BC forestry companies renew employment growth

The Tree Frog Forestry News
December 14, 2022
Category: Today's Takeaway

BC’s largest forestry firms saw employment growth in 2021 and 2022. In other Business news: Roseburg begins settlements after Mill Fire; Port Townsend Paper extinguishes mill fire; two new pellet plants for California; and buyers line up for Russian-based Segezha’s European factories. In other Business news: logging in Oregon delivers $97 million; Maine awards forestry recovery grants; and 2023 predictions of Canadian supply-chain turbulence and US housing decline.

In COP15 news: the focus turns to financing; reversing forest loss is said to be key; Canada names Ducks Unlimited to deliver on conservation; and Manitoba signs tree planting agreement. Meanwhile: progress on Golden, BC’s Community Forest; Oregon’s Elliot State Research Forest and Minnesota’s Wildlife Management Areas.

Finally, Weyerhaeuser partners to store (below) and sequester (above) CO2 in Mississippi.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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