Region Archives: Canada West

Special Feature

Old growth update

Mike Copperthwaite, Patrick McMechan, Nick Arkle, and Fernando Cocciolo
The Revelstoke Review
June 20, 2022
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

In November 2021, the Provincial Government announced its intention to work in partnership with indigenous communities to temporarily defer the harvest of British Columbia most rare, unique, and at-risk old growth forests. …Unfortunately, though well intended, the roll-out of the old growth deferral strategy has been poor and has left Indigenous groups, our community and the local forest industry in a state of flux with uncertainty and some unrealistic short-term expectations by some. Over the past six months, the forest industry has been working hard to limit or completely avoid its impacts to the proposed old growth deferral areas. These changes have not been insignificant and have led to major disruption to operations, shutdowns for contractors, and the loss of a number of well-paying industry jobs in our community.

It is not a case of ‘talk and log’ but a case of identifying clearly understood time periods and objectives and developing a plan together to get to where we collectively want to get to. It is about balance. …We believe this community, working in collaboration with the Indigenous title holders, can show how complex planning processes can be done together. Respect and trust will be critical. To get it wrong will have a long-lasting negative impact on our environment and our community.

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Business & Politics

Former Conifex employees invited to apply at new Fort St. James mill; no guarantees

By Thom Barker
The Caledonia Courier
June 27, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

FORT ST. JAMES, BC — Hampton Lumber has invited former employees of the Conifex mill in Fort St. James to apply for jobs at the new mill anticipated to open sometime this year, but not everybody is happy about how the company has gone about it. Kevin Dinwoodie, an electrician, questions why people who were laid off at the time Hampton bought the business from Conifex, have to re-apply for their jobs and if they are not rehired, why they will not receive compensation. …The provincial Labour Code does guarantee B.C. workers one-week severance for each year of employment up to a maximum of eight weeks, but anything beyond that falls under agreements between companies and employees or to the civil courts. Kristin Rasmussen confirmed former employees would not be automatically reinstated and if not rehired, would not receive compensation.

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New Westminster mill celebrates 100 years of making toilet paper and tissues

By Gordon McIntyre
The Vancouver Sun
June 27, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

BRITISH COLUMBIA — Kruger Products, known for its Purex and Scotties tissue brands, began as Westminster Paper Mills Ltd. in 1922. …The New West pulp mill celebrated its 100th anniversary last week, its 370 employees and hundreds of family members touring the facilities and milling about, many of them multi-generational Kruger families, such as Ryan Peterson, a machine-tender whose father Ernie retired after 41 years as a maintenance mechanic. …Indeed, the Montreal-based family that created the company and that owns about 80 per cent of the firm is run by a third-generation Kruger, with a fourth generation learning the ropes and a fifth generation on the way. …That the New West mill is still going and growing after a century shows a commitment to the long-term, said Bianco, who became CEO in 2018 after a long career at Kraft.

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Alberta Forestry: a Pillar of the Provincial Economy

Alberta Forest Products Association
June 27, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

 Edmonton, Alberta – A new economic report released by the Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) shows that Alberta’s forest sector contributes to and facilitates significant economic activity and employment opportunities in every region of the province. The report estimates that, in 2020, Alberta’s forestry sector contributed and facilitated approximately $13.6 billion in economic output, $2.7 billion in labour income, and more than 31,500 jobs in Alberta. The study, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), assessed the economic impact of the forestry industry in the eight economic regions of Alberta. It provides a region-by-region overview of the sector’s footprint as it relates to the number of jobs, economic activity, distribution of jobs, and how the sector contributes to the economies and wellbeing of communities across Alberta. “Forestry has supported many Alberta communities for multiple generations contributing $988 million in tax revenue to support our health care system, critical infrastructure, and other services,” said Jason Krips, President and CEO, AFPA.

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Community-Industry Response Group top Mountie responds to critics, denies allegations facing squad

By Bett Forester
APTN National News
June 25, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

John Brewer

The top Mountie with the RCMP’s Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) in British Columbia says he “categorically” denies all allegations of misconduct and collusion with resource extraction companies being levelled at his squad. Chief Supt. John Brewer joined the Nation to Nation podcast for a one-on-one interview where he addressed critics’ claims that his outfit is a pro-industry, politically motivated paramilitary outfit operating to protect oil, gas and timber firms at any and all cost. “The allegation that we’re a secret organization of the RCMP is patently false. We drive marked police vehicles that have our name on the vehicle,” said Brewer. “The allegation that we’re there as an armed part of industry is false. The (reported) fact that we collaborate with industry to the detriment of protesters is false.” …N2N pushed back against Brewer’s argument, pointing out the B.C. RCMP offers only three paragraphs about the C-IRG on its website.

