British Columbia needs a unified response to respond to the biodiversity crisis

By Jennifer Sunday, David Castle et al
The Conversation Canada
May 26, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

From massive kelp forests to monumental old-growth on land, British Columbia’s biodiversity — which is unrivalled in Canada — provides an array of cultural, economic, social and other benefits. …However, current conservation initiatives lack co-ordination and there is no independent organization or provincial governing body overseeing the many actions underway. …The fragmented nature of B.C. biodiversity work is a missed opportunity that can lead to gaps and blind spots that ultimately undermine action. Potential interconnected threats like diseases, invasive species, ecological impacts of new developments and a range of other issues may be missed. …Establishing a system of natural capital accounts would provide a clear picture of the value our ecosystems provide empowering decision-makers. …We may not have to look far for an effective model. Québec recently launched Biodiversité Québec — a partnership across government, scientific and Indigenous partners — to create an integrated monitoring system for nature.

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