their days building foam block walls and pouring concrete. …Like other contractors who specialize in raising walls with insulated concrete forms surveyed by The Chronicle Herald, the Glass brothers are seeing a huge boom. With the benchmark price of a two by four, according to Natural Resources Canada, triple what it was a year ago, more people are turning to insulated concrete forms for framing. …In the past two years, the market for the forms alone in the Maritimes has grown from $3 million to $12 million. …Lain said that a decade ago, insulated concrete forms cost 20-25 per cent more than traditional stick-built construction. …“In a lot of cases we can even beat the price on traditional stick or steel frame.”

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Why can’t this massive wood pile in central Newfoundland be recycled?

By Garrett Barry
CBC News
June 1, 2021
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Central Newfoundland’s regional waste authority has begun burying thousands of tonnes of wood products at its dump, after years searching for ways to recycle the material. …It will be buried in a rock quarry, alongside an additional 20,000 tonnes that’s already on site. Roughly 4,000 more tonnes will be added to the pile each year. While that wood pile looks massive, there’s a problem: The waste management group says there’s not enough good product inside it to find another use. Edward Evans, head administrator at Central Newfoundland Waste Management, said, “unfortunately, the material has been stockpiled for in excess of 12 years now and a lot of material has gone to a sawdust or rotting down, broken down.” …Though the wood is being covered with about three feet of fill, Evans said it will still be accessible if market forces change or if someone shows an interest in processing some of the fibre.

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Forestry does not equal deforestation – and other lessons I’ve learned as a Canadian forester

By Lancey Rose, RPF, Renfrew County Forest
Wood Business – Canadian Forest Industries
June 15, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Lacey Rose

I am one of more than 230,000 Canadians making a living in the forest sector. I will admit, as a self-proclaimed tree-hugger growing up in a mining town in Labrador, this is not a path I saw for myself. Now, after more than 10 years as a Registered Professional Forester, I have learned a lot, including some things I would love to share with Canadians about how their forests are managed. I say “their forests” because over 90 per cent of Canada’s managed forest area is on public land. Trees grow back. We are legally and professionally required to ensure that managed forests successfully regenerate. …People who work in the woods care a lot about forests. …A managed forest is a healthy forest. We must realize that with human presence comes alteration of ecosystem processes. We put out fires to protect human values.

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Society crowdfunds to ‘buy’ old-growth forests

Times Colonist
June 9, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

An environmental non-profit is trying an alternative tactic to prevent old-growth logging in the wider area around the the Fairy Creek watershed, near Port Renfrew. The Canadian Orca Rescue Society is launching a fundraiser this week in an attempt to crowdfund enough money to match the revenue that logging old-growth would provide to the Teal-Jones Group, the Pacheedaht First Nation and the provincial government. “…  if there’s more money in leaving the trees standing, they’ll probably leave the trees standing,” said Eric Pittman, director of the Canadian Orca Rescue Society. Pittman said they don’t know how much money they’ll have to raise, but he estimates it at more than $10 million. The group has reached out … to ask how much they would need to protect a little under 3,000 hectares in the Fairy Creek area.

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Gros Morne National Park Vetoes Spruce Budworm Spray Control Program

By Jennifer Bain
The National Parks Traveler
June 10, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Parks Canada has decided that Gros Morne National Park won’t join an early intervention spraying program to control spruce budworm. “Spruce budworm is a native forest insect, and episodic outbreaks are a natural ecosystem process that leads to forest diversification and renewal but can also affect the forestry industry and domestic wood harvesters,” the park said. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador had asked Gros Morne to join an Early Intervention Strategy control program. It wanted to spray about 22 per cent of Gros Morne — 400 of its 1,805 square kilometres. Parks Canada determined that intervening “could impact the ecological integrity of its forest ecosystem” and said the “scientific review also found there is limited evidence to suggest that including Gros Morne in the program would be necessary.”

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The Ontario Government to invest millions into forestry industry training through Flemming College

By Trevor Smith-Millar
My Bancroft Now
June 7, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

John Yakabuski

The Ontario Government will put money towards training people to go into the forestry industry. The government is committing $5 million into training people at Flemming College in Haliburton and Algonquin College in Renfrew County. Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) John Yakabuski says it is part of the SkillsAdvance Ontario project through the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. The money will go towards connecting employers with the colleges to see where they need workers most, and then train workers in those areas to help fill the needs of employers. For the forestry industry, training will be provided for a variety of skills like mill and manufacturing operations, field skills, and heavy equipment training. …Yakabuski stressed that forestry jobs paid well, and wanted to bring more people to the industry. …While Yakabuski says the forestry industry is sustainable, no industry can be if it doesn’t have a workforce.

