Category Archives: Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Employers seek safeguards against pot-related risks in workplace

By Sarah Morin
CBC News
June 13, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada

As the bill to legalize cannabis bounces around Parliament Hill, some industries want legislation to ensure the drug won’t be a danger in the workplace. “Certainly, it’s a substance that is very dangerous from the perspective of safety-sensitive positions,” Chris MacDonald, director of government relations for J.D. Irving Ltd., said Wednesday. …He’s been part of a national industry group of employers working on the issue of cannabis and the workplace. …Although the group supports legalization, it wants legislation that addresses use of cannabis by truck drivers, crane operators, people working in mills and the oil and gas sector, or in any job where impairment could create a safety risk. …MacDonald said the industry group would like to see safeguards regarding workplace safety and cannabis use, such as mandatory random testing.

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Roadcheck 2018 begins today with focus on hours-of-service violations

The Trucker
June 5, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, United States

GREENBELT, Md. — It’s here. Starting today commercial motor vehicle inspectors will conduct high-volume, high-visibility inspections of large trucks and buses for 72 hours as part of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Roadcheck annual enforcement initiative. Commercial motor vehicles and their drivers will be checked at inspection sites, weigh stations and roving patrol locations along major roadways in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Each year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. This year’s focus is on Hours of Service compliance. While checking for compliance with HOS regulations is always part of a roadside inspection, CVSA is highlighting its importance as it coincides with this year’s April 1 full enforcement of the electronic logging device mandate that went into effect on December 17, 2017, throughout the United States.

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Forest Safety News from the BC Forest Safety Council

BC Forest Safety Council Newsletter
July 26, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Welcome to the August edition of Forest Safety News, covering news about safety topics in forestry.  Highlights from the August news include: Building a world-class safe pellet industry; Chair of Wood Pellet Association of Canada safety committee encourages increased collaboration;  TimberWest contractors receive safety leadership awards; Free Vancouver Island Safety Conference on September 29, 2018 in Nanaimo; Recent incident investigation, Joint Health and Safety Committee and supervisor sessions held at Tl’azt’en First Nation; Injury rate data now available for 2017 – forest industry continues to make positive progress; Keeping cool and knowing when it’s too hot to work!; and First Woss forestry fundamentals program successfully completed. Read all these stories and more in the newsletter.

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Develop a personal wildfire plan, B.C. fire chief says

By Bill Metcalfe
The Nelson Star
July 4, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Len MacCharles wants you to develop a family evacuation plan and put together a 72-hour survival kit. He wants you to do it now. “A wildfire impacting Nelson: it is not if, it’s when,” Nelson’s fire chief told last week’s Wildfire and Climate Change Conference. “It is highly likely. The impacts to health, property, the environment, people, is going to be pretty serious.” It’s hard to predict what that fire will look like, he said. …Several years ago, forest fire expert Bruce Blackwell told Nelson city council that Nelson was on his “top ten list of communities in B.C. for the next big fire.” “That was not just an off-the-cuff remark.” …MacCharles said Nelson is developing a wildfire management plan, two main components of which are fuel treatment and the Fire Smart program.

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WorkSafeBC updates numbers on combustible dust initiative

By WorkSafe BC
Wood Business – Canadian Forest Industries
June 18, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

In 2017, WorkSafeBC continued its focus on combustible dust and undertook formal inspection initiatives to verify compliance with combustible dust requirements and to ensure the presence of effective combustible dust management programs in all operating British Columbia sawmills. The Results: In total, 156 combustible dust inspections were conducted at 115 sawmill locations, resulting in six combustible-dust orders at four locations. This translated into a compliance rate of 97 per cent. …All operating sawmills and pellet mills in B.C. have implemented combustible-dust control programs. WorkSafeBC recognizes that a number of owners and employers have made significant capital investments and that many in industry have adopted engineering controls to improve dust conveyance, collection and ventilation systems.

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Building a world-class safe pellet industry

By Pam Agnew, BC Forest Safety Council
Wood Business – Canadian Forest Industries
June 18, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West
The Wood Products Safety Summit 2018 offered more than 50 delegates a day of diverse presentations on safety – with a clear focus on the value of both increased collaboration and process safety. …There is one thing above all else that consistently permeated each of the presentations during the safety day and that was simply that process safety management, strong safety culture and high performance in any industry require collaboration, participative management of all stakeholders and a walk the talk attitude where results prove that many heads are better than one. …Darrin said that fast forward to today and we have seen a noticeable change, a new world where employers are actively engaged in health and safety; a robust health and safety association, the BC Forest Safety Council, providing the infrastructure for health and safety and resources.

