Category Archives: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

The Power of Pellets: The benefits of ENplus certification

Fahimeh Yazdan Panah
The Wood Pellet Association of Canada in Canadian Biomass
December 12, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

We are heading toward a greener future that foresees more and more use of biomass as a renewable energy and one just has to look at the volume of ENplus certificates to see that high quality wood pellets are part of this future. WPAC is nothing if not preparing for the future. In its latest video release, The Power of Pellets: The Benefits of ENplus Certification, its members drive home the message: If you’re a Canadian pellet producer, and you want to know that you’re making a world class pellet, get certified!

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The Parliamentary Budget Officer just debunked climate alarmism

By Ross McKitrick, University of Guelph professor
The Financial Post
December 7, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

Yves Giroux

The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) recently… estimated what would happen to the Canadian economy between now and 2100 if temperatures and precipitation change as expected due to greenhouse gases. The report’s authors consider two scenarios — first, if emission-reduction policies stall at today’s levels and nobody complies with their Paris commitments and, second, if countries comply with all their Paris commitments in full and on time. Under the first scenario Canada’s GDP in 2100 will be 6.6 per cent smaller than it otherwise would be. Let’s pause there for a moment: 6.6 per cent after 80 years is a very small number. …The PBO projects that the impact of climate change will be small relative to other drivers, including population change, technology and many other aspects of socioeconomic development. Where have I heard that before? In the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 5th Assessment Report, released in 2013, that’s where. 

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Canada’s Forest Trust Appoints Former Manulife and Tree Canada Executives to its Senior Leadership Team

By Canada’s Forest Trust Corporation
Yahoo! Finance
December 7, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

OTTAWA — Canada’s Forest Trust (CFT), a leading social enterprise that offers a turn-key, nature-based solution to capture carbon by building Smart Forests, announced the appointment of Danielle St-Aubin and Robert Tellier to its senior executive team. This follows the announcement of CFT’s Science, Innovation and Policy Board and Education Advisory Board, demonstrating its strategic growth and marketplace leadership. Danielle St-Aubin joins CFT as a National Advisor following her most recent role as the CEO of Tree Canada, and Robert Tellier joins as the Chief Revenue Officer following his career at Manulife as the National Vice President of the Group Retirement, Brokerage. Danielle St-Aubin and Robert Tellier’s impressive skills and expertise will support CFT in strategy, product development, partnerships, and operations. They will concentrate on enhancing the company’s strategic growth and sustainable impact.

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Canada-Japan pellet tour hints at bright future for trade partnership

Canadian Biomass Magazine
December 5, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

The importance of Canada’s historic forest products trading partnership with Japan was magnified this fall when the Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) welcomed Japanese visitors to B.C. and then joined government, industry and First Nations partners on B.C.’s first post-Covid trade mission to Japan. “WPAC is very impressed with how Japan has grown the domestic biomass power sector and is contributing to climate change mitigation,” says Gordon Murray, WPAC executive director. “Our members are honoured to supply Japan with high quality, sustainable Canadian wood pellets to support their climate targets.” Renewable energy is considered indispensable to Japan’s pledged decarbonization, and as part of its goal to become carbon-neutral by 2050 the country is accelerating its use of biomass.

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Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: new series of webinars now available

November 29, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

FPInnovations hosted four webinars about carbon capture, utilization, and storage within the context of the pulp and paper industry in Canada. This series of webinars…were a result of a collaboration with BC Pulp and Paper BioAlliance and The University of British Columbia, CanmetENERGY and Natural Resources Canada, and the University of Regina. They covered the basics of carbon capture and the most common separation technologies, looked into specific opportunities of sequestration and utilization in the context of our industry, CO2 purification and storage (two steps in the value chain that can weigh heavily on the economics of a carbon capture and utilization project), and finally discussed oxyfuel combustion, oxy-firing the lime kilns, and briefly introduced the concept of renewable natural gas and green hydrogen production at pulp mills. …The presentations and abstracts are available through FPInnovations’ Research Library.

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Canada’s Climate Minister Sold a Message of Climate Doom. He Has Regrets.