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Nak’azdli Whut’en signs deal with lumber giants

By Ted Clarke
Prince George Citizen
June 25, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Chief Aileen Prince

The Nak’azdli Whut’en and two major lumber producers who harvest timber in the First Nation’s traditional territory near Fort St. James signed a forest management agreements Friday afternoon.  The two separate deals between the people of the Nak’azdli Whut’en, Carrier Lumber and Dunkley Lumber establish the framework for a collaborative planning process that will protect and preserve vulnerable wildlife populations and ensure sustainable harvesting of forests that for more than 20 years were ravaged by the mountain pine beetle.  “Our territories have faced serious challenges over the past 20 years, and agreements like this one are starting to set things right. They also bring us back to our historic and rightful role as decision-makers on our territories,” said Nak’azdli Whut’en chief Aileen Prince, in a prepared statement. …As part of the agreement, Carrier Lumber will help the First Nation manage its own forest licences.

Additional coverage in the Prince George Post, by Hiren Mansukhani: Nak’azdli Whut’en First Nation in Fort St. James partners with two lumber companies

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New West plant on a roll and celebrating its centennial

By Theresa McManus
New Westminster Record
June 23, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

NEW WESTMINSTER, BC – More than 40 trillion rolls of bathroom tissue have rolled down the production line at a local manufacturing plant in the past century. Today, the Kruger Products plant in New West produces more than 11 million cases of bathroom and facial tissue annually and employs over 360 employees. Located near Stewardson Way, it’s the only tissue paper production site in Western Canada. “Our bread and butter is Purex; that is the reason this mill exists,” says Mark Evans, general manager of the New West plant. “Purex is the Number 1 bathroom tissue in Western Canada. It’s a big, big deal.” In honour of its 100th anniversary, Kruger recently invited employees’ family and friends, as well as some of its stakeholders, to tour the plant as a way of showcasing the work of its employees. …Along with toilet paper, the New West plant also produces “lots and lots” of Scotties facial tissue, the Number 1 brand in Canada.

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Alberta Innovates launches the Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program

By Alberta Innovates
Globe Newswire
June 23, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

EDMONTON, Alberta — The world’s population is expected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, adding pressure on already limited natural resources and increasing demand for food and sustainable materials. To help address this, Alberta Innovates is launching a new program called the Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program (ABIP). ABIP’s continuous intake approach will provide researchers and technology developers access to funding for eligible projects all year round, with no deadline to apply. $10 million over three years will support projects that develop and advance technologies that increase productivity, enhance competitiveness, boost the value of agriculture and forestry commodities, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Program will invest in innovative solutions that will be used by the agriculture and forestry sectors for broad deployment in Alberta, Canada and beyond. Strategic focus areas include: data and digital solutions; autonomous systems; agricultural biotechnology; food processing innovation; biofibre utilization; value-added biomass; and green construction.

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Mosaic Announces $20,000 Commitment To Support Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Central Vancouver Island

Mosaic Forest Management
June 22, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Nanaimo, BC — Mosaic Forest Management announced today a $20,000 commitment to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Vancouver Island (BBBSCVI), a leading child and youth mentoring charity. With this shared commitment, Mosaic and BBBSCVI aim to provide critical, supportive relationships for young people in the central Vancouver Island region. This donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters is generated from funds collected through the sale of firewood cutting permits and doubled through a matching contribution from Mosaic. Firewood permits give local communities access to affordable firewood for personal use. Hundreds of firewood permits are sold across Mosaic’s managed forest lands annually, with the proceeds going to a deserving organization benefiting local communities. “As a former big brother, I know mentorship programs can change lives, and I’m proud to be able to make this commitment to Big Brothers Big Sisters Central Vancouver Island,” said Jeff Zweig, President & CEO of Mosaic.

