A documentary about the protests against logging in an old-growth forest on Vancouver Island is being premiered at the Planet in Focus International Film Festival later this month. The film titled FAIRY CREEK will be shown to audiences for the first time on October 17th, then it will be made readily available through its distributor, Cinema Politica. The film documents the protests against Teal-Jones Group in the logging of old-growth groves near Port Renfrew, which to date is the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history. …The RCMP faced massive scrutiny during and following this protest for their ethics in arresting the activists involved as well as their gatekeeping of the media, who were often kept from the site where they were trying to report from. “The protests at the Fairy Creek blockade were record-breaking, with nearly 1,200 people arrested,” said Jen Muranetz, director of Fairy Creek.