By Lulu Garcia-Navarro
The New York Times
December 1, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

Once nicknamed “Green Jesus,” Steven Guilbeault began his career as an extreme climate activist — scaling towers, chaining himself to oil equipment and getting arrested multiple times. Now he is Canada’s minister of environment and climate change. In that role, he’s had to change his absolutist approach, even making some decisions he doesn’t actually believe in. But he still considers himself an activist — just one pushing from the inside instead of the outside. [First Person Podcast. A full transcript of the episode will be available on the New York Times website]

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‘Smart forests’ help corporate net-zero ambitions take root

By Jeff Todd
Business in Vacouver
November 28, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

…How can you connect the dots between a demand to get to net-zero emissions, and a clear, tangible solution that creates practical results? …Gary Zed – a tax lawyer and adviser for family offices, corporations and high-net-worth families, kept hearing a growing desire for environmental, social impact and governance (ESG) solutions. But he never knew how to act on it. …Then he saw it with his own eyes – vast forests being prematurely cut for lumber and other commercial uses, rather than preserved for future generations. Zed, one of the largest landowners in Atlantic Canada, started Canada Forest Trust (CFT). CFT builds forests for clients to help them get to net zero. CFT, a national company, has spent the last two years building and refining its offering and beta testing its platform. It now has 25 members on the team, has built strategic partnerships and has attracted leading experts to its boards.

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New Programs Combat Risks From Flooding, Wildfires and Coastal Erosion in Support of Canada’s First National Adaptation Strategy

By Natural Resources Canada
Cision Newswire
November 24, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

NORTH VANCOUVER, BC – Canadians are feeling the devastating impacts of climate change across the country… Climate change is warming southern Canada at twice the global average and approximately three times as quickly in the North. Natural Resources Canada released Canada’s first-ever National Adaptation Strategy: Building Resilient Communities and a Strong Economy. The Strategy establishes a common direction for preparing for climate change events across five key systems: disaster resilience; health and well-being; nature and biodiversity; infrastructure; and economy and workers. Minister Blair also released the Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan, which sets out the federal role in preparing Canadians for climate hazards and outlines specific investments, programs and initiatives that are making Canada more resilient to climate impacts. Minister Blair announced over $1.6 billion in new federal spending to support climate adaptation.

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Canada’s new climate strategy to set targets for fighting wildfires, floods

By Mia Rabson
The Canadian Press in Global News
November 24, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

Canada is set to have a new national climate adaptation strategy, outlining the government’s intention to eliminate deaths from heat and forest fires, protect homes and businesses at the highest risk of flooding and help get people forced to flee extreme weather back home faster. …The government describes the document as a blueprint to identify the hazards Canadians face, figure out ways to lower the risk, and setting targets to actually do that. The targets will include better informing Canadians of those risks, ending all heat-related deaths, and upgrading the national disaster financial assistance program to include not just recovering from a major event, but rebuilding to withstand the next one. The government will also publish a list of things it intends to do to help adapt, including new investments in the federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, and cash to fight wild fires and produce more complete flood maps for the entire country.

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Canada unveils new climate adaptation strategy with more than $1-billion commitment

By David Thurton and Kate McKenna
CBC News
November 24, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

Canada’s first climate adaptation strategy, unveiled today, commits the federal government to new targets for preventing extreme heat deaths, reversing species loss and protecting homes in flood- and wildfire-prone areas. Environment and Climate Change Canada released the strategy — which has been almost two years in the making — in Prince Edward Island, one of the Atlantic provinces that felt the brunt of Hurricane Fiona in September. The strategy envisions a country prepared to deal with the worst impacts of climate change. The high-level document talks about multiple targets but doesn’t provide any hard numbers. Rather, its goal is to set the stage for more detailed implementation plans to be rolled out later. The government also announced $1.6 billion over five years in new funding to help jump-start the work that needs to be done. …The strategy is meant to be a living document … updated every five years, along with progress reports as early as 2025.

