Region Archives: Canada East

Business & Politics

JD Irving says New Brunswick economy will pay if electricity rate increase is improved

By Jim Irving, co-CEO, J.D. Irving Ltd.
The Telegraph-Journal
October 5, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

NEW BRUNSWICK — I would like to echo recent comments made by the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, who are sounding the alarm about the high price our economy will pay if NB Power’s increased rates for electricity are approved by the EUB. NB Power’s requested all-in increase of 15.3% for 2024 and 9.8% for 2025 threatens the competitiveness of all energy-intensive trade exposed employers based in New Brunswick, as well as putting a significant hardship on residential customers. It will mean our industrial rates will be, on average, 22% higher than the rest of Canada. This puts current and future jobs at risk. …We have invested millions of dollars into developing alternate energy sources and making our facilities as energy efficient as possible in an effort to offset the province’s high electricity costs. However, no business can absorb a 50% rate hike in a five-year period.

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Shutdown of Dryden’s mill ‘would be devastating:’ mayor

By Mike Stimpson
Fort Frances Times
October 3, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

DRYDEN – Some have called for the Dryden Fibre Canada mill to be shut down, but the city’s mayor says that would have severe economic repercussions for the local and regional economy. “If it was closed down now, that would be a significant blow to our community,” Mayor Jack Harrison said in an interview this week. Furthermore, he said, “it would really collapse the forest industry in the Dryden area – well, Northwest Ontario, because (of) the way our forest industry works.” The region’s forests supply inputs to Dryden’s pulp mill, a hardwood facility in Kenora and a sawmill in Ear Falls, he said. …Grassy Narrows (Asubpeeschoseewagong) First Nation have called for the Dryden mill’s closure as the community downstream from the mill continues to be beset by significant mercury contamination in their waterways and fish.

Additional coverage in the Toronto Metropolitan University School of Journalism news, by Dima Mironov: Indigenous Activists March for a Cleaner Grassy Narrows

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Truss company fire predicted to have ‘substantial impact’ on P.E.I. construction industry

By Stephen Brun
CBC News
October 3, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

A fire this week at one of P.E.I.’s major truss manufacturers will be felt in the province’s construction industry, says the head of an industry association. The blaze at Valley Truss and Metal in Kensington on Tuesday evening destroyed the company’s main manufacturing building. Valley Truss is one of the Island’s four manufacturers of engineered floor and roof trusses for use in construction projects. “Any time you take a major player out of the process, it certainly has a substantial impact,” said Sam Sanderson, the general manager of the Construction Association of P.E.I. …A spokesperson for the Prince Edward Island Fire Marshals Office told CBC News that the blaze at Valley Truss is still under investigation.

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Northern Ontario redevelopment company see promise with Michigan paper mill acquisition

By Ian Ross
The Soo Leader
October 2, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

A Northern Ontario brownfield redevelopment company has acquired another former paper mill property, this time in Michigan. Tillsonburg-based BMI Group announced it’s picked up the E.B. Eddy paper plant in Port Huron and is rebranding the 44-acre property as the Port Huron Multimodal Hub. The mill was shuttered by Domtar in 2020. …The property’s operating history as a paper mill dates back to 1888 In an Oct. 2 statement. The company said this is its seventh forest products mill acquisition. …BMI brands itself as a real estate development and revitalization firm specializing in adaptive reuse and repurposing of old industrial and commercial properties. The company has a raft properties across Ontario, including former Resolute paper mill sites and the former Norampac cardboard plant in Red Rock. …The Port Huron property will “undergo a comprehensive ‘Ready-Stating’ process” involving environmental remediation, selective demolition and redevelopment of some key spots on the property. 

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Supreme Court of Canada Dismisses appeal by JD Irving in labour fight

HR Law Canada
October 1, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The Supreme Court of Canada has dismissed an application by Sproule Lumber, a division of J.D. Irving Ltd., with costs to the respondent, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Canada (UFCW), Local 864. …Sproule Lumber had been appealing an earlier decision by the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, which had reinstated an arbitrator’s ruling in a labour dispute between the company and the union. The arbitrator ruled that the employer had breached the recognition provisions of the collective agreement by communicating directly with employees. Tensions escalated in the fall of 2020 as Sproule Lumber ceased scheduling meetings to discuss grievances and began to criticize union officials in communications sent directly to employees. One of the letters encouraged employees to inquire into the activities of the senior union representative and decide for themselves if his actions supported positive labour relations between the parties.