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Pair of B.C. public sector unions approve strike votes

By Jeremy Hainsworth and Colin Dacre
June 22, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Licensed professionals in B.C.’s government public service have voted 92% in favour of a strike after reaching a bargaining impasse, the Professional Employees Association (PEA) said June 22. The PEA represents more than 1,200 licensed professionals such as agrologists, engineers, foresters, geoscientists, pharmacists, psychologists and veterinarians working across 11 ministries. …“Our members are the scientific experts relied on to keep the province safe and they deserve wages that reflect the critical work they do,” said PEA spokesperson Melissa Moroz in a statement. …The union represents workers with oversight of forestry … forests and farms. They have also been called in as part of government response in wildfire and flooding responses. …Meanwhile, the BC General Employees’ Union said Wednesday nearly 95% of members in its public service have approved a strike vote. …Members include wildfire fighters… as well as conservation officers, employees who do field and lab work in the realm of environmental monitoring, and more.

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Salvage and save – Victoria, B.C.’s message to builders

By Shannon Moneo
The Journal of Commerce
June 27, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

The City of Victoria has become one of the few jurisdictions in Canada that is asking builders to salvage materials from pre-1960 houses that are slated for demolition rather than have the material destined for the dump. A new, phased-in bylaw was unanimously passed in June stating that a demolition permit will cost $19,500. If the permit-holder salvages at least 40 kilograms of wood per each above-ground square metre of floor area during deconstruction all of the $19,500 will be refunded. The permit cost was set high enough to motivate action, says Rory Tooke, the city’s manager of sustainability. The first phase starts in September and applies to the demolition of single-family homes and duplexes built before 1960 that will be replaced with a single-family dwelling or duplex. Tooke estimates there will be about 20 such projects per year in phase one. Phase two, to start in May 2025.

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Emergent Waste Solutions Inc. Enters Commercial Production

By Emergent Waste Solutions Inc.
Globe Newswire
June 23, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada West

Vancouver, B.C.– Emergent Waste Solutions Inc. is pleased to announce that it has commenced commercial production at the Ruby Creek Advanced Thermolysis System (‘ATS’) Plant. EWS took the ATS technology, first developed to process crumbed rubber from waste tires, through a transformation that enabled it to process waste wood from forestry milling operations to produce valuable biochar, bio-oil, and wood vinegar. …The Company has entered into discussions with potential large buyers of our superior biochar. …Kevin Hull, CEO of Emergent Waste Solutions says, “We believe that our work in adapting the ATS to process wood waste gives EWS a solution to any carbon-based waste material. We believe our technology can now solve challenges ranging from replacing landfills to processing agricultural waste and sewage sludge.”

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City Of Victoria in BC Passes Bylaw to Cut Wood Waste

City of Victoria
June 23, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

VICTORIA, BC — Victoria has introduced a new bylaw designed to salvage valuable wood and other construction materials from homes being demolished in Victoria. The new rules are expected to divert up to 3,000 tonnes from landfill each year. Victoria is the first community on Vancouver Island, and one of only three in Canada, to implement such a bylaw. Construction waste makes up more than one-third of all waste generated in the city. Each demolition under the new bylaw will recover more than five tonnes of old-growth lumber that would otherwise be sent to the landfill, in addition to 50 tonnes of recyclable building materials. City staff will work closely with industry to guide them through meeting the established salvage targets. The new regulations were developed in consultation with industry in order to create a bylaw that works for Victoria and the construction and demolition sector.

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Tŝilhqot’in Nation will benefit from forest-to-frame project

By Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation
Government of British Columbia
June 22, 2022
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

A new initiative supported by the StrongerBC Economic Plan will help the Yuneŝit’in Government and the rest of the Tŝilhqot’in Nation in B.C.’s Central Interior to better process wood to build new homes for people and families using the Nation’s local timber supply. “This rural development grant will provide Yuneŝit’in with resources to continue to evolve our dream of a forest-to-frame concept,” said Dwayne Emerson, band manager, Yuneŝit’in Government. “The rural development grant affords us the opportunity to enhance our forest-to-frame concept by adding an RF kiln and a wall-manufacturing process to the production of value-added wood products.” The Province is providing a $1-million rural economic development grant to the Yuneŝit’in Government, located near Horsefly in the Chilcotin District, to support the Yuneŝit’in’s recently established sawmill production and woodworking enterprise, Leading Edge. 