Press release by Environment and Climate Change Canada: Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy will protect communities and build a strong economy

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COP27: New Global Forestry Report Highlights the Importance of Growing National Forest-Based Economies

Forest Products Association of Canada
November 18, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, International

Forest Products Association of Canada welcomes the launch of a new global report at the United Nations World Climate Conference (COP27) in Egypt that will help advance forestry solutions and policy dialogue in Canada and other forested nations worldwide. The growing role of forest products in climate change mitigation & the need for nationally determined forestry approaches to achieve net zero emissions by Dalberg highlights the importance of growing national forest-based economies to help address an emerging global timber and wood fibre supply gap as demand for climate-friendly materials continues to rise. The report, commissioned by the UN’s (FAO) Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-Based Industries and the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations, showcases the benefits of recognizing country-specific approaches to sustainable forest management and the importance of remaining anchored on shared climate principles at an international level. …“There is no path to a net-zero carbon economy in Canada without forestry and forest products,” said FPAC’s Derek Nighbor. 

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Minister Guilbeault’s statement on Canada’s position and achievements on climate change at COP27

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Cision Newswire
November 21, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

GATINEAU, QCCanada and nearly 200 other countries have reached agreement on the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan …under the Paris Agreement. …We leave Egypt with an outcome that keeps the target of 1.5 alive and supports the world’s most vulnerable, landing a historic deal on loss and damage. …Canada’s position was steadfast: the latest science says that we need to limit temperature increases to 1.5 degrees in order to avert the worst consequences of climate change, …and we must not backslide. This is exactly what we with our sector-by-sector Emissions Reduction Plan. With the help of many like-minded countries, we successfully prevented any backslide, but I am disappointed we were unable to get any further than that. …the cover text calls on multilateral development banks and financial institutions to reform their practices, ensure greater access to climate finance and develop operational models to adequately address the global climate emergency.

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Climate Changed: Rising oceans, storm surges ‘disaster in slow motion’ for coasts

By HIna Alam
The Canadian Press in the Prince George Citizen
November 20, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada

As studies warn of rising seas and accelerated erosion resulting from climate change, coastal communities in Canada are wondering what the future holds. …Chris Houser, at University of Windsor, “It’s going to be a very difficult period as we see some of these coastal areas eroded or being impacted further by sea level rise and storms.” Communities on Canada’s east and west coasts face the risk of slipping below swelling tides as water levels inch up. An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released last year said the rate of global sea level rise is accelerating, and seas have risen about 20 centimetres since the beginning of the 20th century. …The most immediate solution being implemented is that newer buildings along the shore are elevated by a metre to account for expected sea level rise, he said, but that’s a temporary fix. 

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Guess what? Alberta is on track to meet its 2030 renewable energy goal ahead of schedule

By Drew Anderson
The Narwhal
December 7, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

In 2016, the Alberta government set itself an ambitious target to help wean the province off its reliance on fossil fuels for electricity. The Renewable Electricity Act called for 30 per cent of all electricity produced in the province to come from renewables by 2030. …Six years later, the province is on track to meet — or exceed — the goal and is close to surpassing an interim target calling for 15 per cent of electricity produced in Alberta. …In 2017, coal was still providing 59 per cent of all electrical energy consumed. …Now, coal is set to be phased out entirely by 2023 — with many plants converting to natural gas — and renewables are surging. …The 30-by-30 target was brought in by the previous NDP government, including an increased carbon price… and a renewable electricity program. In Alberta, renewables largely refer to wind and solar, but can include hydro, geothermal and biomass.

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B.C. accelerates support for Indigenous-led forest innovation

By the Ministry of Forests
Government of British Columbia
December 6, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Province is supporting the growth of an Indigenous-led forest bioeconomy with new funding for First Nations to develop innovative forest-based products that will reduce the use of petrochemicals and store carbon for the long term.  With $3.9 million in CleanBC funding over three years to expand the Indigenous Forest Bioeconomy Program, the Province has launched a new accelerator stream that provides additional funding for First Nation projects at the pilot, commercialization or scale-up phases. The Indigenous Forest Bioeconomy Program focuses on using waste that is left over from logging, wildfire debris and damaged wood to make new, low-carbon forest-based products, while increasing the participation of First Nations in the forestry sector.   “We are taking action to build a sustainable, innovative forestry sector and create new opportunities for workers, communities and First Nations,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests.