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Terrace Bay employment, retraining centre opens for laid off pulp mill workers

Northern Ontario Business
September 19, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — The province is contributing $280,000 into an “action centre” in Terrace Bay to help 330 workers, impacted by layoffs at the AV Terrace Bay pulp mill, find new employment. A news release said the former mill workers will get be connected with the services and training they’ll need to find new jobs. Parent company Aditya Birla Group shut down the mill in early January, issuing lay off notices to 400 workers. The centre, located on Selkirk Avenue, is run by the Township of Terrace Bay and will be open until next June 16. The centre will also provide skills upgrading through courses and workshops and offer job search assistance, such as interview skills training, resume building, and access to job postings. These customized resources will help affected workers prepare for more well-paying careers in the skilled trades.

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‘We want the mill to shut down,’ Grassy Narrows First Nation to Ontario

By Jon Thompson
Ricochet Media
September 17, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

When members of Asubpeeschoseewagong Anishinabek (Grassy Narrows First Nation) and their supporters arrive at Queen’s Park this week, they’ll be calling for the Dryden pulp and paper mill that’s been poisoning their water with neurotoxins for nearly 60 years to permanently close. “We want everybody to be compensated, we want the mill to shut down, and we don’t want no mining or logging in our territory,” says Chrissy Isaacs, lead organizer of the caravan. Isaacs has been a staple of the annual River Run demonstrations since they began in 2010. She is currently travelling Toronto from her community near Ontario’s western border to protest the downriver effects of methylmercury poisoning. …In May, scientific researchers released the revelation that sulphate and organic matter in the effluent that the mill is still releasing into the river is making methylmercury in the river system even worse, as opposed to diminishing over time as they were told.

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New Brunswick blocks details of cancelled airplane purchases used to fight the spruce budworm

By Jacques Poitras
CBC News
September 17, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The New Brunswick government has rejected recommendations from the province’s ombud to disclose secret information from a provincially owned company about cancelling a contract to buy new airplanes. Steven Hansen, CEO of Forest Protection, wrote in January 2023 to an assistant deputy minister and to Jason Limongelli, a J.D. Irving VP, that he was “disappointed” by something he had learned that morning from the Department of Natural Resources and Energy. What exactly disappointed him was redacted from emails obtained by CBC News. …Forest Protection, which is co-owned by the province and several large forestry companies, was established in 1952 to spray the province’s forests to fight spruce budworm. …Pelletier’s investigation noted that Forest Protection has been “treated as though it were a Crown corporation by the province” for decades… but the company doesn’t meet the definition of a “public body” under provincial law.

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Fate of B.C.’s forestry industry emerges as election issue

By Wolf Depner
North Island Gazette
September 11, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

As lumber sawmills continue to close across B.C., Premier David Eby said his government will look to connect existing tenures with new users as part of responding to those closures. …”… Those trees are valuable. We have skilled workers and we are going to find ways to reconnect those trees with the people who are creating jobs and preserving jobs in our province.” … “Without decisive intervention, the viability of this foundational industry is at risk,” Linda Coady, president and chief executive officer of the B.C. Council of Forest Industries. …She called on the provincial government to advance three priorities: increase the allowable annual cut to approximately 60 million cubic metres amidst concerns that it could be as low as 30 million cubic concerns, speed up new forest management methods to help create a reliable supply of timbre and advance new agreements with First Nations.

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Why will lower interest rates not fix the GTA’s housing crisis?

By Dave Wilkes, CEO of BILD
The Toronto Star
September 7, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

It is becoming increasingly clear that any return to a healthy market is not just a matter of waiting for interest rates to drop… Looking at the new home sales data from the first half of 2024, the winter months were characterized by a sluggish market and low sales. Buyers remained on the sidelines, anticipating a spring rebound driven by interest-rate relief. However, the anticipated market return never materialized… Looking ahead, the consequences of this slow period are unmistakable; the record-low sales figures from the past six months will inevitably lead to lower housing starts and reduced housing supply in the next few years, or, as we say, “starts will lag behind sales.”

