Category Archives: Forestry


Minister Guilbeault delivers statement on opening day of COP16

By Environment and Climate Change Canada
Cision Newswire
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, International

Steven Guilbeault

OTTAWA — “Canada is immensely proud of the role we played in hosting COP15 in Montréal… passing the Kunming–Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework.”…”For our part, Canada has moved fast and early. We are steadily making progress on the largest conservation campaign in our country’s history, backed by over $12 billion in investments and aiming toward protecting 30 percent of Canadian land and water by 2030. Our recent 2030 Nature Strategy, released ahead of COP16, charts our path to achieving our objectives. …”To hold this and any future government accountable, we introduced the Nature Accountability Bill that requires the Government to transparently report on their progress.” …”Canada is coming to COP16 ready to galvanize leadership and action. …Let’s make COP16 a breakthrough for many countries ready to deliver on the global biodiversity framework.”

In related coverage: Delegates gather in Colombia for global biodiversity conference

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Lumberjacks Risk Their Lives to Cut Down ‘Massive’ Trees Worth $70K in The Last Woodsmen: See the Trailer

By Ingrid Vasquez
People Magazine
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, United States

Discovery Channel’s newest show, in the same vein of ‘Deadliest Catch’ and ‘Gold Rush’, is set to premiere Friday, Nov. 15. A group of loggers are putting their lives on the line for a massive payday in Discovery Channel’s newest series, The Last Woodsmen. It follows a group of lumbermen who are risking their lives to cut down the largest trees, using only axes and hand-held power saws. In the new show’s trailer, veteran logger Jared Douglas and his team of loggers head out into the wilderness for their chance to take down massive, highly valuable trees that can be worth up to $70K each. However, the opportunity is not without its challenges as these trees pose major threats to the safety of the team. …Discovery Networks President Howard Lee said in a statement that “the amount of danger involved in harvesting wood — something we see in our everyday lives — is incredibly compelling.”

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Politicians highlight use of traditional knowledge in Northwest Territories firefighting efforts

By Francis Tessier-Burns
CBC News
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

While it’s been done in the past, the N.W.T. won’t be relying on staff in towers to detect fires on the landscape. That’s according to Mike Gravel, the director of the N.W.T. government’s forest management division. His comment was in response to Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya during a committee meeting Monday to discuss the Department of Environment and Climate Change’s response to the 2023 wildfire season. Yakeleya said she’d like to see a return to the use of towers as a detection method. Gravel, however, said there’s been an industry-wide shift away from the practice because of safety concerns. The question was part of a larger conversation around the use of Indigenous traditional knowledge in fighting fires and forest management. “Traditional knowledge plays a big role in how we fight fire in the Northwest Territories,” said Jay Macdonald, minister of Environment and Climate Change. 

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Fireguards, prescribed burns necessary priority for Bow Valley, Canada

By Editorial Board
The Rocky Mountain Outlook
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

ALBERTA — The geographical landscape in and around the Bow Valley will be gradually changing in the coming years. Though new development for a growing population is often the go-to thought when change is occurring, new fireguards and prescribed burns will aim to offer greater protection to both the population and communities. One only has to look at archived photos from 100 or more years ago to see a considerably different landscape. Not only were the communities far smaller than they are now – which is true of the majority of towns and cities across the country – but the forests surrounding the valley municipalities were far thinner and more widely dispersed. …With the exception of smaller wildfires, the Bow Valley hasn’t seen a large-scale one in more than 100 years. …In the coming years, a greater priority of decision-makers in different levels of government needs to put emphasis on increased fire protection.

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Oliver adopts wildfire resiliency plan

By Sebastian Kanally
The Times Chronicle
October 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

OLIVER, BC — Oliver has adopted an in-depth wildfire resiliency plan, which will serve to steer the town’s priorities for the next five to seven years. The large 97 page report lays a five-year road map for the town, ultimately identifying seven categories of recommendations for developing wildfire resiliency. These categories are education, legislation and planning, development considerations, interagency cooperation, cross-training, emergency planning, and vegetation management. The Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP) was created and presented to council by Kai Kaplan, Oliver’s FireSmart coordinator and Quentin Schmidt, RPF, with B.A. Blackwell & Associates who were retained to assist in the development of the plan. Kaplan explained that this plan for the next five to seven years would be implemented based on considerations around actions that can have an immediate impact and larger goals will be pursued based on grant funding. 