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Paper Excellence is a signatory of COP27 Action Declaration

Paper Excellence Canada
December 2, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

Paper Excellence is one of the industry leaders that joined the Action Declaration on Climate Policy Engagement in support of governments to address climate change. The initiative was developed by Corporate Knights and Global 100 Council COP27. The Action Declaration outlines how industry in the movement to decarbonize the economy will support ambitious action to close the say-do gap on countries’ emission reduction by: supporting climate change actions aligned with the Paris Agreement when engaging with policymakers; working with their major industry/trade associations to advance alignment with the Paris Agreement; and monitoring and disclosing climate policy alignment for their companies and their major industry/trade associations. On November 8, Corporate Knights hosted an official launch of the Action Declaration at COP27, where they publicly released the names of the signatories as part of the event panel presentation.

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Climate Change Coalition announced

By Greg Descantes
Business Council of British Columbia
November 28, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

(Xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Territories/Vancouver, B.C.) – Today, the First Nations Major Projects Coalition (FNMPC), First Nations Climate Initiative (FNCI) and the Business Council of British Columbia (BCBC) announce a growing Coalition that supports action to urgently address climate change and achieve a just and prosperous economy for British Columbia. The Coalition is a committed and growing group of Indigenous and business leaders, Nations, companies, organizations, and communities that possess the expertise and capacity to invest and build necessary infrastructure and export B.C.’s bounty of low carbon natural resources, food, and energy products. These are products the world needs and wants to buy from our province. “On the heels of COP 27, …the Coalition is calling for increased urgency in making substantive progress on the transition to a lower carbon economy,” said Chief Sharleen Gale, Chair of the First Nations Major Projects Coalition. 

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Biomass facility receives go-ahead in Fruitvale, Canada

Bioenergy Insight
November 25, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

REN Energy has received approval from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary in British Columbia, Canada for the development of its Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) facility in Fruitvale. “We are grateful for the incredible support of Ali Grieve at the Regional District, Steve Morissette, mayor of Fruitvale and MLA, Katrine Conroy,” said Phil Viggiani, CEO of REN Energy. “We look forward to breaking ground in early spring of 2023.” REN Energy will be building a production facility that will create RNG produced from wood waste. This innovative project features a unique combination of existing technology being used for the first time in North America and will reduce emissions from British Columbia’s expansive forestry sector.

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Annual climate report shows progress made in key areas

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Government of British Columbia
November 23, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

British Columbia has led the way in the uptake of zero-emission vehicles in North America, increased the number of public charging stations in the province by 50% in one year, and eliminated the largest fossil fuel subsidy in the province – just three key areas where progress has been made on climate action, demonstrated in the 2022 Climate Change Accountability Report. …The report provides progress updates on a wide range of CleanBC programs to reduce emissions, build a cleaner economy and prepare for the impacts of climate change over the 2021-22 fiscal period. It confirms that, despite some technical changes from the federal government’s national emissions inventory and modelling updates, B.C. is largely projected to meet its 2030 target. The accountability report provides new data on progress made across sectors like transportation, industry, buildings and communities, and the public service.

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Waste to energy projects offer alternatives to burning and landfills

By Becky Zimmer
The Northeast Now
November 21, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

SASKATCHEWAN — Flax and canola straw, sawdust, and wood waste— there have been very few uses for these biowaste products, and producers have been left wondering how to get rid of them. However, new technological advances are popping up in Saskatchewan to give these byproducts a secondary use and a cleaner way to dispose of them. For Tina Rasmussen of the Meadow Lake Tribal Council, there were two main reasons MLTC moved forward with the Bioenergy Centre, of which commercial operations happened earlier this year; environmental protection and environmental stewardship. Wood waste from NorSask Forest Products, which was previously burned in a beehive burner is now being used as fuel in a process that produces both heat and electricity. The electricity produced from a renewable resource is fed directly into the SaskPower provincial grid replacing energy created by carbon-producing fossil fuels.