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Remediation will follow environmental assessment at former Sturgeon Falls mill site

By David Briggs
September 10, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

STURGEON FALLS — Last week, West Nipissing received a FedNor grant of $50,000 to complete an environmental study on the former Weyerhaeuser Mill Site. This will be the second environmental study on the property – the first one has been completed – and Mayor Kathleen Rochon expects this one “will be underway this fall and winter.” “There will be core sampling done to test soils and look for any kind of concerns that we may need to address before we move forward with the next steps in getting the lands developed,” the mayor said. “We will move the project forward after that,” she added, “but we need to know exactly what we’re dealing with,” on the former industrial site. “We need to make it safe prior to development.” The municipality purchased the 27-acre parcel of land in 2020, 18 years after the mill closed.

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Environment ministry revoked penalties for Terrace Bay pulp mill

By Gary Rinne
Superior North News
September 4, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

TERRACE BAY, Ontario — The owner of the shuttered pulp mill at Terrace Bay is off the hook for nearly $100,000 in penalties because government bureaucrats made a mistake in charging the company for releasing contaminants. Details of the case came to light in a decision released last month by the Ontario Land Tribunal. On March 1, 2024, about two months after AV Terrace Bay idled its equipment, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) issued an order comprised of six penalties totalling $97,000. The order described six contraventions of provincial environmental regulations, and alleged that total reduced sulphur emissions into the air had exceeded prescribed limits. AV Terrace Bay filed an appeal with the Ontario Land Tribunal. …”The MECP concluded that the environmental penalties were not available for the discharges at issue and there was no legal authority for the EP order,” the tribunal noted.

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Blame Nova Scotia for billions Canada will pay in softwood lumber duties

By William Pellerin
The Globe and Mail
September 3, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The recent U.S. decision to increase softwood lumber duties to nearly 15% is a blow to Canada. …Since 2017, Canadian lumber producers have paid more than $9-billion in duties. Many Canadians would be surprised to learn that Nova Scotia bears a heavy portion of blame. …The province of Nova Scotia… invests considerable effort to produce the benchmark information that it then shares with the United States. …Few Canadians know that softwood lumber produced in Nova Scotia is exempt from the U.S. duties. When U.S. lumber producers petitioned the U.S. government for the duties, they presented data on Nova Scotia’s timber pricing to support their allegations that other Canadian provinces were subsidizing producers. While Nova Scotia has benefited from securing its exclusion from the U.S. duties, other Canadian provinces bear that heavy burden. …It sets a dangerous precedent where a Canadian province collaborates with a foreign government at the expense of other provinces. [to access the full story a Globe and Mail subscription is required]

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Sustainable Buildings Canada to Lead Major National & Provincial Sustainability Programs

By Sustainable Buildings Canada
Cision Newswire
October 1, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

TORONTO – Sustainable Buildings Canada announced its selection by Natural Resources Canada to lead two multi-year projects aimed at enhancing sustainability within Canada’s built environment. These projects focus on both new construction and existing affordable housing. For new construction, the Codes Acceleration Project will support Building Officials in accelerating the adoption of higher Tier Building Codes in several regions across the country. For existing affordable housing, SBC’s EnergySPRING program focuses on supporting Ontario’s Social Housing and Indigenous Communities undertake scalable, deep-energy retrofits within their low-rise multi-unit residential buildings. …SBC’s Executive Director Michael Singleton notes, “Codes Acceleration advances eco-system development, awareness, and capacity building on high-performance sustainable national building codes”. …Through a series of workshops, SBC will demonstrate practical, high-performance solutions that meet the higher Code Tier energy requirements.

