Reactions to BC Builds, government’s long-awaited program to build more rental housing for middle-income British Columbians, vary. Broadly, BC Builds sees government team up with non-profits, local governments, public agencies, First Nations and community groups to identify underused land. From there, funding and financing will support the construction of housing targeted to those who have a household income between roughly $84,000 and $190,000, subject to one-time income-testing. BC Builds projects in partnership with non-profits and First Nations must include at least 20 per cent of units renting at 20 per cent below market. Counting all existing and contemplated BC Builds projects, some more than 4,000 units could become available by 2026. …BC United’s Karin Kirkpatrick also wondered if municipalities and construction companies have the capacity to deliver what BC Builds promises.
Additional coverage in Storeys, by Howard Chai: BC Gov Unveils Long-Awaited BC Builds Initiative And First 3 Projects
Government of British Columbia press release: BC Builds will deliver more lower-cost, middle-income rental homes faster