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Nova Scotia releases sweeping plan aimed at cutting emissions, reaching climate goals

By Keith Doucette
Canadian Press in CTV News Atlantic
December 7, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

HALIFAX – Nova Scotia released a wide-ranging plan Wednesday aimed at helping it meet climate goals enshrined in legislation last year. The province has legislated an overall goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions to 53 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The new plan includes 68 measures, including a new pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity by 90 per cent by 2035 and to reduce home heating oil use by at least 20 per cent by 2030. “These 68 actions will help us be responsive and prepared for changes in the climate that will impact us in order to avoid further damages and losses,” Environment Minister Tim Halman told a news conference. “This plan is a starting point for a new focus in Nova Scotia on climate action.”

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Burning Trees for Energy Is Catastrophic for Biodiversity, Scientists Say

By Lloyd Alter
Tree Hugger
December 8, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

The UK imports over five million metric tons of wood pellets from the U.S., Canada, and Estonia only to burn them in the giant Drax power plant. It is considered carbon neutral because the trees soaked up carbon when they grew, and the trees that replace them will soak it all up again. This has always been controversial. Now, in the runup to the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in Montreal, over 650 scientists wrote an open letter urging the end to burning forest biomass for energy “for the sake of nature and biodiversity. …We have been arguing about whether burning wood is carbon neutral for years, but I have a simplistic view of the subject: A tree might have taken 40 years to store its carbon, but burning it in a power plant releases it all in a giant burp in seconds. …Planting a tree to suck it back up over the next 40 years won’t change that.

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Big Tree Carbon Announces Commencement of Lac Seul Forest Community Project

By Big Tree Carbon Inc.
Accesswire Press Release
November 30, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

TORONTO, ON—Big Tree Carbon Inc. is pleased to announce that work has been initiated on the Lac Seul pilot carbon offsetting project in conjunction with the Obishikokaang Resources Corporation (ORC) and project partner Anew Climate LLC. ORC is 100% owned by Lac Seul First Nation …and is a partner to the enhanced sustainable forest licence for the Lac Seul Forest Crown management unit in Northwestern Ontario. …Upon recommendation from project partner Anew in their recently-updated prefeasibility assessment, the Lac Seul Community Forest Project will pursue project registration through the American Carbon Registry (ACR) voluntary Improved Forest Management program for Canadian forests. The ACR voluntary program carries a 40-year crediting period, during which the sustainable forestry practices set out in the project design will maintain and sequester carbon throughout the life of the project, with no longer-term obligation such as would be applicable in a compliance-based project.

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New Glasgow council looks at how wood heat could ease bills, help the environment

By Michael Gorman
CBC News
December 1, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nancy Dicks

Officials in the Town of New Glasgow in Nova Scotia are looking at how the use of wood could lead to a reduced carbon footprint and lower heating bills. …”The cost of everything is increasing and if there’s anything that can be done that reduces energy poverty in our community, then that’s a good thing,” Mayor Nancy Dicks said in an interview on a crisp Wednesday morning outside town hall. “Of course, it has to be sustainable, financially feasible and — importantly — it has to be an opportunity for clean energy.” District heating is a system that uses the byproducts from forestry operations and low-grade wood as a fuel source to generate heat. The expansion of the practice is a recommendation included in a review of forestry practices in Nova Scotia from 2018, known as the Lahey Report.

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Ducks Unlimited Canada partners with Irving Oil, University of Toronto Scarborough to advance climate research

By Ducks Unlimited Canada
Cision Newswire
November 23, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

SAINT JOHN, New Brunswick — A new partnership between industry, academia and conservation organizations is quantifying the role of wetlands as nature-based climate solutions and will help inform national and regional carbon protocols. By supporting Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), the University of Toronto Scarborough and a group of other top Canadian academic institutions, Irving Oil is contributing to a pioneering research project that will measure the ability of wetlands in agricultural landscapes to store carbon. The project, funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Climate Action and Awareness Fund, will provide scientific evidence to support wetlands as a nature-based climate solution. It will also provide important information to guide the protection, conservation, restoration and management of these valuable ecosystems. …Learn more about this project and other research initiatives being undertaken by DUC and its partners at

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Federal consumer carbon price to expand to three Atlantic provinces next summer

By Mia Rabson
The Canadian Press in the Times Colonist
November 22, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

OTTAWA — Federal ministers were spoiling for a fight over carbon pricing Tuesday as the Liberals moved to expand the federal system — and the accompanying rebates — to three Atlantic provinces. Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said updated pricing plans submitted by Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island don’t meet the higher standards for carbon pricing that will take effect next year. So on July 1, consumers and smaller businesses in those provinces will join those in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario who already pay the federal carbon price and receive the associated rebates….British Columbia has its own approved carbon price and pays its own rebates. Quebec has a cap-and-trade system without direct rebates. New Brunswick is set to unveil the details of its pricing plan soon, and it already got Ottawa’s approval.