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West Fraser signs memorandum of understanding with Cariboo First Nation

By Andie Mollins
The Williams Lake Tribune
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Stswecem’c Xget’tem First Nation (SXFN) in the Cariboo has signed a memorandum of understanding with West Fraser to provide a forest management framework which will benefit both parties. The MOU provides a clearer path forward for West Fraser to continue business while ensuring the economic and cultural values and concerns of SXFN are met. “This shows that we are in the forefront of stewardship of the land,” said Kateri Koster, special projects advisor with SXFN’s stewardship department. She said fibre security is a real issue in the region, but the support for local mills needs to be reconciled with the values of SXFN, such as managing forest stands in a way which helps with wildfire protection. The memorandum has been in the planning since 2020 and was signed on Sept. 27.

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North Vancouver District to expand protection of trees in urban areas

By Nick Laba
North Shore News
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Trees are a defining feature of the North Shore. They help to cool the surface temperature, and absorb water as it runs down slopes and off asphalt surfaces… But having too many trees in residential neighbourhoods can create wildfire risks, so the district should be careful when it adds more protections… While it’s hard to find anyone in the district who isn’t inspired by trees, Mayor Little expressed his “unpopular opinion” that too many green giants ought not to grow close to homes… “While I applaud the goal to retain trees throughout our community for all of the natural benefits that are self evident in there, I do think that the right place for most of them is on our public lands,” he added.

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Debate continues about role of mountain pine beetle in Jasper wildfire

By Peter Shokeir
Rocky Mountain Outlook
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

As Jasper recovers from a destructive wildfire, some critics blame mountain pine beetle for turning the national park into a tinderbox. Antonia Musso, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta who has been working with mountain pine beetle in Alberta since 2016, is one of many experts who isn’t convinced the infestation played a role. “I think it’s really unlikely that the kill from the pine beetle had an impact on the wildfire in Jasper,” Musso said. While older scientific literature suggests that beetle-killed trees would increase the severity of wildfires, more recent literature indicates that it depends on how long it’s been since the outbreak. Musso said wildfire severity is worst between zero and three years post-outbreak when the trees are red. The peak of the outbreak in Jasper was five to seven years ago, before a major cold snap killed off most of the beetles.

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New Algonquin College Forestry Graduate Already Leaving Her Mark on Industry

Algonquin College
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Sionaid Eggett

During her time studying in the Forestry program, the Shaw Woods Outdoor Education Centre near Lake Doré was a special place for Sionaid Eggett, who had left a career in early childhood education to pursue her passion for the outdoors. …She enrolled in the program while the pandemic was at its peak in the Fall of 2021. …Eggett graduated from the Forestry program in 2022 and found employment with the Ontario Woodlot Association as a field operations coordinator. …She then took on a leadership role within the Canadian Institute of Forestry, chairing the Algonquin chapter earning her the prestigious James M Kitz award recognizing the outstanding contributions of individuals who are just getting their forestry careers started. Eggett was nominated by a professors in the forestry program, John Pineau, who is now her colleague at the Ontario Woodlot Association, having hired Eggett shortly after she graduated from the program.

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Nova Scotia saw its least active wildfire season on record in 2024

By Aly Thompson
CBC News
October 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

It would appear Nova Scotians are changing the way they burn — the province saw its least active wildfire season on record this year, following its most devastating season ever. There were only 83 wildfires across Nova Scotia in the 2024 season, burning about 47.5 hectares of land, slightly more than double the size of the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site. The figures are well below the 10-year average of 185.4 wildfires and 3,277 hectares of land per year, according to the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables… In an effort to prevent wildfires, Nova Scotia increased the fine amount for violating those restrictions to $25,000. Natural Resources took a zero-tolerance approach to enforcement. The department issued 19 fines of $25,000. The RCMP also issued at least two fines equivalent to that amount.