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Nak’azdli Whut’en signs agreements with Dunkley Lumber and Carrier Lumber

The Caledonia Courier
June 27, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Nak’azdli Whut’en has signed two agreements, one each with Carrier Lumber and Dunkley Lumber on forest management and stewardship. Nak’azdli Whut’en and Carrier Lumber have entered into a collaborative planning process to preserve crucial wildlife habitat and to secure a sustainable forest industry into the future. …Chief Aileen Prince said, “This agreement builds a solid relationship that will ensure our territories are respected, and that wildlife has a chance to come back.” …Dunkley Lumber – This agreement is built to enhance economic opportunities while protecting the land. The agreement includes a commitment to a collaborative planning process to ensure that forestry operations respect Nak’azdli land stewardship objectives. …“Dunkley Lumber will work together with Nak’azdli on land stewardship objectives in Nak’azdli’s Traditional Territory. The agreement protects identified values while at the same time providing economic opportunities,” said Dyon Armstrong, VP, Dunkley Lumber.

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New Genome BC Project Uses Remote Sensing Technologies to Identify Trees Resistant to Climate Extremes

By Genome BC
Cision Newswire
June 28, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

VANCOUVER, BC – Increasingly severe heat and drought are weakening the health of BC’s forests and killing trees. The growing season for trees is expanding, increasing exposure to frost as well as drought. This change results in significant damage, causing plantation reforestation to fail and decreasing the value of the harvested timber. One solution is to plant more resilient trees, however, identifying which tree species are resilient enough is a challenge. A new Genome BC-funded project will tackle this problem by using drones equipped with advanced remote sensing technologies to rapidly assess the responses of trees to climatic extremes. This will enable reforestation programs to screen for trees that can cope with climate warming, droughts and frost risk. …The project focuses on Douglas fir and western redcedar — two iconic co-occurring conifers with contrasting physiological behaviours and ecological roles in BC’s temperate rainforest ecosystems. 

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Who is stealing trees from the forest? Problem has economic roots, environmental impact, says author

By Padraig Moran
CBC News
June 24, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Writer Lyndsie Bourgon has seen first-hand the damage done by tree poachers in B.C.’s old growth forests, where once-tall Douglas fir, cedar or Sitka spruces have been reduced to “a stump in the woods.”   “Sometimes there is duff and branches left behind because the tree has been cut down and trimmed, and gotten ready for transport out in the back of a truck,” said Bourgon, author of the new book Tree Thieves: Crime and Survival in North America’s Woods.  “And in some cases, there were actually pretty large chunks of the trunk left behind … for later retrieval.”  Bourgon first became aware of the problem almost a decade ago, when an 800-year-old cedar was taken from Carmanah-Walbran Provincial Park in B.C.

Additional coverage in The Tyee: Why Are People Stealing BC Trees?

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Government Enforcement of Old Tree Harvesting on a Quadra Island Woodlot

BC Forest Practices Board
June 24, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

In the spring of 2020, a Quadra Island resident (the complainant) noticed that old trees had been harvested in woodlot licence W2031. The complainant believed that the woodlot licensee was not permitted to harvest old trees, therefore filed a complaint with the Compliance and Enforcement Branch (CEB) of the Ministry of Forests in the spring of 2021. CEB looked into the matter and found that the licensee had harvested the old trees legally. When the complainant learned this, he filed a complaint with the Forest Practices Board on February 14, 2022, asserting that government enforcement was inappropriate. 

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A giant cedar has been discovered in a remote part of North Vancouver

By Sarah Anderson
The Daily Hive
June 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

According to a release from the Ancient Forest Alliance, two big tree hunters – Ian Thomas and Colin Spratt – found an ancient western red cedar nicknamed “The North Shore Giant.” It’s estimated to be about 5.8 metres (19.1 feet) in diameter. Spratt posted photos of the find on social media. “This cedar has been growing for easily 2000+ years,” he wrote in a post. “My goal has been to show people that in Vancouver it’s still possible to find Canada’s largest trees still alive and growing,” he said. …They found the tree as they were exploring Lynn Headwaters Regional Park in North Vancouver. The pair of tree hunters found this beast after 10 hours of bushwhacking, so don’t expect to find it on your next hike in Lynn Valley. Still, it’s magical to know that there are giants in the mountains nearby.

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Expanding green canopy can cool neighbourhoods as heat wave danger grows, say experts

By Michelle Ghoussoub
CBC News
June 24, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Stephan Sheppard

As B.C. approaches the one-year anniversary of a heat dome that killed 619 people, experts are urging city planners to expand and protect the province’s urban tree canopy — a surefire way to cool swaths of city streets and save lives without the cost of air-conditioning and overhauling building codes. Stephan Sheppard, a professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia’s department of forestry, says creating and preserving consistent urban tree canopy is “the best and the cheapest way to cool whole neighbourhoods as well as individual homes.” Sheppard’s research… involved attaching heat censors on the backs of bikes, found a difference of 8 C between neighbourhoods with higher levels of green canopy and those dominated by asphalt on a hot summer’s day. He says the cumulative effect of consistent tree cover does much more than provide shelter from the sun and shade individual homes.