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Manulife Investment Management launches Forest Climate Fund

By Manulife Investment Management
Cison Newswire
December 1, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States

BOSTON — Manulife Investment Management announced the launch of Manulife Forest Climate Fund (FCF), which is a closed-end fund providing qualified U.S. investors with the opportunity to promote climate change mitigation through sustainably managed forests where carbon sequestration is prioritized over timber production. The fund, which along with its affiliated offshore vehicles is targeting US$500 million in committed capital, will be invested in a globally diversified portfolio of sustainably managed forestland assets. Manulife Investment Management may seek to provide opportunities for professional investors in certain other jurisdictions, including within the European Union, to be able to invest in the Forest Climate Strategy. …The fund will aim to deliver durable, high-quality carbon value to investors through carbon credits.

Related coverage in the Wall Street Journal: Manulife Moving Into Forest Carbon-Offset Market

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European power firms at risk as U.S. jumps on bioenergy bandwagon

By Gavin Maguire
Reuters in The Financial Post
November 29, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, International

Humans have a long history of turning biomass – renewable organic material from plants and animals – into energy, mainly by burning wood. …But as pressure mounts on global energy providers to slash dependence on fossil fuels and increase energy output from renewable sources, companies that can convert organic matter into energy look set to have a bright future. Asia and Europe are the largest and fastest-growing regions for biomass use and biogas output, and accounted for 44% and 33%, respectively, of electricity generation from bioenergy sources in 2021. …In contrast, electricity output from bioenergy has contracted in North America, shrinking by 13% since 2015. However, thanks in part to the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, investments in U.S. biomass energy output look set to climb… [with] far-reaching consequences for the trade in wood pellets, which are the primary form of international biomass exports.

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The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks to mandate more use of ethanol and other biofuels

By Steve Karnowski
The Associated Press in the Idaho Statesman
December 2, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US West

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday proposed increasing the amount of ethanol and other biofuels that must be blended into the nation’s fuel supplies over the next three years, a move welcomed by renewable fuel and farm groups but condemned by environmentalists and oil industry groups. “This proposal supports low-carbon renewable fuels and seeks public input on ways to strengthen the program,” EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan said. “With this proposal, EPA seeks to provide consumers with more options while diversifying our nation’s energy mix.” The proposal also includes new incentives to encourage the use of biogas from farms and landfills, and renewable biomass such as wood, to generate electricity to charge electric vehicles. …Geoff Cooper, of the Renewable Fuels Association, said that the EPA’s plan creates a “clear pathway for sustainable growth for our industry.”

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California’s carbon-offset forests aren’t trapping much carbon. Here’s how to do better

By Shane Coffield, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and James Randerson, UC Irvine
Los Angeles Times
November 29, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US West

Many companies promising “net-zero” emissions to protect the climate are backing that claim by investing in vast swaths of forests to recapture carbon. It turns out this strategy isn’t working very well. On paper, carbon offsets appear to balance out a company’s carbon emissions… However, our new satellite analysis reveals what researchers have suspected for years: Forest offsets might not be doing much for the climate. When we looked at satellite tracking of tree stocks and logging activity in California, we found that forest biomass isn’t increasing in the state’s 37 offset project sites any more than in other areas, and timber companies aren’t logging less than they did before companies invested in protecting that land. The findings send a pretty grim message about efforts to control climate change …Our study used satellite data to track forest biomass, tree harvesting rates and tree species in offset projects compared with other similar forests in California.