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Ontario Public Service Employees Union renews calls for reclassification of wildland firefighters

CBC News
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The province of Ontario is providing $64 million to its wildland fire program to support hiring and training of staff, and equipment purchases, but the union representing wildland firefighters says more support is needed. The province announced the funding this week, saying it would be used to “hire and train key personnel and fund the purchase of new support equipment and technology, including fuel systems, tankers, trucks and software systems.” However, Noah Freedman, fire crew leader and local vice-president with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), said the province needs to take further action to ensure fire crews are property staffed. “It’s a very common tactic that the government’s been using, with single investments rather than increase of budgets,” he said. “One thing that we’ve been calling on for quite a long time now is to have our budget increased, and to also reclassify wildland firefighters so that they’re actually recognized as firefighters.”

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Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables renews fleet with four Airbus H125 helicopters

By Airbus
Cision Newswire
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

FORT ERIE, Ontario — The government of Nova Scotia has placed an order for four Airbus H125 helicopters to be used by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, confirming a full fleet renewal. The aircraft will be used to support rapid response to wildfire fighting, search and rescue, emergency and personnel transportation in remote areas, and aerial surveillance. “Emergencies like wildfires are becoming more and more prevalent because of climate change. That’s why we’re doing all we can to be prepared,” said Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables. The Department previously took delivery of four Airbus H125 in 2016. …Since 1984, Airbus Helicopters has delivered nearly 600 helicopters in Canada.

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Emerald ash borer confirmed in all 99 counties. Here’s how to protect your trees

By Rachel Cramer
Iowa Public Radio
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

Emerald ash borer, one of the most destructive tree pests in North America has reached all 99 counties in Iowa. The adults eat leaves while larvae feed on the living plant tissue under the bark. Iowa’s first confirmed detection was in 2010 in Allamakee County. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship officials recently collected insect samples from a diseased tree in Emmet County, the last hold-out. The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed that it was emerald ash borer. While widespread, state officials say infestations are isolated in some counties. Since the invasive beetle cannot fly long distances, people can help slow its spread by limiting the movement of ash firewood and timber. Ash trees within 15 miles of a known infestation are considered at high risk of attack. Experts say preventative insecticide treatments can help protect healthy ash trees. But once there’s significant damage, the tree is unlikely to recover.

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San Jose State wildfire researchers studying importance of forest management

By Mary Lee
CBS News
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

San Jose State wildfire researchers are studying the impact of the devastating CZU Lightning Complex Fire in the Santa Cruz mountains and the importance of forest management to keep forests safe from extreme wildfires. Nadia Hamey, Lead Forester and Property Manager at the San Vicente Redwoods remembers all too well when the CZU Lightning Complex Fire tore through the forest, calling it an intense time. …Hamey said, just six months before the CZU Lightning Complex Fire, they did a prescribed burn that ultimately protected that part of the forest. “So, it kind of skipped over the prescribed burn footprint, and the Crown Fire kept raging through the area that had not had a prescribed to burn,” said Hamey. The contrast is striking. There is a clear difference where the forest was untouched by wildfire and then just a few feet away where the trees are burnt and blackened.

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Colorado researchers exploring rebuilding scorched forests amid climate change

By Tomas Hoppough
Scripps News
October 22, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Wildfires are accelerating at a pace so fast that the trees burned can’t be replaced fast enough. Now, experts are trying to move beyond their old methods of plant and pray. …The Forest Service typically requires trees that are being replanted to be the same species at the same elevations as before a fire. But with climate change complicating matters, that regulation might be changing. …That’s where groups like the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute come in. “Our goal is to understand how tree species are surviving outside of their current existing range. …”Our goal is to understand how tree species are surviving outside of their current existing range. …we wanted to push where a given species exists on a mountain to understand if they are able to go a little bit higher in elevation, or perhaps a little bit lower,” said Stevens-Rumann.