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Forests Ontario answers the call to meet goals of UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

By Peter Kenter on behalf of Forests Ontario
National Post
June 4, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration launches on June 5 — World Environment Day — to prevent, halt and reverse ecosystem degradation across the globe. Leading that charge at home is Forests Ontario, a not-for-profit charity focused on tree planting and forest education. …By rooting the right tree in the right place, Forests Ontario’s national tree-planting efforts ensure that the seedlings planted today grow into the thriving, diverse forests of tomorrow. With support from the government, corporate sponsors and individual donors, the organization has facilitated the planting of more than 34 million trees coast to coast. …“Forests Ontario feels extremely privileged to be working in partnership with the UN,” says Rob Keen of Forests Ontario, “…I welcome all Canadians to be a part of #GenerationRestoration by joining Forests Ontario in our mission to make our forests greener.”

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A new path for tree planting in Prince Edward Island

By Gary Schneider, Co-chair, Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island
The Saltwire Network
June 3, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

We hear a lot of talk lately about the loss of forests on Prince Edward Island and what to do about it. Tree planting will never be a substitute for forest conservation, but done wisely, it has a critical role to play in improving the diversity, value, and resiliency of our forests. The province has an incredible opportunity to not only increase forest cover but also create a legacy of healthy forests. Unfortunately, this will not happen if we just go back to putting in thousands of acres of conifer plantations. …There is a much better way to plant millions of trees without further degrading Island forests. The solution is to plant a mix of native tree species on the tens of thousands of acres of degraded woodland in the province.

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Forests Ontario to be Implementation Partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

By Forests Ontario
Cision Newswire
June 2, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

TORONTO – World Environment Day will mark the launch of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Not-for-profit charity Forests Ontario has been accepted as an official Restoration Implementation partner, one of only a handful of such partners in North America. Led by the UN’s Environment Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Decade commits to the protection, conservation, and revitalization of ecosystems worldwide. As a Restoration Implementation partner, Forests Ontario will strengthen restoration capacities and lead restoration efforts through its 50 Million Tree Program, Grassland Stewardship Initiative, Over-the-Counter tree sales program, and Forest Recovery Canada division. To date, Forests Ontario has facilitated the planting of more than 34 million trees across Canada.

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Port Hawkesbury Paper Certifies to New Forest Stewardship Council National Standard

By Port Hawkesbury Paper LP
June 1, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Port Hawkesbury Paper (PHP) has announced the successful transition of its Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) Maritime certification to the new FSC national standard for responsible forest management in Canada. The new national standard was developed to replace the four regional standards in Canada, which is considered more comprehensive and rigorous than the previous regional standards. …The Crown lands licensed to PHP under the Forest Utilization License Agreement with the province of Nova Scotia have been certified to the FSC Maritime Standard for Best Forestry Practices since 2008. The transition to the new national standard for Canada will not interrupt PHP’s commitment and maintenance of its FSC certification for responsible forest management. The national standard certification process is ongoing, and various sections of the standard will be audited annually within the transition period allowed by FSC Canada.

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Forest tech students from Algonquin College in Pembroke plant tens of thousands of trees in Algonquin Park, Nipissing Forest

Pembroke Observer News
May 31, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Twenty-three students in Algonquin College’s Forestry Technician Program recently planted 30,000 trees in Algonquin Park and the Nipissing Forest. The trees are a living memorial, each planted in memory of someone who recently passed away. The project was sponsored by the Ontario Woodlot Association, the Canadian Institute of Forestry, Friends of the Petawawa Research Forest, Nipissing Forest Management Inc. and the Algonquin Forestry Authority. The trees included white pine, red pine and white spruce seedlings. As a thank you to the students, a $5,000 donation was made to Algonquin College in support of the Forestry Technician program.

