The Canadian Forest Certification System has been submitted to PEFC for assessment. The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 29 January to 28 March 2024. PEFC Canada revised their forest certification system to ensure its forest management standard is up-to-date and continues to meet stakeholder demands and expectations. To provide you with additional information about this revised system, we are holding a webinar on 29 January, at 16:00 CET. After revising the system in line with PEFC requirements, PEFC Canada submitted the revised system to PEFC for endorsement. The system is now undergoing the PEFC assessment process, carried out by an independent PEFC Registered Assessor. It must pass this process and be approved by the PEFC General Assembly before it can achieve endorsement. An important aspect of the assessment process is the public consultation.