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When environmental protesters hurt their own cause

By Gary Mason
Globe and Mail
June 25, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Gary Mason

…Protests to stop old growth logging in the province have grabbed the public’s attention, but for all the wrong reasons. …So far it’s been a colossal bust. …The people behind the campaign want old growth logging in the province stopped. Period. …The government has remained unfazed and is sticking by its commitment to allow some old growth logging to continue – a position supported by several First Nations communities that rely on these operations for income. …Meantime, there are still vast swaths of old growth forests that are protected. The Save Old Growth folks want it all. …I suppose it’s precisely for this reason that the Stop Old Growth folks thought it was a good idea to partly block [the George Massey Tunnel], snarling traffic for hours. It wasn’t. …Does anyone in this organization honestly believe this tactic won anyone over? …It’s amazing Mr. Haq is still in the country and hasn’t been deported. 

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Indigenous conservation Canada’s way of the future, environment minister says

By Bob Weber
Canadian Press in CTV News
June 25, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Tanya Ball began her career as a social worker for the Kaska Dene First Nation. Now she runs a land guardian program, working to monitor and protect a vast stretch of the band’s northern British Columbia wilderness. …“Land guardians can help the land heal,” she said. “And the land can help the guardians heal.” Ball is at the forefront of the new way Canada protects its remaining healthy rivers, lakes, forests, mountains and plains. Crown governments would once rope off an area deemed particularly scenic or good for outdoor recreation and call it a park. No longer. “There’s no future when it comes to conservation where the federal government is involved (and) Indigenous people aren’t involved from the get-go,” said federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. “This traditional model is a thing of the past.” Conservation is now something Indigenous people lead instead of something done to them.

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Protesters are straining the social contract

By Lawrie McFarlane
Victoria Times Colonist
June 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

When the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote Leviathan in 1651, he laid out the reasons why we require government and law. In his time, the ruling authority had been, too frequently, the rule of force. …I bring this up because, in at least one sphere of contemporary public life, the social contract has been torn up. …I’m also referring to the zealots who bar roads and bridges in pursuit of saving trees. …Missed a cancer treatment? Paltry. Unable to get to work? Paltry. Couldn’t get the kids to school? Paltry. I have a better choice of words: Nasty and brutish. We’ve seen several years’ worth of this kind of lawlessness now, and on most occasions, the police do nothing. …It is also subordinating the rule of law to the rule of force. Protesters certainly have the right of protest, but with it must come the prescribed consequences.

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Protesters Ordered to Remove Illegal Camp and Respect Indigenous Sovereignty and Provincial Authorizations

Ditidaht, Huu-ay-aht and Pacheedaht First Nations
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Nitinaht, Traditional Ditidaht First Nation Territory, B.C. –
 Indigenous leaders from the Ditidaht, Huu-ay-aht and Pacheedaht First Nations met with protesters today to give final notice to immediately dismantle an illegal camp built across a main logging road on Ditidaht Traditional Territory in Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 44 on Vancouver Island. The Nations’ elected and hereditary chiefs were supported by the Ditidaht Ts’aa7ukw and C̕awak ʔqin Witwak Guardians, and C̕awak ʔqin Forestry personnel, and accompanied by B.C. government representatives and the RCMP. This formal request by the Ditidaht elected and hereditary Chiefs, fully supported by the elected and hereditary leadership of Huu-ay-aht and Pacheedaht Nations as well as C̕awak ʔqin Forestry, follows several unsuccessful but peaceful attempts by Ditidaht to have the illegal camp removed. The camp was built without the free, prior and informed consent of the Ditidaht Nation’s elected and hereditary leadership and violates both traditional Indigenous and provincial laws. 