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FOREST FEUD: Washington’s fight over the old growth of tomorrow

By Lynda Mapes
The Seattle Times in the Columbian
October 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

SEATTLE — Ty Abernathy tips his head back and judges where this big tree will fall as he starts cutting it with a chain saw. …For more than a century, this has been a way of doing business in Washington, cutting forests owned by the state and today managed by the Department of Natural Resources. But in an era of climate warming — and growing climate activism — there is a new war in the woods. …This fight is not over old growth, the trees sprouted before 1850 and never cut since settlers came here. The conflict now playing out across Washington is over the old-growth forests of tomorrow. These are second-growth forests originating before 1945 and never sprayed with herbicide or replanted to a dense monoculture of nursery-grown seedlings. …Suddenly, DNR timber sales that can fetch millions of dollars are being paused, canceled, litigated and protested, throwing the state’s timber business into disarray.

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Washington Commissioner of Public Lands race centers on how to manage forests in the face of climate change

By Bellamy Pailthorp
Oregon Public Broadcasting
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Washington’s Commissioner of Public Lands runs the state Department of Natural Resources. The agency is responsible for managing nearly 6 million acres of public lands. …Nearly half of those acres are trust lands, that by state mandate must produce revenue to support schools and other services in rural counties, primarily through logging. A crowded primary in an open race for the position ended in a recount. Democrat Dave Upthegrove squeaked through with 49 votes and is facing off against Republican Jamie Herrera Beutler. He’s the chair of the King County Council; she’s a former congresswoman from Southwest Washington. Their contest is shaping up to be a clash over forest management styles — and how to best use that resource in the face of climate change. At stake in this race are three main things: the health of Washington’s timber industry, the next generation of its old growth forests, and how much DNR revenue flows to rural communities.

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Cal Fire’s three-day controlled burn in Humboldt-Del Norte for habitat management

By Marion Rodriguez
October 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Cal Fire-Humboldt-Del Norte Unit announced they will be performing a prescribed burn on Ettersburg Ranch road and Walter Ridge road over the course of three days starting on Sunday, Oct. 20- Tuesday, Oct. 22. Cal Fire Humboldt- Del Norte said the controlled 300-acre burnis planned for the restoration of oak woodland habitat and to reduce wildfire hazardous fuels… This burn is said to be part of a long-term habitat management plan which intends to reduce hazardous wildland fuel loading. Cal Fire said the treatment will help to enhance the health of the native plant communities, aid in the control of non-native plant species, and protect and enhance habitat for animal species dependent on the oak woodland ecosystem.

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Team Tahoe accelerates forest health (Opinion)

By Julie Regan, Executive Director (TRPA)
Tahoe Daily Tribune
October 19, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Restoring forest health is a major priority for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and our partners on the Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team. Following the Angora Fire in 2007, TRPA helped bring fire and forest management agencies together to increase the pace of forest fuel reduction projects, streamline permit processes, and prioritize new funding sources. The Angora Fire was a wakeup call for the Tahoe Basin. Although it was relatively small by today’s standards, the 3,100-acre fire destroyed more than 250 homes along Angora Ridge on the South Shore… TRPA is also helping fire and emergency management agencies coordinating on emergency evacuation planning. The Tahoe Basin was awarded a $1.7-million federal PROTECT grant for regional evacuation planning and to address wildfire and extreme weather vulnerabilities in our transportation and communication infrastructure.

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Guiding the burn: How a Prescribed Fire Program Manager builds fire-resilient communities

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Wildfires have become an increasingly serious disaster risk in California, US. Besides the risk of death, they cause widespread damage to private property, infrastructure, and the environment. In the 2024 wildfire season so far, the US State has seen nearly 6,800 wildfires burning more than one million acres. …Cordi Craig works in Placer Resource Conservation District, an independent and self-governing special district, which occupies most of California’s Placer County. …Placer RCD provides technical assistance to anyone that wants it, and Cordi works as a Prescribed Fire Program Manager, helping to oversee the planning, implementation, and monitoring of prescribed fires, controlled fires which are used to manage vegetation, reduce the risk of uncontrolled wildfires, and maintain ecological balance. PreventionWeb spoke with Cordi to learn how her role is helping communities in California build resilience to the ever-growing threat of wildfires.