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Gypsy moth caterpillars ‘devastate’ trees in Hamilton, but city isn’t spraying

By Christine Rankin
CBC News
May 26, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Gypsy moth caterpillars are feasting on the leaves of trees in Hamilton, but city staff say they won’t be coming forward with recommendations on how to deal with the problem until 2022. Sam Scarlett, city manager of forestry and horticulture, said  that Hamilton is only doing ground-spraying for the invasive species in select locations this year, as well as burlap banding some trees. The city also doesn’t target private property. “This is really detrimental,” said Ward 11 councillor Brenda Johnson, noting that Glanbrook has been inundated with the pests. “It’s becoming almost epidemic.” Johnson said people are getting rashes from the amount of caterpillars dropping from the trees in their backyards. …An aerial application over woodlots requires permits from the Ministry of Transportation, Scarlett said, which take several months. He said people should report high infestations this year to the city, as staff collect data over the fall and winter.

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Province Provides Funding to Two Ontario Universities to Support Forestry Research

By Government of Ontario
Education News Canada
May 26, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Ontario has entered into collaborative research agreements with McMaster University and the University of Toronto to help promote healthy, resilient and sustainable forests while supporting the forest industry. A collaborative project with McMaster University will study the effects of a changing climate on forest growth, and a collaborative project with the University of Toronto will research the effect of the eastern spruce budworm in Ontario’s boreal forests. …”The research will not only further our understanding of environmental pressures on Ontario’s forests by harnessing leading technology, but also ensure Ontario’s forests remain healthy today and for future generations,” said John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. …A collaborative research agreement with Hamilton’s McMaster University, valued at $45,000 over three years …and A collaborative research agreement with the University of Toronto, valued at $56,000 over three years,

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University of Toronto Schools Takes First Place in Beloved Provincial Environmental Competition

By Forests Ontario
Cision Newswire
May 27, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Toronto – Forests Ontario is pleased to recognize University of Toronto Schools (Team C) as the reigning champion of the 2021 Ontario Envirothon, a unique environmentally-themed academic competition. Beating out 95 other high school students on 19 teams, the new Ontario Envirothon Champions won a cash prize of $250 per team member in recognition of their outstanding environmental knowledge and participation. Second place team Lakefield College School and third place University of Toronto Schools (Team B) were awarded $200and $150 per student, respectively. All prizes were generously provided by charitable foundation Maple Leaves Forever. …The Ontario Envirothon is designed to immerse students in hands-on learning and discovery. “Envirothon offers the next generation of environmental leaders a chance to explore education and career paths in the natural sciences,” explains Rob Keen, Registered Professional Forests and CEO of Forests Ontario.

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This Toronto park is home to the first of what will soon be two billion trees

By Olivia Little
May 26, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Toronto…is about to get a whole lot greener. Rouge National Urban Park, the largest urban park in North America …is getting 26,000 new trees this spring. The planting of these trees come as part of a wetland and riparian restoration project with Forests Ontario, Parks Canada, and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority  – and will be the first of many. There are plans for two billion more across Canada over the next decade with the 2 Billion Trees program that was announced back in 2019… Forests Ontario is also planting an eight-kilometre-long windbreak along a section of the park’s trail network through their 50 Million Tree Program, which is aiming to bring another 2.8 million trees to the province. …Most of the new trees are being hand planted, including 16,000 white cedars, while 5,000 seedlings will be put in the ground mechanically. Other trees will include white pine and white spruce.

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Forests tree-planting season in full swing across Southeast Ontario

By Todd Hambleton
The Standard-Freeholder
May 18, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

An estimated cumulative total of 34 million trees will have been planted across the province when this year’s season wraps up in a few weeks. And local efforts since 2008 across SDG have been a strong contributor to the Ontario goals. Those close to the program on May 12 confirmed some of the impressive numbers, including 70,000 trees currently being planted across SDG through Forests Ontario’s long-term and ongoing 50 Million Tree Program. The estimated total number of trees being planted in Ontario is 2.8 million – and it’s a time-sensitive effort. …Across eastern Ontario, at least, it’s been a very favourable tree planting season, which got underway in late April and will continue into June.