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New grants increase opportunities for Indigenous people in forest sector

By Ministry of Forests
Government of British Columbia
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Indigenous people looking to work in B.C.’s forest sector will have more opportunities to learn, train and develop in-demand skills through two new provincial grants. Supported by the StrongerBC Economic Plan, the Province is providing funding to the First Nations Forestry Council (FNFC) for the Indigenous Forestry Scholarship Program (IFSP) and an online forestry careers-matching tool to help increase the number of Indigenous students and community members studying and working in the forest sector. Provincial funding of $437,000 will support the FNFC in developing a new online forestry careers matching tool, part of the implementation of the B.C. First Nations Workforce Strategy, branded as Forestry Connect. The online tool helps students and community members find jobs, education and training opportunities within the sector. The tool is expected to launch by March 2023, with the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council as the first host community.

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‘It’s quite shocking’: Growing forest protest camp sets up in Nitinat defying First Nations

By Skye Ryan
Chek News
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Chiefs from the Dididaht, Huu-ay-aht and Pacheedaht First Nations faced off against protesters who were wearing masks and camouflage Thursday, as an illegal encampment and blockade grew in Dididaht territory near Nitinat. “We ask you to clean up your mess, pack up and leave as soon as possible,” Dididaht’s elected Chief Brian Tate told protesters. … “It’s quite shocking as far as respect goes”, said Jeff Jones, elected Chief of the Pacheedaht First Nation. The encampment is built at the very same spot, as the ‘Hummingbird camp,’ where the first arrests took place in last summer’s Fairy Creek protests. So the RCMP’s presence Thursday suggested there is growing concern this camp could grow into that. …What’s different at this new camp, which was set up three weeks ago, is that the protesters are calling themselves “We Are One” and some could be seen carrying weapons.

Additional coverage in the Victoria Times Colonist, by Nina Grossman: Logging protest camp ordered off Ditidaht territory by community’s leaders

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Save Old Growth organizer slated for release from immigration holding centre

By Rochelle Baker
National Observer
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Zain Haq

One Save Old Growth activist is expected to be released from custody while another remains in jail for another week after corrections staff failed to get him to his bail hearing. International student and SOG organizer Zain Haq, who turned himself into the Canada Border Services Agency on Tuesday, is expected to be released from the immigration holding centre in Surrey following his detention review hearing Thursday morning. “The (presiding) member of the immigration division has ordered his release on conditions,” Haq’s lawyer Randall Cohn told Canada’s National Observer Thursday evening. …Haq is also currently facing five charges of mischief. However, neither Cohn nor CBSA have clarified the actual reasons why the border agency is investigating the 21-year-old climate activist from Pakistan or the conditions of his release.

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BC Wildfire Service bans larger burns throughout entire Kamloops Fire Centre

By Aaron Schulze
CFJC Today Kamloops
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

KAMLOOPS — Effective noon next Thursday (June 30), Category Three open fires will be prohibited throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre. In a news release from BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) Thursday June 23, the burning prohibition is to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. Prohibited activities that would constitute a Category Three open fire include: any fires larger than two metres high by three metres wide; three or more concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres high by three metres wide; burning of one or more windrows; burning of stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares. The prohibition will remain in place until Oct. 15, 2022, or until the public is otherwise notified. …However, the prohibition doesn’t ban campfires that are half-metre high by a high-metre wide or smaller and does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes. 

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UBC wildfire experts calling for more proactive prevention this year

By Ben Nesbit
CTV News
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Following the devastating 2021 wildfire season, experts from the University of British Columbia are calling for more proactive prevention this year. Researchers from the university’s Faculty of Forestry say climate change is causing more wildfires and causing them to be much more intense. “We have to recognize that we need to coexist with wildfires,” said researcher Dr. Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz. She and her colleagues Dr. Lori Daniels and Dr. Kira Hoffman say that people need to start approaching wildfire management the same way we approach other natural disasters, like floods or earthquakes. …From a community perspective, they urge updating building codes, thinning commercial timber plantations to reduce fire fuel, and clearing fallen trees.

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Public safety should be a priority, not a perk of salvage harvest near Sicamous

Salmon Arm Observer
June 21, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

BC Timber Sales will be proceeding with plans for salvage logging and mitigation work in the Sicamous Creek and Wiseman Creek watersheds. The B.C. government agency says so in a May 31 letter to the District of Sicamous – despite concerns raised for the safety of residents of the Sicamous Creek Mobile Home Park. On June 3, a second evacuation alert was issued for the mobile home park. It was prompted by concern expected precipitation would increase the risk of a landslide in the watersheds above. …In response to BC Timber Sales’ (BCTS) plans to salvage harvest within the watersheds, both Sicamous council and the Columbia Shuswap Regional District called for a moratorium on logging. BGC Engineering recommended no salvage logging take place in areas affected by the wildfire until 2024, when the situation could be reassessed.