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The evolution of the “Timber Capital of the World”

By Drew Winkelmaier
The News Review
October 19, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

OREGON — Douglas County and timber often go hand in hand. An industry that gave Douglas County its name as the Timber Capitol of the World has changed. Once the catalyst for Oregon’s economy, the timber industry has been dominated by courts, legislation and reform of land stewardship regulations. These changes forced the industry to make necessary adjustments to stay viable. “Impact to the local industry came about in the ‘90s when you had the federal timber supply cratered with the spotted owl and the Northwest Forest Plan and those types of things,” said Douglas Timber Operators’ Matt Hill. “We lost half our mills then.” According to Hill, federal policies to protect the northern spotted owl and other species attributed to a nearly 90% cut to federal timber harvests locally. …CEO Steve Swanson said reinvesting money back into his company is one of the many reasons Swanson Group is still successful.

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The Year of the Wildfire: 30,000 firefighters do battle across 7 million acres of the West

By Brad Carlson
The Capital Press
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

As the wildfire season has stretched into fall, Ian Turner and 30,000 other firefighters have continued the battle across the West. “You stay heads-up, make sure you maintain situational awareness, and make sure you have a good safety zone,” the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Boise District engine captain said. This was an unusual year for wildfires across the West, he said. The season started early and is continuing well into October, and the fires are bigger. “We started responding at the end of May and it’s been steady since,” Turner said. “We have more intense fires and more time spent on those fires.” Wildfires have continued to break out, even after fall arrived. “Burning conditions similar to August are seen into early to mid-October,” said Jim Wallmann, meteorologist at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise. …“but when the winds blow, the fires are burning like they are in mid-August.”

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In Northwest Montana, Private Timber is Betting the Forest on Public Access Protection

By Tristan Scott
The Flathead Beacon
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Land and wildlife managers, timber companies, hunters, and conservationists have stitched together a checkerboard of vulnerable working forests, using easements to protect private timberland from development. With a critical piece of the puzzle coming up for final land board approval, advocates say a new model of forest management is taking shape. …Called the Lost Trail Conservation Easement, the project shares nearly seven miles of border with the 7,876-acre U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge, and is the culmination of a partnership between FWP and Southern Pine Plantations (SPP), a real estate and timberland investment firm. …With funding from Habitat Montana, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Trust, and, primarily, the U.S. Forest Service’s Forest Legacy Program, FWP secured the land’s development rights while SPP retained full ownership, harvesting millions of board feet of lumber per year while piping fiber into area mills.

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‘Hugely inappropriate’: Oregon Forestry officials held meeting in saloon with nude women on display

By Noelle Crombie
The Oregonian
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Oregon Department of Forestry officials met this week at an iconic western saloon, where speakers addressed wildfire funding while standing in front of artwork depicting nude women. The decision to meet at Hamley & Co. in downtown Pendleton comes a week after The Oregonian/OregonLive reported on complaints from Forestry employees who alleged the agency’s culture is hostile toward women. The Wildfire Funding Work Group, coordinated by the Forestry Department and the Oregon State Fire Marshal, gathered at Hamley’s meeting and event space, Slickfork Saloon. Casey Kulla, state forest policy coordinator for Oregon Wild, estimated a few dozen people, many of them state officials, attended the meeting, including State Forester Cal Mukumoto. …Kulla said one of the pieces of art, for instance, depicted a nude woman on a daybed petting a cat.

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Difficult fire season strains relationship between forestry department and Eastern Oregon landowners

By Antonio Sierra
Oregon Public Broadcasting
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

At a Thursday board retreat in Pendleton, officials from the Oregon Department of Forestry went over the grim statistics that have come to define modern fire seasons: In 2024, fires burned more than 1.93 million acres in the state, 18 times the amount compared to 2023. Department staff also highlighted the ripple effects that go beyond acres burned and firefighting costs. Joe Hessel, an ODF incident commander and former district forester for northeast Oregon, said the department normally relies on landowners like Eastern Oregon ranchers and farmers to share knowledge of their land with firefighters. While that relationship persisted, Hessel said there was a growing sense of dissatisfaction among some landowners over how the department responded to the fires this year.