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Ken Pedersen’s many safety achievements honoured with award

BC Forest Safety Council
June 19, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Ken Pedersen

Ken Pedersen, supply manager for Canfor Forest Management Group, received the 1st MaryAnne Arcand Memorial Safety Award at the Interior Safety Conference (ISC) held last month in Kamloops, part of the 60th Interior Logging Association’s annual convention and trade show. Ken was presented with the award by Matt Franks and Steve Mueller, on behalf of the ISC. …Matt and Steve said it was fitting that Ken be the first recipient of the award. Ken is a founding member of the Trucking and Harvesting Advisory Group (TAG) which formed in 2013 and has always been a strong supporter of improving safety within the industry, demonstrated by his leadership with TAG as well as with his employer, Canfor.

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New Squamish paramedic service brings emergency department to the sky

By Haley Ritchie
The Squamish Chief
June 15, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Technical Evacuation Advanced Aero Medical, or TEAAM, recently launched, bringing a new not-for-profit model to providing helicopter healthcare to remote B.C. The society is focused on bringing advanced emergency medical care to remote worksites and other hard-to-reach settings in B.C., and it is badly needed, according to president Miles Randell. “There’s a gap in pre-hospital care delivery in B.C. in remote settings,” he said. …To illustrate the need for the service, Randell referenced a February 2017 report from the B.C. forest safety ombudsman on emergency helicopters in B.C. The report includes an example of a logging industry worker injured in Haida Gwaii in 2014. After his leg was crushed by a fallen tree, it took over five hours to transport the man to a hospital in Queen Charlotte.

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Supreme Court ‘put employers on notice’ they’re responsible for workplace deaths, harassment — even for people who aren’t their employees

By Aelx McKeen
The Star Vancouver
June 12, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

VANCOUVER—B.C. labour law experts say two decisions by the Supreme Court of Canada “put employers on notice” that… they could be responsible for the safety and rights of people who aren’t traditional employees. …The Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. penalized forestry company West Fraser Mills for the death of a tree faller who died on land owned by the company. Although owners always have some liability with respect to workers on their property, what was new about this decision was that the majority on the high court agreed with the WCB board decision to fine West Fraser Mills under rules meant for employers — a precedent that may be referenced in the future in B.C. and other jurisdictions. …Legal experts say the decisions should be of concern to employers — especially those who may have tried to delegate their liability by contracting companies.

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TimberWest Celebrates Outstanding Contractors with Safety Leadership and Environmental Leadership Awards

June 11, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Nanaimo, BC — Today, TimberWest held its Safety Leadership and Environmental awards in Nanaimo, BC and recognized the achievements of five outstanding contractors. “Our contractors help coordinate the activities of close to 1,000 people out in the woods every day across a variety of terrain and through changing weather conditions.  Safe and environmentally responsible outcomes are only possible through their unrelenting focus and commitment to improve.” said, Jeff Zweig, President and CEO of TimberWest. “Each of the award winners has contributed in an exceptional way to achieving better safety or environmental outcomes.  We greatly appreciate their efforts.” In 2017, TimberWest achieved a below coastal industry average medical incident rate of 2.01 per 200,000 hours worked; a 39% decrease in medical incident rate year-over-year. And, TimberWest received zero major environmental non-conformances’ on its independent environmental audit conducted by KPMG.

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Wildfires, wood smoke and dust: forum looks at air quality in northern B.C.

CBC News
June 6, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Although B.C.’s air quality is good compared to other places around the world, it’s an ongoing concern for many areas in the north, especially due to wildfires, says an expert. In addition to the emissions released by wildfires, residential wood burning and road dust contribute to poor air quality in northern B.C. according to Sarah Henderson, senior environmental health scientist with the B.C. Centre for Disease Control. “In a lot of ways we’re doing a great job at bringing emissions under control… then we have this looming threat of wildfire,” Henderson told Daybreak North’s Carolina de Ryk. …Henderson was the keynote speaker at the North Central B.C. Clean Air Forum in Prince George, where she discussed finding ways to continue improving air quality.