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Canada and Nova Scotia Announce Major Investment in Wildfire Equipment and Enhance Wildfire Resilience

By Natural Resources Canada
Cision Newswire
October 2, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

HALIFAX, NS – With wildfires increasing in frequency and severity across Canada — impacting our health, economies, communities and wildlife — the Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia are supporting Canadians and Nova Scotians whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by wildfires. Today, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, with the Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables, announced a joint investment of nearly $30 million over five years under the Government of Canada’s Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program (FMWCC) – Equipment Fund and the Resilient Communities through FireSmart (RCF) Program. A joint investment of $25.6 million through the FMWCC – Equipment Fund is supporting Nova Scotia’s efforts to purchase wildfire firefighting equipment…

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Funding for First Nations Guardians now managed by world’s first Indigenous-led national stewardship network

By Environment and Climate Change Canada
Cision Newswire
September 27, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY, ON – Indigenous peoples are at the forefront of the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change. Across the country, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis are on the ground managing land, water, and helping communities thrive while safeguarding the natural spaces we all depend on for current and future generations. Jaimee Gaunce, Executive Director of the First Nations National Guardians Network, joined Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change and others to announce the investment of up to $27.6 million to support 80 First Nations Guardians initiatives. This investment will support 18 new and 62 existing initiatives to safeguard the land, water, and wildlife within First Nation territories while also creating meaningful employment opportunities in remote areas. …The Indigenous Guardians initiative is an important pathway for Indigenous peoples to continue to exercise their rights and responsibilities in stewardship of their traditional lands…

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The case for banning chemical herbicides in forestry in Ontario

Letter by Joel Theriault, Stop the Spray Ontario
The Timmins Daily Press
September 24, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — On September 10, 2024 approximately 600 liters of concentrated glyphosate chemical herbicides were spilled near the Temagami First Nation due to a forestry tanker truck accident. This event has intensified an already heated debate surrounding the use of chemical herbicides by Ontario’s forestry sector, highlighting their potential dangers to ecosystems, wildlife, and public health. The financial motivations for their use ignore the long-term repercussions on human health, wildlife populations, and ecological stability. The real costs, such as rising cancer rates, declining moose populations, and environmental degradation, are completely externalized, falling on taxpayers rather than the companies profiting from these practices. …As the Ontario legislature prepares to address this issue, the hope is that this disaster will prompt a reassessment of current practices. The spill serves as a critical reminder of the environmental and social injustices associated with chemical herbicides.

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Over 3,000 BMO and Tree Canada volunteers to plant trees in every province for National Tree Day 2024

By Tree Canada
Cision Newswire
September 23, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

OTTAWA, ON– BMO and Tree Canada are partnering for the third consecutive year to help Canadians improve the health of their communities in celebration of National Tree Day. On September 25 and 28, more than 3,000 registered volunteers – co-workers, friends and families – will gather in parks and greenspaces across Canada to plant trees, remove invasive plant species, and increase local biodiversity. This is the largest National Tree Day to date, with 21 planting events happening in 18 communities during National Forest Week. Planting sites vary, with the largest events taking place in Mississauga and Markham, Ontario, with over 400 volunteers, and smaller plantings in Saint John, New Brunswick and Quebec City, Quebec, where large caliper trees will be planted. …BMO donated $200,000 in support of National Tree Day 2024, in addition to $350,000 over the previous two years. 

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Guilbeault dangles the prospect of big money and invites Quebec to negotiate on caribou

By Stéphane Blais
The Canadian Press in CTV News
September 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

QUEBEC — Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault has invited his Quebec counterpart to the negotiating table to reach an agreement on caribou before Christmas. …In his letter, Guilbeault reiterated that his government is ready to implement “a collaborative approach, including federal funding” to protect the caribou. “The government can make up to $77.8 million in contributions for boreal caribou available. …Guilbeault also said that he would like to negotiate an agreement on biodiversity, “for which Environment and Climate Change Canada is prepared to make an additional contribution of $100 million.” …The minister also explained that “$68 million from the $2 billion tree program could also be made available to support a possible collaborative agreement to support tree planting for habitat restoration.” In total, the federal government could contribute “up to $465.8 million to support Quebec’s efforts to achieve our shared conservation goals.

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Celebrate National Forest Week this Sep-timber!

