On May 26, the Green Construction through Wood program (GCWood) officially announced the inaugural release of a solid new publication: The State of Mass Timber in Canada 2021 (SMTC).
The SMTC is the first report of its kind in Canada, providing a glimpse into market trends in the mass timber sector. Using information from a wide range of industry professionals and government agencies, it demonstrates the value of building with wood to builders and designers.
The report establishes a baseline data set for mass timber construction and manufacturing, and provides key information and analysis on the growing market. This data helps inform policymakers in the decision making process. The SMTC also aims to help industries invest in mass timber, helping to grow the bioeconomy.
In addition to detailing the history of mass timber construction in Canada and the emergence of engineered wood products, the report highlights domestic mass timber building projects and production capacity across the country.
Complementing the report is the SMTC interactive map. This web-based application gives information on nearly 500 mass timber projects and 21 manufacturing facilities from coast to coast. This dynamic visual database will be updated regularly, and users can submit information to GCWood to help it grow. It’s a mass timber map so user friendly, you won’t even need to log in.
You can help promote the inaugural report and map by sharing the link with your networks! Let GCWood know how they’re doing by using the hashtag #SMTC2021 on social media, or email the GCWood program if you have questions, need information or know of a new project you’d like to add to the map!