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Logging truck traffic concerns Powell River residents

By David Brindle
Powell River Peak
June 1, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Logging truck safety is always an issue in forestry communities. Powell River has been fortunate not to have a recent accident involving one of the large vehicles, but odds are it will happen eventually. City of Powell River councillor Maggie Hathaway said as much when the issue of log haulers and public safety was brought before committee of the whole on May 1. Jerry Eskes, representing a group of Cranberry ratepayers, 25 of whom were in the public gallery, pushed for action on logging trucks going through their neighbourhood. Eskes said rigs from logging activity in the Inland and Haslam lakes area use Cranberry Street a dozen times a day. He said he sees a colossal problem for the city to try to come to terms with full and empty logging trucks going through the city to log sorts north and south of town.

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Mechanized Harvesting: a Safer Alternative to Manual Tree Falling?

FPInnovations Blog
May 29, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Manual tree falling is the most frequent cause of fatal accidents in motor-manual forest harvesting operations and is recognized as one of the most dangerous occupations worldwide. British Columbia is no exception and given the unique and diverse forest ground, climate, and stand conditions around the province, the estimated 2,000 active fallers often face demanding and dangerous tasks. WorkSafeBC has long recognized the potential of mechanization as a means of improving safety in forest operations. The recent rapid developments and implementation of winch-assist technology have provided a platform for wider application of mechanized operations. …WorkSafeBC solicited proposals to address the following question : Under What Conditions is Mechanical Harvesting Going to be a Safer Alternative to Manual Tree Falling in B.C.? …FPInnovations completed a …comprehensive report entitled Mechanized Harvesting, a Safer Alternative to Manual Tree Falling.

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Supreme Court of Canada upholds claim of workers’ compensation against non-employer

By Elizabeth Raymer
Canadian Occupational Safety Magazine
May 29, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia, which found a forestry company liable for the death of a contract worker employed on its premises. In West Fraser Mills Ltd. v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal et al., the Supreme Court upheld a claim of workers’ compensation against a non-employer, West Fraser Mills, which as the license holder of the area of the forest where the accident occurred was the “owner” of the workplace as defined in Part 3 of B.C.’s Workers Compensation Act. A tree faller died after being struck by a rotting tree while working within the area of a forest licence held by the appellant.

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Safety concerns dominate North Road meeting

By Colin MacGillivray
The Caledonia Courier
May 24, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Discussions centred around the abundant safety concerns surrounding Canfor’s proposed change of the Germansen-North Road from a public highway to a Forest Service Road absolutely dominated the May 17 North Road public meeting. The meeting, which included presentations from Canfor, Apollo, Conifex and Mt. Milligan, as well as local residents and politicians, was held by the Fort St. James district to promote a public discourse after countless members of the community voiced concern over the proposed change. …“Concern for public safety is number one,” said Heather Reekle, a local resident. “There are too many members of the general public and children travelling this road daily. Each and every one of them will be effected by this.”

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Critics charge mayor has conflict of interest

By Tim Collins
The Caledonia Courier
May 24, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

With the North Road controversy seemingly a long way from resolution, a side issue has arisen regarding the process of public consultation; a process in which Mayor Rob MacDougall has taken a prominent role. “At the very least, the mayor should make it publicly known that he has a financial interest in how this decision comes down,” said Sharon Sims. She’s a community resident whose efforts have generated an on-line petition in opposition to the bid. …The Mayor addressed the issue in his statement during the meeting, acknowledging his financial interest in the road. …“If this becomes an issue and I’m found to be in conflict I guess my term as mayor will end prematurely because I’m committed to seeing this through. As far as I’m concerned this is a matter of public safety.”

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Company’s safety app works overtime for Sask. couple swept away in B.C. landslide

CBC News
May 23, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

A cellphone app is partially responsible for the rescue of a Saskatchewan couple that was pushed down the edge of a B.C. mountain during a mudslide Thursday. And it’s not the first time it has saved lives in Western Canada. …It’s the second time in the past year that the Safety Link app, used by Crescent Point Energy—where  Niemegeers is employed—alerted emergency services about people in need. …Twila said apps like Safety Link should be used more widely. “It definitely was one of the many tools that played a factor in getting them the help that they needed.” David Gowland, a manager at Crescent Point Energy, said Safety Link provides remote monitoring of all field staff in Saskatchewan. …The app features an SOS button, which can be utilized in a lesser emergency, like a flat tire. The app’s emergency button mobilizes first responders. That’s the button Niemegeers pushed on Thursday.