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California introduces new dashboards to monitor wildfire resilience efforts statewide

By Devin Herenda
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

California has new tools to keep track of state wildfire resilience programs. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office said the latest Interagency Treatment Dashboard shows the number of acres of completed wildfire resilience work and includes data from 2021 to 2023. Their representatives said the data from 2023 reveals a major boost in acres treated to protect against wildfires in comparison to 2021. Cal Fire’s Fuel Treatment Effectiveness Dashboard has just started this month to help you keep an eye on the performance of their wildfire prevention projects statewide. “With this tool being on display for the public, it’s a great resource to see where these fuels reduction projects have been placed in communities, how effective they are with wildfire impacts, and start bringing to light to these communities that the fuels reduction is working in many areas,” Cal Fire Staff Chief Emily Smith said.

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With a dozen wildfires still burning, firefighters warn Oregon fire season is still here

By Tiffany Eckert
Herald and News
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

At an “end-of-season” briefing Wednesday in Springfield, federal and state firefighters gave U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden and U.S. Rep. Val Hoyle an update on where fire season stands in the region. U.S. Forest Service Deputy Regional Forester Merv George Jr. said there are currently 12 active incidents with 1,700 firefighters working them in Oregon. “Make no mistake, fire season is still here,” he said. “And we are waiting for season-ending weather to put our fire season to bed.” …George said this has been one of the wildest and most unpredictable fire seasons he’s ever seen. He said more than 2 million acres have burned in the Pacific Northwest. …Following a meeting with firefighters, Wyden said there is still much to do to adequately support wildfire fighting and fire suppression efforts in Oregon. At the briefing, both lawmakers outlined proposals to prevent and reduce the risk of fires in the future.

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A brief but spectacular take on being a wildland firefighter amid climate change

PBS NewsHour
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Sarah Jakober is a U.S. Forest Service wildland firefighter who serves on the Grand Ronde Rappel Crew based in Grande, Oregon. She shares her Brief But Spectacular take on being a wildland firefighter. Jakober provides a window into a day on the job as climate change lengthens wildfire seasons and intensifies their impact.

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Partial Closure at Franklin State Forest Effective Immediately

By Department of Agriculture
Government of Tennessee
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

Effective immediately, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry is suspending public access to the eastern half of Franklin State Forest in Franklin and Marion Counties. This follows serious threats against the safety of visitors to and professionals working within the forest. This week, criminals claimed to have spiked areas of the forest where loggers are conducting a harvest operation. If areas have been spiked, this poses a very serious threat to the safety of forest visitors, state forest management staff, and logging crews, as well as locals employed at sawmills. Spiking is a form of forest industry sabotage where a metal rod or other material is hammered into a tree trunk either near the base of a tree where a logger or firefighter might cut, or higher up where it would affect a sawmill. …The Tennessee Agricultural Crime Unit and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are conducting a thorough investigation.

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LP Building Solutions Expands Commitment to Workforce Development Through Support of ForestryWorks

By LP Building Solutions
Business Wire
October 22, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

NASHVILLE, Tenn.–LP Building Solutions (LP), a leading manufacturer of high-performance building products, today announced the expansion of its partnership with the Forest Workforce Training Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to developing a skilled workforce for the nation’s forestry and forest products industries. Through this collaboration, LP will continue to support the Institute’s ForestryWorks® program, highlighting its commitment to cultivating diverse talent, particularly in the fields of manufacturing, forestry, and construction trades. …Launched in 2018 with LP’s direct involvement, ForestryWorks® is a workforce development initiative designed to ensure a steady supply of skilled workers for the forestry industry through education, career promotion, and hands-on training. Currently active in 10 states, the program is expanding rapidly to meet the growing demand for qualified professionals.