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Enviva and GreenTrees Partner to Remove 90,000 Metric Tons of CO2e

By Enviva Inc.
Business Wire
December 1, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US East

BETHESDA, Md. & THE PLAINS, Va.–Enviva, the world’s leading producer of sustainably sourced woody biomass, and GreenTrees, the market leader in reforestation and carbon removal in the U.S., today announced a nine-year partnership agreement that will contribute towards Enviva’s net-zero goals for its Scope 1 carbon footprint, equating to approximately 10,000 metric tons of carbon removal credits annually, or 90,000 metric tons throughout the duration of the contract. …The project will take place in the rural U.S. Southeast, on land formerly used for agriculture but has been deemed no longer suitable for farming and crop growth due to soil erosion and water damage. The afforestation of this land will not compete with lands used for agricultural and food sources, but will serve as permanent carbon removal. This partnership will provide a new source of income for rural landowners in the GreenTrees program who are no longer able to use the land for agriculture.

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Can biomass replace fossil fuels in our power stations?

By Caroline Snow
Dartmouth Chronicle
December 7, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

The UK Government is currently reviewing its investments in biomass energy and is due to publish a new Biomass Strategy. Selaine Saxby, Conservative MP for North Devon, said, “If we are going to achieve our climate goals and lower energy bills, we need to rethink our use of biomass power. It is no longer cheaper than new wind or solar power, and experts increasingly doubt its green credentials. Instead, we need to make better use of waste wood and focus on building genuine and cheap renewables.” …So what are the challenges of biomass? The first is the difficulty of ensuring that all the CO2 is really recaptured. The carbon released from the forest soil when exposed can be as great as that stored in the trees. Mature trees absorb more carbon than young trees… Indeed trees planted now will absorb little carbon before 2050, and this delay is critical in the race to cut emissions…

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Countries making risky bet on forests and soils to reach net zero

By University of East Anglia
December 7, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

Norwich, England — New research by the University of East Anglia highlights the risks of countries relying on nature-based solutions to achieve net zero. National climate strategies set out how countries plan to reduce emissions, for example by phasing out fossil fuel use, to get to net zero in 2050. The study found that once the bulk of emissions have been reduced, countries plan to “cancel out” the leftover difficult-to-decarbonize emissions, such as those from agriculture, by using forests and soils to remove carbon from the atmosphere. However, this may prove risky because forests and soils are also threatened by a range of impacts, such as fire, disease, changes in farming practices, and deforestation. These threats mean that forests and soils could lose their stored carbon back to the atmosphere. There is also a risk of being overly optimistic about the amount of carbon that forests and soils can remove…

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Stop burning trees to make energy, say 650 scientists before Cop15 biodiversity summit

By Phoebe Weston
The Guardian
December 5, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

More than 650 scientists are urging world leaders to stop burning trees to make energy because it destroys valuable habitats for wildlife. In the buildup to Cop15, the UN biodiversity summit, they say countries urgently need to stop using forest bioenergy to create heat and electricity as it undermines international climate and nature targets. Instead, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar should be used, they say. Bioenergy has “wrongly been deemed ‘carbon neutral’” and many countries are increasingly relying on forest biomass to meet net zero goals, according to the letter, addressed to world leaders…. “The best thing for the climate and biodiversity is to leave forests standing – and biomass energy does the opposite,” it says. The letter says that if global leaders agree to protect 30% of land and sea by 2030 at the Cop15 meeting in Montreal, they must also commit to ending reliance on biomass energy.

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New study shows paper industry could increase on-site renewable electricity and heat generation

By Simon Matthis
Pulp and Paper News
November 30, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

A new study commissioned by Cepi to a Scandinavian firm… shows the untapped further potential for paper mills to function as renewable energy hubs. The pulp and paper industry could increase its on-site renewable electricity and heat production and, through a ‘swing capacity effect’, sell any excess energy production to the grid, nearby neighbourhoods and other industries. …The authors of the study conclude that by 2030 the pulp and paper industry has the potential to increase its renewable on-site electricity and heat production to generate almost 31 TWh. This corresponds to 30% of electricity and almost 6% of heat generated on-site in 2020. But mobilising necessary investments would require predictable EU regulation and expeditious permitting procedures to be put into place. …The study also explored the possibility for the paper industry to reduce its own consumption and increase the share of renewable energy it provides to the grid.