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Province halts majority of planned cut in Annapolis Valley due to rare lichen

CBC News
June 22, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The discovery of three rare species of lichen in an Annapolis Valley forest has led the province to scale back a planned cut on Crown land in the area. Protesters are hopeful it won’t go ahead at all. Lichen found in 17 spots … have been reviewed by lichenologists with the Department of Natural Resources and “appropriate buffers of 100 metres have been applied to areas with confirmed sightings,” a spokesperson for the department. That has shrunk the approved harvest… from an initial 24 hectares to 10 hectares. …The province previously said it would proceed with logging in the area, but not in several locations buffering rare lichen. Protesters weren’t happy with that, saying there was a likelihood of more lichen still to be found. They launched a citizen-led search of the forest… Logging company WestFor Management Inc., said it will follow the department’s ecological forest management guidelines…


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CIF-IFC Offering a Teachers’ Forestry Tour for Educators & Teachers in Prince Albert, SK

Canadian Institute of Forestry
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Prince Albert, SK – Calling all teachers and educators in the Prince Albert area! If you are looking for a unique opportunity to bring forestry into your classroom, the Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada (CIF-IFC) is organizing a Teachers’ Forestry Tour and you are invited to register! Hosted in collaboration with the CIF-IFC Saskatchewan Section, the Teachers’ Forestry Tour will take place from July 27-28, 2022 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. With funding in part from the Government of Canada, the CIF-IFC will be hosting and coordinating Teachers’ Forestry Tours across Canada over a two-year period (2021-2023). …The tour will inform teachers about basic forestry concepts, including sustainable forest management, Indigenous participation in forestry/traditional ecological knowledge and the links between forests and climate change.

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Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Management tours Williams Lake projects

By Ruth Lloyd
The Williams Lake Tribune
June 22, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Katrine Conroy, B.C. Minister of Forests, was in Williams Lake on June 16 to make a $25 million funding announcement and tour Forest Enhancement Society of B.C.(FESBC) projects in the area. The $25 million will fund another round of FESBC projects aimed at reducing wildfire risk and enhancing wildlife habitat, reducing greenhouse gases, forest recreation and ecological resiliency. While in town for the day, Conroy toured previous projects supported by FESBC. …Tsideldel and Williams Lake First Nation development corporation projects have both been utilizing grinders to turn burnt trees and wood debris removed for ecosystem restoration and fire hazard reduction in the area into biomass fuel to help supply Atlantic Power’s Williams Lake Power Plant. Affordable biomass has been harder to source since demand for wood biomass has gone up, partially at least due to the expansion of pellet production.

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The Forest Fight in West Kootenay

By Zoe Yunker
The Tyee
June 22, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

After spending weeks at the soggy blockade, 17-year-old Miguel was back at his parents’ place in Nelson nursing a cold. He’d missed about a month of high school to help protect the Argenta-Johnsons Landing Face, an intact stretch of forest in southeastern B.C., from logging. …Forest protectors had been on site since April 24 in an effort to prevent the area from being logged by timber company Cooper Creek Cedar Ltd. RCMP arrived on May 17 … arresting 17 people, including Miguel… Over the decades, forest tenure changed hands a few times, but most of the face remained unlogged. Until now. Today, Cooper Creek Cedar is logging five cutblocks …on the face, but it also plans to build a network of roads, opening up a new, previously inaccessible region to logging. In turn, the long fight to include the face in the Purcell conservancy area has been reinvigorated.

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Vancouver’s Lions Gate Bridge blocked by Save Old Growth protesters

By Alyse Kotyk
CTV News
June 22, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

[VIDEO includes additional content not included in the print version] Commuters travelling between West Vancouver and downtown were told to expect delays Wednesday morning as a protest temporarily blocked traffic on a major crossing. …Wednesday’s blockade is the latest in a string of traffic-disrupting protests that have aggravated commuters in recent months. The group says they want to see an end to logging of old growth forests in British Columbia through legislative changes. …Many of the group’s members have been arrested multiple times, including its co-founder, Zain Haq.  The international Simon Fraser University student has been arrested 10 times at various climate-related protests since 2020. And on Feb. 15, he was sentenced to two weeks in jail for criminal contempt of court after violating an injunction involving the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. Now, Haq is worried his climate activism has made him a target for deportation.