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Maine couple honored for 45 years of farm and forest conservation

By Elizabeth Walztoni
Bangor Daily News
October 19, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

David Tracy Moskovitz & Bambi Jones

More than 45 years ago, David Tracy Moskovitz and Bambi Jones bought 100 acres to start an organic farm in the midcoast town of Whitefield. Over the next four decades, they purchased hundreds more. They learned sustainable forestry practices and built trails on the connected parcels they had acquired. In 2007, they used 1,000 of those acres to establish the Hidden Valley Nature Center. The center is now owned by the Midcoast Conservancy land trust, which includes sustainable forestry as one of its pillars because of the couple’s efforts. On Saturday, they became the first Maine winners of the Leopold Conservation Award for New England, which covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. …It honors farmers and forestland owners who go above and beyond and inspire others with their dedication, according to the foundation.

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Mid-Atlantic Logging, Biomass, and Landworks Expo Kicks off November 1

By Jeanne Harmor, Director of Communications
North Carolina Forestry Association
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

LAURINBURG, NCThe North Carolina Forestry Association and the Carolina Loggers Association are proud to announce that the 2024 Mid-Atlantic Logging, Biomass, and Landworks Expo will take place on November 1 and 2. This biannual event – the largest live demonstration show on the East Coast – showcases the newest forestry equipment and features fun competitions in a family-friendly setting. The event is open to the public and is for anyone interested in learning more about the newest logging equipment and machinery. Media members are encouraged to attend and can contact Jeanne Harmor to coordinate interviews with event hosts, exhibitors, and patrons. The expected attendance is about 3,500 people over the course of the event.

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Government must reinvigorate forestry and promote wood building

By James Hanly
Irish Farmers Journal
October 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Forest Industries Ireland (FII) has called on the Government to reinvigorate new forest planting and promote more building with wood. The national representative body for the forestry and timber sectors within Ibec has launched its manifesto – ‘Forestry for our future: Delivering on the potential of Irish forestry’ – for the upcoming general election. Launching the manifesto, FII director Mark McAuley said that forestry activity is going in the wrong direction. “It is government policy to rapidly increase Ireland’s forest cover, but the afforestation rate is only 2,000 hectares per annum,” he said. “…we need to take a fresh look at what our farmers are being incentivised to do and tip the balance more towards tree planting.”  …FII has called on the Government to reinvigorate new forest planting and promote more building with wood. …We can build houses faster and greener with wood, while reducing carbon emissions. Government should take the lead by insisting on green buildings.

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Banking on seeds to help save endangered possum

By Adrian Black
South Coast Register
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

A battle to save a critically endangered possum is being fought on many fronts and multiple timelines. Victoria’s Leadbeater’s possum, known as “forest fairies” for their elusiveness, were thought to be extinct when they were rediscovered near Marysville in 1961. The state’s faunal emblem, with its big eyes and bushy tail, relies on dense, damp areas in old growth forest and nests in hollows that take over 150 years to form. Less than 40 of the lowland subspecies exist today. But a project spearheaded by state-owned statutory authority Melbourne Water aims to grow the creature’s future habitat through a climate-modelled seed bank. The seeds have been collected from areas with climatic conditions similar to what is expected for the Yarra Valley in the next 25 to 65 years.

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Much of the Emerald Isle Is an Ecological Desert. He’s Trying to Change That.

By Cara Buckley
The New York Times
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Is Ireland really all that green? Ecologically speaking, the answer is no… Earlier this month, the country’s Environmental Protection Agency published a report that rated Ireland’s environmental health as “poor.” Thousands of years ago, 80 percent of Ireland was forested. Trees now cover just 11 percent of the country, one of the lowest rates in Europe, and are predominately nonnative Sitka spruce. Native trees cover just 1 percent of the land. Biodiversity is also suffering. Ireland may have millions of acres of brilliant green fields dotted with cows and sheep, but that land is largely grass monocultures… Eoghan Daltun rewilded his land in West Cork into a temperate rainforest and wants more of Ireland to do the same. [A subscription to the New York Times is required to access this full story]

