Building the right sustainable forest management and old growth stands

By Michael O’Casey, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
The Bend Bulletin
June 1, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Michael O’Casey

BEND, OREGON — Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot were two of the original architects of the National Forest System, and their foresight led to the establishment of today’s 193 million acres of national forests. These abundant public lands provide habitat for fish and wildlife and recreational opportunities valued by hunters and anglers. Managing these lands for wildlife habitat, clean water, recreation, timber, and other multiple uses was no walk in the park when the Forest Service was founded and has become more complex as new science and challenges emerge. …The future of our forests depends on pragmatic, sustainable forest management to accomplish what Roosevelt and Pinchot envisioned nearly 120 years ago. A system established for the “greatest good for the greatest number over the longest period.” The Forest Service has the opportunity to manage old growth stands for conservation while promoting locally led forest management initiatives that benefit forests, communities, and wildlife alike. 

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