City of Mississauga
September 19, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Join us in celebrating National Forest Week from September 22 to 28. Show your appreciation for Mississauga’s trees and forests and learn about the importance of Mississauga’s urban forest and natural areas and how you can aid in the protection, restoration, expansion and enhancement of the city’s natural spaces. From Friday, September 20 to Saturday, September 21, you can watch the Ontario Tree Climbing Championships at RK McMillan Park. You’ll be able to watch arborists showcase their skills, visit a tradeshow with vendors and try out tree climbing at the “Fun Climb” station under the guidance of a professional arborist. …To learn more about National Forest Week or register for events, visit

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Northeastern Ontario under a high forest fire rating

By Lydia Chubak
CTV Northern Ontario
September 19, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

As northern Ontario gets ready to welcome autumn this weekend, it’s still feeling a lot like summer as provincial forest fire crews continue to battle blazes. “With no forecasted precipitation until the weekend, this does mean that we can expect to see a continuation of that high forest fire hazard reading that we’ve been seeing across much of the region,” said Amy Peltonen, fire information officer with the Ministry of Natural Resources. The province said as of Thursday afternoon, there are 21 active wildland fires in the northeast region. …According to the province’s forest fire info map, most of northeastern Ontario is under a high forest fire rating. Ontario’s woodland fire season comes to an official end on Oct. 31. Until then most of the northeast region remains under a high forest fire rating with some areas considered extreme. 

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Blake Moynes spearheads campaign to help save Ontario’s Caribou

By Jordyn Read
The Weather Network
September 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Blake Moynes

ONTARIO — Blake Moynes, a television personality and passionate wildlife conservationist, has teamed up with the David Suzuki Foundation to address the alarming habitat loss impacting caribou populations in northern Ontario. …Through this partnership, Moynes is focused on bringing attention to the dire state of northern Ontario’s caribou, stressing the urgent need for action to preserve their shrinking habitat. “To keep it as simple as possible? Caribou populations are significantly declining right now due to habitat destruction, due to forestry, mining, and the exploitation of resources that’s essentially been mismanaged here in Canada. So caribou are declining, fading away here in Ontario, but in other places in Canada as well,” Moynes added. Moynes and the David Suzuki Foundation point to habitat destruction and the creation of logging roads as major contributors to the decline in caribou numbers, which have disrupted natural predator-prey dynamics. 

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Canadian Forest Owners Peter deMarsh bursary to graduate student researching the relationship between trees and people

By Sandra Bishop
Canadian Forest Owners
September 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Jackie Hamilton

Canadian Forest Owners (CFO) is proud to continue supporting private land forestry research by offering the 3rd Peter deMarsh Memorial Bursary to Jackie Hamilton, who is in the final stage of her PhD candidacy in the Natural Resource Sciences Department at McGill University. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the relationships between trees and people in southern Quebec’s Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Region. Hamilton is a student member of the Ontario Woodlot Association. “Jackie’s research aims to help us further our collective knowledge about the benefits of rural trees and the contributions people make,” states CEO Andrew de Vries, CFO. “Her goal to highlight the significant contribution of tree managers in producing valuable private and public benefits will have an impact on CFO woodlot owners and will hopefully provide a clearer story of the state of working landscapes across Canada.”

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Lakehead University Bachelor of Sciences in Forestry Student receives Christopher Lee Memorial Scholarship

By Sandra Bishop
Canadian Forest Owners
September 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Canadian Forest Owners (CFO) is proud to announce it has awarded its third annual Christopher Lee Memorial Scholarship to Lakehead University Bachelor of Science student Sarah Plourde for her outstanding achievement in forestry studies. She is now completing the final year of her BSc in Forestry in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Sarah stands out amongst her peers for her genuine interest in the sustainability of Canada’s forest land, which grew as she gained invaluable work experience in sustainably managed working forests, her aptitude in sports, including Timber Sports, as well as her strong academic performance.

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Transforming environmental science and forest management with remote sensing

By Raya Soltani
University of Waterloo
September 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Michael Wulder

Michael Wulder is a visionary senior research scientist at the Canadian Forest Service of Natural Resources Canada. He earned his BES in Geography from the University of Calgary, followed by an MES (1996) and a PhD in Geography at the University of Waterloo in 1998. Under the guidance of the esteemed Dr. Ellsworth LeDrew, Michael developed and validated statistical algorithms for remote sensing techniques in Forestry. …With over 400 peer-reviewed publications garnering over 50,000 citations and accolades such as the Canadian Remote Sensing Society’s Gold Medal and induction into the Order of Canada, Michael’s impact resonates globally. …Today, Michael is reshaping how we perceive, manage, and protect our natural landscapes. His groundbreaking use of LiDAR and satellite imagery has revolutionized our understanding of forest dynamics, enabling precise assessments of ecological health and sustainable resource management practices.