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Gisborne forestry firm develops plan to battle woody debris

By Zita Campbell
New Zealand Herald
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Neil Woods

A Gisborne forestry firm plans to install three steel debris nets to reduce the amount of woody debris clogging waterways after severe storms. Aratu chief executive Neil Woods says the region has paid a high price for the devastation caused by Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, and that the firm is working on ways to limit the impact of its operations. The Swiss-designed nets will be the first of their kind for the Tairāwhiti region and will cost more than $500,000 each, Woods says. “We have learnt much from the cyclones and are determined to keep lifting our game.” Since Cyclone Gabrielle, Gisborne ratepayers have spent more than $1.2 million removing woody debris from two of Gisborne’s beaches, and taxpayers have contributed $53m for the debris clean-up in the region.

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COP16: From forests to oceans, nature in a dire state

By Jake Spring
October 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

As the United Nations two-week COP16 biodiversity summit kicks off on Monday in Cali, Colombia, here is what you need to know about nature’s rapid decline – and its importance to the global economy. Plants and animals play significant parts in keeping nature humming, from cycling nutrients throughout an ecosystem to aerating soils and engineering rivers. …However, more than a quarter of the world’s known species, or a total of about 45,300 species, are now threatened with extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Because forests are home to the most plant and animal species in any ecosystem, including 68% of mammal species, scientists consider deforestation levels to be a good proxy for nature destruction. …As of 2023, the amount of land deforested was 45% higher than where it should be in order to meet the 2030 goal…

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Environmental delegates gather in Colombia for a conference on dwindling global biodiversity

By Steve Grattan
The Associated Press
October 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

BOGOTA, Colombia — Global environmental leaders gather Monday in Cali, Colombia to assess the world’s plummeting biodiversity levels and commitments by countries to protect plants, animals and critical habitats. The two-week United Nations Biodiversity Conference, or COP16, is a follow-up to the 2022 Montreal meetings where 196 countries signed a historic global treaty to protect biodiversity. The accord includes 23 measures to halt and reverse nature loss, including putting 30% of the planet and 30% of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030. In opening remarks on Sunday, Colombia’s environment minister and COP16 president Susana Muhamad said the conference is an opportunity “to collect the experience that has passed through this planet from all civilizations, from all cultures, from all knowledge … to generate livable, relatively stable conditions for a new society that will be forged in the light of the crisis.”

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Forest fires are shifting north and intensifying – here’s what that means for the planet

By Matthew Jones, Crystal Kolden and Stefan Doerr
The Conversation
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Fires have long been a natural part of forest ecosystems, but something is changing. Our new study Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics shows that forest fires have become more widespread and severe amid global heating, particularly in the high northern latitudes such as Canada and Siberia where fires are most sensitive to hotter, drier conditions. The implications of this are alarming, not just for the ecosystems affected or the cities engulfed by smoke downwind, but for the planet’s ability to store carbon and regulate the climate. …We established the leading causes of forest fires in different parts of the world using an AI algorithm. It grouped forest regions into distinct zones with similar fire patterns and underlying causes, uncovering the worrying extent to which climate change is fuelling the expansion of forest fires in Earth’s high northern latitudes.

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Delay of EU Deforestation Regulation may ‘be excuse to gut law,’ activists fear

By Justin Catanoso
October 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Forest defenders were stunned and concerned by the European Commission’s recent proposal for a 12-month delay in implementation of the EU’s new law to reduce global deforestation and forest degradation. While the European Parliament must still approve that proposal, forest advocates battling the multibillion-dollar wood pellet industry and other commodity sectors fear that the extra time will give the biomass industry, other commodity suppliers and exporting nations an opportunity to weaken or undermine the law’s current modest requirements. “I think the biggest threat from a delay is that it’s an excuse to gut the law by giving more time to already aggressive industry opposition,” Heather Hillaker, an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center in North Carolina, told Mongabay. “With climate change, every month matters when we’re trying to avoid [carbon] emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.”

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