Better dialogue with First Nations could have avoided Joffre Lakes closure, critics say

Victoria Times Colonist
August 29, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

The closing of a popular provincial park by two First Nations is a consequence of the B.C. government’s failure to negotiate treaties with Indigenous communities, says a prominent Indigenous lawyer.  The Lílwat Nation and N’Quatqua First Nation announced last week they jointly shut down Joffre Lakes provincial park, also known as Pipi7iyekw, because they could not come to agreement with the province on times when they could have exclusive use of the park for harvesting and traditional ceremonies.  …“This is an example to British Columbia of why we should have treaties in the province,” said Hugh Braker, a lawyer and member of the First Nations Summit. “If [the province] would reach an agreement with the First Nations, they wouldn’t have these problems.”   Few First Nations in B.C. have modern treaties with the provincial and federal government, agreements which formalize Indigenous rights and title.

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