Call for accountability

Letter by Rob Mercereau, Dunster B.C.
The Rocky Mountain Goat
April 3, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Considering the enormous government accountability crisis we are presently immersed in, I’m not surprised to learn of the old growth deferral shell game that Ben Parfitt recently exposed: Secret Map Shows BC Playing a Shell Game with Old Growth | The Tyee. In the Interior north of the Kootenays, few deferrals of rare and irreplaceable big-tree old growth were kept. Having clearcut themselves into a cul de sac of dwindling supply, industrial interests decided to secretly ignore decades of irrefutable publicly-funded science detailing our need for a massive shift in forest policy toward ecosystem health. …Hopefully, Parfitt’s expose will initiate the fundamental change necessary to enable future generations of locals to have more than tree farms and crumbs at their table. We demand accountability and a change in the industrial mindset culminating in the saving of our last ancient groves. Get on it, B.C. Government.

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