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Forestry Group Looking To Avoid Government Duplication

By Mike Ebbeling
CKDR 92.7 FM Dryden
May 16, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Derek Nighbor

The Forest Products Association of Canada says they have had a solid working relationship with both levels of senior government over the years. President and CEO Derek Nighbor says they would like to strengthen that partnership this year by addressing one key barrier. “Increasingly we’re seeing the federal government trying to get into regulatory duplication around water, and around conservation, and around carbon. So we’re really pleading with the federal government. Let’s work together with the provinces.” Nighbor adds, “It’s tough dealing with duplication, additional costs and uncertainty. But in a tough economy like this one, we really got to get the regulatory environment right. So let’s get away from the duplicate of stuff that’s adding uncertainty and costs onto business.” Nighbor says right now forest companies operating in northwestern Ontario primarily work on provincial lands and deal with the Ontario government on consultations and approvals. [END]

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

Rouge National Urban Park Home to First of Canada’s 2 Billion Trees

By Forests Ontario
Cision Newswire
May 17, 2021
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

Brynn Sissons

TORONTO – Forests Ontario, with Parks Canada and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), is planting the first trees to take root under the federal government’s 2 Billion Trees program. These trees are a first step towards a national planting target of two billion trees over the next decade. The 26,000 new trees being planted in 2021 by Forests Ontario and partners will help restore riparian buffers and wetlands, improve habitat connectivity, fix carbon, and enrich agricultural soils in Rouge National Urban Park – the largest urban park of its kind in North America. …Forests Ontario is also planting an eight-kilometre-long windbreak along a section of the park’s trail network through the organization’s 50 Million Tree Program (50 MTP). …”Forests Ontario’s efforts at Rouge National Urban Park in Spring 2021 demonstrate the versatility of the 50 MTP and the types of planting it supports,” said Rob Keen, RPF and CEO of Forests Ontario.

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Health & Safety

Emergency landing of helicopter involved in fighting forest fire under investigation

CBC News
June 9, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

The pilot of a helicopter involved in efforts to fight forest fires was injured when the aircraft went down near Nipigon earlier this week. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry confirmed a commercially operated helicopter contracted by the ministry was involved in the incident, when it attempted to make an emergency landing early Monday evening. A spokesperson with the Transportation Safety Board of Canada said the helicopter lost control at 900 metres, colliding with the ground just over 20 kilometres northeast of Nipigon. The pilot, who was the only person onboard, was rescued by a different helicopter. The nature of the injuries was not disclosed, but they were described as serious.

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Timmins sawmill back in operation after temporary shutdown

By Maija Hoggett
Northern Ontario Business
May 18, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

The Timmins sawmill is back up and running after a temporary closure. Last week, EACOM paused work at the sawmill after employees tested positive for COVID-19. An outbreak was reported at the site May 12. To date, there have been five confirmed cases, EACOM public relations senior advisor Biliana Necheva said. There have been no new cases since Friday. The sawmill is currently running one shift instead of the usual two.  “Employees at the planer and kiln have not been affected,” Necheva said. “Should things remain stable, (the Porcupine Health Unit) will declare the outbreak terminated by noon next Friday.” [END]

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Forest Fires

Crews battle Nipigon-area wildfires

The Thunder Bay News Watch
June 13, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — More than a dozen MNRF crews fighting fires northeast of Nipigon, with fire hazard low to moderate in most of region. Fire crews are mounting a significant response to a pair of forest fires located near Nipigon, while fire hazard was mainly low to moderate elsewhere across Northwestern Ontario, with only one new fire reported over Friday and Saturday. Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) was tracking 34 confirmed forest fires in its Northwest region as of Saturday evening. …The fires have prompted an implementation order from the ministry, restricting access to the areas unless authorized by a travel permit.

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Three significant forest fires burning north and east of Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay News Watch
June 9, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY — The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has released details of three significant fires burning in the District of Thunder Bay. Two are located in the Nipigon area. The MNRF says Nipigon 7 had burned about 480 hectares of forest as of late Tuesday. It’s located 45 kilometres northeast of Nipigon and is not under control. …Nipigon 8 is burning 40 kilometres northeast of Nipigon, and has burned 150 hectares.  …The third fire of concern is Thunder Bay 33, located in the Holinshead Lake area 140 kilometres north of Thunder Bay. It has burned 300 hectares. …There are currently 65 active fires across Northwestern Ontario, including 31 that are not under control. 