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Thunder Bay-made logging trailer hits the market

By Gary Rinne
Northern Ontario Business
September 16, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY — A locally developed and manufactured logging trailer promises to make it more efficient to get timber from the forest to the mill. LBC Contracting, owned by brothers Derrick and Paul Legros, holds the patent for a five-axle hinged trailer that can carry an average of five to seven more metric tons of logs than other models. A prototype was tested at the former Abitibi paper mill on the Mission River, and was also evaluated long-term in real-world conditions by a forest products company. Derrick Legros, president of LBC, said government inspectors spent four days putting the trailer “through all of the testing for turning and for stress on the load cables, and the design of the chassis and all that stuff. It passed everything with flying colours.” …Existing four-axle trailers have a capacity of 36 to 38 metric tons, but LBC’s model can carry a payload of 42 metric tons.

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100 years of innovation in pulp and paper

By Clint Fleury
September 13, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Thunder Bay Pulp and Paper has changed names many times over the last 100 years, but the innovation, reliance, and stability of the mill remain the same… Recognized as one of the largest pulp and paper mills in the world, Thunder Bay’s mill still generating acres of product year after year, expanding into new markets, despite new technology advances threatening to collapse the industry… Associate Minister of Forestry and Forest Products Kevin Holland acknowledged the success story as an economic powerhouse in the region… “The forest industry has deep roots in our history and Thunder Bay pulp and paper has been at the heart of it all contributing to the prosperity of the countless families, supporting local businesses and fuelling the progress for the entire region.”

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Thunder Bay-made logging trailer hits the market

By Gary Rinne
TB Newswatch
September 12, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY — A locally-developed and manufactured logging trailer promises to make it more efficient to get timber from the forest to the mill. LBC Contracting, owned by brothers Derrick and Paul Legros, holds the patent for a five-axle hinged trailer that can carry an average of five to seven more metric tons of logs than other models.
A prototype was tested at the former Abitibi paper mill on the Mission River, and was also evaluated long-term in real-world conditions by a forest products company. Derrick Legros, president of LBC, said government inspectors spent four days putting the trailer “through all of the testing for turning and for stress on the load cables, and the design of the chassis and all that stuff. It passed everything with flying colours.” …The average selling price for the trailer will be about $150,000.

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Forestry practices in Huron County fall short on sustainability

By Dan Rolph
Globe Newswire in Exeter Lakeshore Times-Advance
September 11, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Just 30 per cent of timber harvests within Huron County use good forestry practices, a county report says… Under the county’s forest conservation bylaw, the county allows for either “diameter limit” or “good forestry practice” harvests of woodlots and woodlands. But according to a report outlining current forestry practices in Huron County, diameter limit harvests can “lead to over-harvesting, loss of biodiversity and loss of long-term profitability from woodlands.” … While speaking about the reasons for fewer than half of the notices of intent being submitted adhering to good forestry practices, forestry conservation officer David Pullen said practices aren’t often sustainable due to operations looking to remove dead ash trees.

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Ontario leads new research into aerial firefighting

By Gary Rinne
Northern Ontario Business
September 10, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Innovative research into the effectiveness of aerial firefighting is helping the Ministry of Natural Resources and its research partners prepare for an anticipated growing threat from wildfires in years to come… Tests conducted in the Dryden area saw over 100 water drops made both over open areas and forested stands to compare how much water reaches the ground and to determine the ‘drop footprint’, which is the area where the water is actually dispersed. Every aircraft has a distinct drop footprint… Data gathered in these experiments will directly influence how wildfires are managed, including decisions on which aircraft to deploy,  how long they will need to be assigned to particular fires, [and will] inform Ontario’s long-term strategic planning for the procurement of the next set of airtankers.

