BC-based Skeena Sawmills and affiliates face bankruptcy

The Tree Frog Forestry News
September 14, 2023
Category: Today's Takeaway

The major creditor for Skeena Sawmills and Skeena Bioenergy is seeking a sale of assets. In other Company news: Western Forest Products supports Port McNeill development; Ontario’s Szeder Sunset Cedar Mill secures a fibre agreement and Espanola says the town’s future could still include a pulp mill. Meanwhile: the US revised its softwood duty rates slightly; the US remodelling sector is set to decline in 2024; and US inflation ticks up again. 

In Forestry/Wildfire news: BC announces 42 projects to utilize waste-wood use and mitigate wildfires—which are expected to continue through the Fall; the US House passed a bill to improve wildfire prevention; and most carbon offset credits in the US are for forest management not tree planting. Elsewhere: former Canadian ambassador to the US, Gary Doer may return to the trade file; and longtime MP Richard Cannings says he will not seek re-election.

Finally, 1,200 still on evacuation order in BC, close to 400 wildfires still burning.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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