The hullabaloo over logging and caribou in Northern Ontario continues to intensify. A coalition of Northern Ontario mayors, First Nation leaders, chambers of commerce, unions, and forest professionals were in Queen’s Park on Nov. 22 to pressure the Ontario government to stick up for the forestry sector. They say “misinformation” being spread about the industry by environmental groups in a “coordinated effort” to push for more habitat protection of caribou. The group points to a political letter-writing campaign and opinion pieces published in the Toronto media by the David Suzuki Foundation, Environmental Defence, CPAWS Wildlands League, the Natural Resources Defence Council, even Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. …“To claim Ontario has not acted to save caribou is conveniently ignoring over 20 years of work, 600 tracked animals and $11 million dollars of government research,” said Kapuskasing Mayor Al Spacek, president of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, in a statement.