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Preserving natural habitat becoming huge challenge

Gulf Today
September 10, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

One of the aspects of environmentalism is preserving natural habitat, including forests, and the biodiversity it brings with it. It has also been found that forests are natural carbon sinks of immense value, even as the oceans are. It is in this context that the investigative report of Western news agency, Reuters, about ‘sustainable logging’ in the forest area of Ontario in Canada, brings to the fore that there is a nexus between the timber industry and non-profit watchdogs which issue certification of safe logging.  The Reuters report shows that old forests which are more than 100 years old are being cleared by the timber companies, and they are doing so under the certification provided by the watchdog. 

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Quebec could lose up to $900M with federal decree to protect caribou population

CBC News
September 9, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The federal government estimates that an emergency decree to protect Quebec’s dwindling population of woodland caribou could cost the province’s economy between $670 million and $895 million over 10 years. According to a report by Radio-Canada, Ottawa expects the decree to affect the operations of 53 companies and put 1,400 forestry jobs at risk. It would also affect 28 forest-dependent communities. Those numbers are in an impact analysis report from last month that was produced by Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada, according to Radio-Canada sources. That analysis is preliminary as the details of the potential decree are subject to consultations until Sept. 15. The brunt of those losses would come from companies’ reduced abilities to exploit forest resources — an estimated drop of about four per cent in potential operations, according to Ottawa, which mirrors findings at the provincial level.

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The Ontario Woodlot Association Releases New Promotional Video

Ontario Woodlot Association
September 10, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Kemptville, Ontario – The Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA) is pleased to announce the release of a short promotional video, now available for viewing on its YouTube channel. The video is part of a greater membership drive for the Association, which has invited its members, partners, and other like-minded organizations to share the new video widely, to personal and professional forest sector networks across Ontario. The OWA has a number of additional initiatives planned in the coming months including providing free access to the fall issue of its popular members’ magazine, The Ontario Woodlander. The issue’s theme focuses on forest restoration and resilience and tells the story of the OWA’s successful 2024 Annual Woodlot Tour and Conference, hosted this past April in its Huronia Chapter. The OWA will release a second longer video in December focusing on programs and projects, and the value and relevance that they provide to private forest owners across Ontario.

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Ontario Superior Court rejects $5-million claim in forest management dispute

By Bernise Carolino
The Law Times
September 4, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario dismissed a $5-million claim brought against the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) and ordered the plaintiff to pay the Crown $35,000 in costs. This case involved forestry operations performed by the MNRF’s subcontractor in July 2009 in the Lac Seul Forest in Echo Township, Ontario. …The subcontractor trespassed on the plaintiff’s property, which pushed debris and small trees onto his land. …A handwritten but unsigned document dated Aug. 6, 2009 proposed a settlement including restoration work by the subcontractor. …In November 2009, the plaintiff and others formed the Eco Bio-Regional Wilderness Council, which aimed to influence the management of forests in Echo Township. The plaintiff made claims on the council’s behalf. In 2016, the court determined that the plaintiff lacked the standing to bring these claims on the council’s behalf, including any public interest claims against the MNRF.

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

First Nations business group touts Indigenous-led climate solutions

By Mike Stimpson
Northern Ontario Business
October 3, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY — The federal government needs to invest in Indigenous-led “nature-based solutions” to address climate change, says Jason Rasevych. Rasevych is president of the Anishnawbe Business Professional Association (ABPA), a non-profit organization serving the First Nations business community within Treaty 3, Treaty 5, Treaty 9 and the Robinson Superior and Robison Huron treaty areas. At a Nature United conference in Ottawa, he called for the federal government to allocate at least $1 billion of its Indigenous loan-guarantee program to “Indigenous-led nature-based climate solutions.” The government needs to work with communities on climate change solutions and expand the opportunities for Indigenous Protected Conservation Areas, an ABPA news release said. …“It’s very important to Indigenous communities and peoples and also plays an important intersection with the natural resource sector that we’ve developed over the last century in mining and forestry.

