The Biden Administration gave its friends in the climate lobby an early Christmas gift on Tuesday by restricting logging on tens of millions of acres of national forests. The U.S. Forest Service is proposing, for the first time, to amend simultaneously all of its forest management plans to effectively ban logging on nearly 25 million acres of “old growth” forests. This is a land grab if there ever was one. The agency claims that conserving older trees will fight climate change since they suck up and store CO2. Not if they go up in smoke. …The plan also won’t stop logging. More will occur elsewhere, resulting in greater lumber imports. How does this help the climate or U.S. jobs? The Administration has extended the Trump tariffs on Canadian lumber, which increase the cost of home-building. Its strategy seems to be to use regulation to restrict domestic supply, then raise prices with tariffs. [Access to this article requires a subscription to the Wall Street Journal]