Aspen Planers employees, forestry workers stage protest in Merritt

By Chad Klassen
February 10, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

MERRITT, B.C. — Standing outside the Ministry of Forest building in Merritt, employees at Aspen Planers, logging truck drivers and others impacted by recent shutdowns are trying to get the province’s attention as the company waits for the B.C. government to sign off on cutting permits. …While the mill is currently operating, it’s been a difficult couple months for many of the protesters, who have come off a long period of not working. …“The only mill in town now and we still cannot get the permits approved,” he said. “We have 300,000 of cubic metres in permits waiting to be approved. …They have waited for six months to a year to approve those things.” …The mayor of Merritt Mike Goetz has heard no response from the province after several calls to the Forest Minister Bruce Ralston have gone unanswered.

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