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Suppression efforts continue on large forest fires in Kenora area

CBC News
May 27, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Suppression efforts on four large forest fires burning in the Kenora and Red Lake areas continues, with two of the fires now classified as being held. Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) said Kenora 25, which is about 2,000 hectares, and Kenora 30, which is about 1,160 hectares, are not under control. Both fires are burning east of Kenora. However, Kenora 27, which is burning north of Kenora and is about 4,480 hectares, and Red Lake 10, which is burning in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park and is about 6,000 hectares, are both now classified as being held. Elsewhere in the region, Thunder Bay 8, which is 97 hectares and burning in Oliver Paipoonge, remains under control.

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4,400-hectare forest fire near Kenora now being held

CBC News
May 26, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY, Ontario — A large forest fire burning north of Kenora is now listed as being held, with FireRanger crews working to extinguish hotspots on the fire’s perimeter. Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) said there was minimal activity from Kenora 27 on Tuesday. Eleven FireRanger crews continue to work on the fire, and are establishing campsites and helipads in the area to help suppression efforts. The fire is one of a dozen burning in northwestern Ontario as of Wednesday morning. Two other fires continue to burn east of Kenora, AFFES said.

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Dozen forest fires burning in northwestern Ontario on Tuesday morning

CBC News
May 25, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

A dozen forest fires were burning in northwestern Ontario on Tuesday morning, with five of them listed as not under control.  The largest fires, none under control, were in the western part of the region: Red Lake 10, at about 6,000 hectares, burning inside Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, Kenora 27, at 4,480 hectares, located north of Kenora, Kenora 25, at 2,062 hectares, burning east of Kenora, Kenora 30, at 1,162 hectares, burning east of Kenora, and Sioux Lookout 3, at 3,427 hectares, burning near Lac Seul.  Thunder Bay 8, in Oliver Paipoonge and listed as under control, was 97 hectares as of Tuesday morning.

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Rainfall helps forest fire suppression efforts in northwestern Ontario

CBC News
May 21, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Recent rainfall in northwestern Ontario has helped FireRanger crews as they work to contain 19 fires in the region, including three that have led to road closures in the Kenora area. Kenora 25 and Kenora 30, which are 2,000 hectares and 1,300 hectares, respectively, continue to burn in the Willard Lake area, east of Kenora. Neither fire is under control, although Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services said the area received about 15 mm of rainfall Thursday night, and fire behaviour is “minimal.” Ten FireRanger crews are working on the fires, and sprinklers are being set up to protect nearby structures.

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Forest fire burning 25 kilometres northwest of Thunder Bay

CBC News
May 19, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

Fourteen new forest fires were reported in the northwest on Tuesday, including a 97-hectare fire burning 25 kilometres northwest of Thunder Bay. The provincial interactive fire map shows 20 fires still burning in the region as of Wednesday morning. The largest is Kenora 27, which was listed as being not under control and 2,600 hectares. That fire is burning 52 kilometres north of Kenora. The province’s Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services agency said the fire hazard is high to extreme across the region.

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Over a dozen forest fires burning in northwestern Ontario

CBC News
May 18, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

More than a dozen forest fires were burning in Ontario’s northwest on Tuesday morning, and several of them have been deemed under control.  The largest fire in the region is Kenora 26, at 150 hectares. It’s listed as not under control, and is burning just west of Hawk Lake. Two other small fires are also in the vicinity of Kenora 26.  Crews are also working on Fort Frances 5, which at 144 hectares is burning northwest of Quetico and is listed as being held.  Sioux Lookout 3 is not under control at 71.6 hectares, and burning about 44 kilometres northwest of Sioux Lookout, the province’s Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) agency said.  Six crews have been assigned to the fire, which “required aggressive initial attack with waterbombers and FireRanger crews.”   Dryden 30, meanwhile, which is 30 hectares and not under control, is burning near Adair Lake, southeast of Dryden.

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Ontario Ministry of Resources and Forestry reports new fires amid high hazard

The Thunder Bay News Watch
May 16, 2021
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

DRYDEN, Ontario – Three new forest fires were reported in Northwestern Ontario Saturday, as Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry warned of high to extreme fire hazard in southern parts of the region. The largest fire in the Northwest remained Fort Frances 5, located just south of Sturgeon Falls First Nation. First reported May 12, it stood at 144 hectares on Sunday and was listed as “being held” by the MNRF. …The ministry warned wildland fire hazard was considered extreme in the Fort Frances-Rainy River region, and remained high through much of the Northwest, including Thunder Bay.

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