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The Ontario wood pellet industry is moving from an exclusive dependency on sawmill residues

By Gordon Murray, Executive Director
The Wood Pellet Association of Canada
October 1, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

Gordan Murray

A study by the Wood Pellet Association of Canada shows forest residue material in Canada can be pelletized in line with regulatory standards. WPAC, in partnership with BioPower Sustainable Energy Corporation, has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the feasibility and economic implications of using an in-woods grinder to process forest biomass for wood pellets. …WPAC says the Ontario wood pellet industry is moving away from an exclusive dependency on sawmill residues to forest biomass as a primary raw material. … Though promising, forest biomass presents challenges such as contamination, variability in ash and moisture content, and higher processing costs, which need to be carefully managed to ensure the economic viability of wood pellet production. The study’s thorough testing and analysis of forest residue material for pelletization in Ontario shows however,  it can be used to produce high-quality pellets that comply with International Organization for Standardization standards.

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Climate change means we may have to learn to live with invasive species

By Heather Kharouba, University of Ottawa
The Conversation
September 19, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

Heather Kharouba

Invasive species, from non-native “weeds” to insects and aquatic invaders, introduced (or non-native), continue to be misunderstood — and consequently often mismanaged. Stated plainly, the vast majority of introduced species are not a threat to native ecosystems. Governments and conservation organizations spend an enormous amount of their time and funding targeting the control of invasive species. Yet, most introduced species removal efforts are ineffective, time-consuming and usually unsuccessful in the long term. Some invasive species — such as the emerald ash borer — can pose a threat and efforts to control their spread are worthwhile. However, the vast majority of introduced species pose no danger and in some cases can even provide new benefits. Simply put, an over-fixation on demonizing “invasive” species, and controlling their spread, is ultimately futile and limits our understanding. …Increasing evidence suggests that some introduced species may even be more likely to adapt to certain climate extremes than native plants.

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Ontario government secures the benefits of biomass

By Clint Fleury
Thunder Bay News Watch
September 13, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

THUNDER BAY – Newly minted Associate Minister of Forestry and Forest Products Kevin Holland announced a new five-year contract between Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to support nearly 400 direct and indirect jobs in the region. “Biomass is gonna play a critical role in sustaining the forestry industry moving forward. Minister Lecce announced last week that it’s a critical component of the energy procurement in the province moving forward and it’s gonna, use the mills’ residuals and the forest residuals to create power. It’s going to be a huge supplier of energy in our province. …The multi-million-dollar contract with OPG and IESO will maintain a $20 million per year overall economic impact in Northwestern Ontario. Approximately, 90,000 tons of wood pellets are produced by Resolute yearly contributing to the local community in many ways.

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Health & Safety

Resource crunch at federal emergency centre caused ‘significant staff exhaustion’

By Jim Bronskill
Canadian Press in the Victoria Times Colonist
September 3, 2024
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

OTTAWA — Budget and staff challenges have left overworked employees exhausted and sapped morale at the federal nerve centre for managing forest fires and other national emergencies, an internal memo reveals. The Public Safety Canada document also says the Government Operations Centre lacks both the capacity to fully modernize and the money for new digital tools. The Canadian Press used the Access to Information Act to obtain the May memo, prepared for the department’s deputy minister as the operations centre braced for the heavy demands of another wildfire season. The last four years have been the worst continuous crisis period for emergency management short of wartime due to fires, floods, COVID-19 and other events including the “Freedom Convoy”, the memo says. …The record-setting wildfire season of 2023 prompted activation of the operations centre’s event team for seven months, leading to considerable overtime for employees and redirection of resources from emergency management planning and exercises.

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Forest Fires

Damaged water bomber will be out of service for at least 1 more fire season

By Maddie Ryan
CBC News
September 13, 2024
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada East

One of Newfoundland and Labrador’s five water bombers has been out of service since 2018 after being damaged, and CBC News has learned it won’t be back in service until 2026 at the earliest. That would mark the eighth season the province will have operated without its full fleet. With more than 80 wildfires across the province this year, Labrador West MHA Jordan Brown told CBC News having one of the province’s five water bombers out of commission for at least another season “puts a lot of our assets and our forests in jeopardy.” …A statement from Transportation and Infrastructure Department spokesperson Maria Brown to CBC News last week said the provincial government is confident in its ability “to fight forest fires with the wildfire suppression resources currently in place.”

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