B.C.’s Haida ‘milestone’ not likely to be example for rest of country

By Vaughn Palmer
The Vancouver Sun
April 15, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Jason Alsop

Premier David Eby was in a self-congratulatory mood at a signing ceremony where the province recognized Haida aboriginal title over the entire Haida Gwaii archipelago. …“It will also be an example and another way for nations, not just in B.C. but right across Canada, to have their title recognized.” Not likely, given the still undefined implications of the agreement between the province and the council of the Haida Nation. The agreement is unique, and so are the circumstances that enabled it. …“This agreement is not a treaty… it is part of a reconciliation process.” …Along with the supposed end to litigation, the New Democrats claim that the agreement has no implications for owners of private property. …But the government’s version has been challenged. …Rather than follow B.C.’s lead on the agreement with the Haida, other provinces will likely wait for the text of a final deal or — better yet — a treaty.

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