B.C.’s forestry practices came under international scrutiny after a BBC documentary highlighted wood pellets being burned for power in the U.K. The documentary focuses on alleged environmental problems with the wood pellet industry in B.C.’s Interior. The practices examined in the documentary were said to breach Canadian environmental regulations 189 times. “The forest policies at play here in BC, Alberta and across Canada, are a huge point of contention in the UK,” Tegan Hansen said, Stand.earth’s senior forest campaigner. …The documentary was not broadcast in Canada. Hansen said the reason B.C.’s wood pellet industry is a focus is the Drax Power Station in England. …While Drax says its primary feedstock is residue from sawmills, Hansen said she’s seen whole logs at their facilities. …B.C. Forests Minister Bruce Ralston told Global News that “our old growth forests are not being turned into pellets and… Drax has been working to raise standards on the plants they’ve acquired in B.C.