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Estonian industry body: In the EU, wood is also seen as a carbon sink in products

The Baltic Times
November 25, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

TALLINN – Commenting on a conference on the New European Bauhaus initiative, Henrik Valja, head of the Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association, said that wood is increasingly seen …as a carbon sink, not only in forests but also in products and construction. “In Estonia, we tend to forget in the forestry debate that socio-economic needs for jobs, resources and products will not disappear during the green transition. Forestry and adding value to wood by transforming it into long-term products that help replace products with a larger environmental footprint is an opportunity and an advantage for Estonia,” Valja said on Friday. “In commercial forest, we need to focus on growing high-quality timber suitable for the production of long-lasting, added-value products. In order to invest in even more value added, businesses need certainty about the availability of raw materials as well as policy priorities,” he added.

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New Report outlines conditions for success for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage

Forum for the Future
November 23, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

London – An independent High Level Panel convened by international sustainability non-profit, Forum for the Future, has released a new Report outlining 30 conditions that must be met if further investment in Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is to deliver positive outcomes for society, climate and the economy. The ‘BECCS Done Well’ Report recognizes that a range of Negative Emissions Technologies  — will be needed if we are to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5oC by the end of the century. As part of this technology mix, BECCS is projected to expand significantly in the next 30 years, yet continues to stir debate, with the sustainability movement divided on its viability and sustainability credentials. …an independent Inquiry commissioned by Drax and led by Forum has brought together a High Level Panel to distil extensive research, literature reviews and witness testimony into actionable areas that, if delivered, would confirm BECCS as a viable option.

Additional Coverage: Drax Group CEO responds to the Forum for the Future report ‘BECCS Done Well’

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COP27 boosts carbon trading and ‘non-market’ conservation: But can they save forests?

By Alec Luhn
November 22, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt — For the first time ever at a climate summit, the final text of this month’s COP27 included a “forests” section and a reference to “nature-based solutions,” — recognizing the important role nature can play in curbing human-caused climate change. But it’s too early to declare a victory for forests. …By referencing REDD+, the text could breathe new life into this UN framework, which has so far failed to be a game-changer in the fight against deforestation as many hoped it would be. …COP27 also took a step toward implementing Article 6.4 of the Paris agreement, a mechanism that some see as a valid market-based climate solution, though others judge it as just another “bogus” carbon trading scheme. …Many activists are pinning their hopes instead on Article 6.8, which aims to finance the protection of ecosystems through “non-market approaches” like grants, rather than with carbon credits.

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Europe’s Energy Hypocrisy Attracts Increasing Notice

By David Blackmon
Forbes Magazine
November 21, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

I’ve written previously about the displacements in developing nations being caused by Europe’s efforts to hoard global supplies of liquefied natural gas for domestic consumption, causing international prices to rise to unprecedented levels unaffordable for some nations, like Pakistan and Sri Lanka, to bear. …Now, media attention is increasingly being focused on the decision by the EU to classify the burning of wood as “green” for the purposes of its climate regulatory structure. This classification and commensurate government subsidization has resulted in a revival of this 18th-century technology, despite that fact that the burning of wood accounts for more than 50% of Europe’s particulate emissions. …Today, in their zeal to get to their somewhat arbitrary “net-zero by 2050” climate goals, European leaders are turning back to this medieval energy technology to burnish their ESG scores.

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Can bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, or BECCS, be saved from the net-zero scrapheap?

By Oliver Gordon
Energy Monitor
November 28, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, or BECCS, sounds like the perfect net-zero solution: grow some form of plant material, burn that material for energy, capture the CO2 emitted during combustion and store it underground. You can then grow more plant feedstock in the same area, which sucks up carbon from the atmosphere, meaning at the end of it all, you have created energy at a net loss of carbon. However, despite its utopian pretensions, BECCS has yet again found itself at the centre of a scandal involving unsustainable practices in the sourcing of biomass feedstock. In a BBC Panorama investigation alleged that UK-based power producer Drax bought logging licences to cut down two areas of environmentally important forest in British Columbia. In the wake of a series of controversies… is it finally time to call it quits on the tantalising dream?

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