WOW! SFI IS CELEBRATING ITS 30th ANNIVERSARY IN 2025. I’m grateful for what we have accomplished together with the SFI network. Today, SFI is a cornerstone of responsible forestry. This anniversary marks three decades of achievements that will propel us into a new era of innovation and engagement. In this important anniversary year, we were so proud to release the SFI 2025–2030 Strategic Direction. More than 400 thought leaders contributed to shaping the direction. It includes a theory of change framework designed to enhance our impact by engaging communities in a collaborative and inclusive world that values and benefits from sustainably managed forests. The new SFI Strategic Direction communicates the change we want to achieve through four strategies. …The SFI 2024 Progress Report demonstrates our commitment to sustainable forestry and community engagement. Our mission is a world that values and benefits from sustainably managed forests and together we are building a more resilient future in support of communities and forests.