The Crofton pulp and paper mill… Opened in 1957, has survived more than its share of public protests over pollution and disagreeable odors. …The managers of Crofton mill acknowledge the pulp sector’s checkered record on pollution, but say that has changed for the better in recent decades. The mill has undergone extensive upgrades and switched its bleaching process so that the nastiest and most long-lasting pollutants no longer threaten the marine food chain. …Still, pollution continues to challenge the industry and the behemoth Crofton mill exemplifies the problems, especially of aging facilities. …“There’s no question there are some dark chapters in the history of this sector in BC,” says Graham Kissack, VP for Paper Excellence Canada, which purchased the Crofton mill in 2019. “But I think the story today is very different from 30 years ago.” …Kissack remains philosophical about the legacy of controversy… “show me another industry that uses a renewable resource that is 100 percent recyclable.”