California’s governor declared a state of emergency as fires forced thousands to evacuate. In related news: a record 2 million acres burned in California this year; crews rescue 207 trapped campers in the Sierras; the US has to get serious about wildfires; selective logging key to future blazes; and forget the redwoods—it’s the sword fern that is at risk.
In other News: ENGOs push Canada to halt trade talks with Brazil over deforestation; setting the record straight on Northern Pulp woes; BC’s prized karst caves are protected from logging; the pro and con views re: Oregon’s Forest Resources Institute; the US wildlife agency seeks to change protections for endangered species; and Louisiana lumbermen lament Laura’s long-lasting legacy.
Finally: record high prices drive up Alberta stumpage; while Southern prices plummet.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor