Canfor Corporation and Canfor Pulp Products Inc. jointly announce the release of the 2022 Sustainability Report, which outlines performance on climate change, sustainable forestry and energy management, and social issues such as inclusion and diversity, and Indigenous relations. “Sustainable forest management and low carbon forest products can play a key role in addressing our changing climate,” says Don Kayne, President and CEO, Canfor. “Sustainability is at the very core of what we do, and our 2022 Sustainability Report outlines the progress we are making on embedding it throughout our company under our three pillars of people, planet and products.” …New for this year is a target to distribute $2 million annually to support community programs and initiatives through our Good Things Come From Trees community giving program, performance against targets for water management and air quality for Canfor Pulp, as well as performance against targets for waste management for our Canadian wood products’ operations.