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Headlines have slowed, but has old-growth logging in B.C.?

By Terrance Coste, national campaign director, Wilderness Committee
National Observer
June 23, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Terrance Coste

In the summer of 2021, the fight over old-growth forests reached a fever pitch. …The B.C. government was scrambling to …respond to the public uproar.  …By 2019, the NDP government launched its old-growth strategic review resulting in a report entitled A New Future for Old Forests, released four months later. …Premier John Horgan called a snap election 10 days after the report’s release and campaigned hard on old-growth, promising to implement all the report’s recommendations… Horgan announced in June 2021 that a second panel was needed. This one consisted of technical experts who would determine which ancient forests should be set aside. …The Horgan government has made some nice promises about the importance of ancient ecosystems. Because of the lack of immediate interim protection to ensure the best patches of old-growth don’t continue to fall and the absence of meaningful funding to make these protections possible, the B.C. government is still failing on that score.

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

Want to fight climate change? Fix our underperforming rail service

Alberta Forest Products Association
June 15, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

There is plenty of new technology being deployed and developed in the fight against climate change. But one of our most effective climate change tools is 200-year old technology. Our railways offer great potential to take hundreds of thousands of vehicles off the road and make a massive dent in carbon emissions. But there is a rub. The service needs to be reliable. And right now, our rail service in Canada is abysmal. Several forestry mills are experiencing this poor service firsthand in rural and northern Alberta. They only get 20-30 per cent of the cars they order, cars fail to show up with no explanation, and they are forced to scramble to get product to customers. The result of that scramble is an army of trucks being driven across Western Canada. And with a real shortage of trucking and warehouse space, sometimes both customers and producers are left high and dry.

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Construction waste put to work at New West plant

By Theresa McManus
New Westminster Record
June 22, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

Mark Evans

Mark Evans has seen many environmental changes during his time with Scott Paper/Kruger Products… Evans, general manager of the New West plant, says Kruger Products has become “way more focused” on energy reduction, environment, water usage and fibre sources during his 32 years with the company. [Wood fibre] is collected sustainably, is regenerated and isn’t coming from old-growth forests. “In my career it’s gone from ‘that’s important’ to ‘that’s critical’” Evans says. …In 2021, Kruger launched … Reimagine 2030, a 10-year strategy to further reduce its environmental footprint. According to Evans … more than 95 per cent of steam used in the production process is generated by wood waste, which is considered carbon neutral. …According to Kruger, the biomass gasification system is the first of its kind in Canada – and in the entire pulp and paper industry. It uses locally sourced wood waste, thereby diverting it from landfills, and heats it into syngas, which replaces natural gas.

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Health & Safety

Mosaic Forestry Contractors Recognized for Outstanding Performance

By Karin Doherty
Mosaic Forest Management
June 28, 2022
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Nanaimo, BC — Mosaic Forest Management is recognizing forestry contractors who have contributed to the company’s focus on safety, environmental performance, Indigenous relations, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and quality over the past year.
“We are privileged to partner with outstanding contractors who demonstrate excellence in so many different areas, starting with safety,” said Jeff Zweig, President & CEO of Mosaic. “We are not successful unless everyone in and around our operations goes home safely every day. Every injury is preventable, and we will not rest until we achieve and maintain zero injuries.” In 2021, Mosaic achieved a medical incident rate of 1.58 per 200,000 hours worked (on a total of 2.6 million hours for the year), representing a 28% reduction over three years.

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Forest Fires

Northwest Territories wildfire crews fighting 12 of 38 active fires as season ramps up

By Avery Zingel
CBC News
June 24, 2022
Category: Forest Fires
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Northwest Territories wildfire season is underway with 38 active fires as of Friday and a season that is shaping up to have more fires than the 10-year average, said environment department fire operations manager, Richard Olsen.  “We started off the spring a little bit slow, but definitely by the time we got into the middle and late-June, things got quite active,” Olsen said.  However, the firefighters are seeing a smaller area burned this year so far.  This season, wildfire crews have extinguished 18 out of 56 total fires.  Out of 38 fires active as of Friday, the crews are responding to 12 fires close to “high-value” areas, including two fires in the Dehcho, one south of Wrigley and another east of Sambaa K’e. They are fighting fires south of Kakisa, south of Fort Resolution and another just 14 kilometres north of Wekweètì.

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