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North Road proposal draws heat

By Tim Collins
The Caledonia Courier
May 16, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Fort St. James Council is hosting a public meeting… to solicit public input on the proposal by Canfor to fundamentally change the status and use patterns of the North Road (also known as the Germanson Highway). …Councillor Dave Birdi, said that his biggest concern with the proposal involves road maintenance. …Birdi went on to note that the Canfor proposal calls for more heavily laden lumber trucks on the roadway that would move at slower speeds and questioned what the impact would be, both on the roadway and the safety of other traffic. In a February 7th open letter to the community, Canfor… maintained that long “cycle times” and concerns around driver fatigue had motivated their call to increase both the number of days Canfor is able to haul and the volume of timber hauled on each truck.

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Smoke brings air quality advisory

By Ryan Forbes
July 19, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Environment Canada has issued an air quality advisory for many northern communities in the Kenora district. Residents in the affected areas are warned of high levels of air pollution from nearby forest fires. …Environment Canada says that the smoke is causing poor air quality and reduced visibility… They add that individuals may experience symptoms such as increased coughing, throat irritation, headaches or shortness of breath. Children, seniors, and those with cardiovascular or lung disease, such as asthma, are especially at risk. …“We want people, especially with existing cardiovascular or lung disease, to take it easy. Stay indoors if possible,” says Environment Canada Meteorologist Gerald Cheng. …Environment Canada adds that in general, wearing a mask is not the best way to protect your health during a smoke event. In fact, masks may lead to a false sense of security, which may encourage increased physical activity and time spent outdoors, meaning increased exposure to smoke. 

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Northern Pulp named one of Canada’s safest mills

The Chronicle Herald
June 7, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Bruce Chapman

Safety in any workplace is vital. It is especially important in complex industries, however, where the potential for accidents is unfortunately a reality. In these cases, employees and their families rely on the employer to ensure their safety, health and wellness, which is exactly why Northern Pulp makes workplace safety a priority for everyone, no matter their position. And it is this commitment to safety that has garnered Nova Scotia’s only pulp mill the title of the 2017 Third Safest Mill in Canada within its category (50,000-80,000 man-hours per month). This esteemed title, which is awarded every year by Pulp and Paper Canada, was revealed in the industry magazine’s spring 2018 edition.  “Northern Pulp’s management team and entire workforce can all take pride in this significant safety recognition.  We have created culture of safety and awareness throughout our plant”, acknowledges Bruce Chapman, General Manager, Northern Pulp.

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Tragedy at Chapleau sawmill

By Ron Grech
The Timmins Press
May 27, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

William Pye

CHAPLEAU – A sawmill employee was killed in an industrial accident in Chapleau Friday. Rayonier Advanced Materials, which employs 150 people at its sawmill in Chapleau, issued a statement late Friday reporting the death of one of its employees, William Pye. …“Rayonier Advanced Materials family suffered a tragic loss today at its Chapleau facility,” the company said in a statement. “We learned with great sadness the passing of Mr. William Pye through an unfortunate accident at the site. “The circumstances surrounding this accident are not yet fully known. We are currently cooperating with the Ontario Ministry of Labour in their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers go out to William’s family, friends and co-workers during this time of grief.”

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Digging into Combustible Dust

By Anna Simet, Editor
Biomass Magazine
July 23, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States

Anna Simet

Wood dust. It’s the lifeblood of a pellet plant, but it can be the force behind an operation’s demise, if not properly managed. This is well-known across both the domestic and industrial segments, but still, incidents continue to occur at a rate that I’ve heard some industry stakeholders describe as too frequent. As one plant manager told me, a bad incident at one plant reflects on the industry as a whole; the impact extends far beyond that particular facility and the surrounding community. …Other stories in our dust management, fire and explosion protection issue include… dust hazard analyses. Had one before? It may be time for another. Pellet plants change over the years—new equipment, modifications, expansions, etc., so these analyses may bring to light some previously unidentified or new risks. 

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Safety Check: Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Most Frequent Violations and How You Can Address Them

By Jary Winstead
Pallet Enterprise
June 3, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States

Safety consultant explores the top ten OSHA violations for 2017 and identifies some things that pallet and lumber companies can do to avoid these problems. If you want a safer workplace, and to avoid fines at the same time, knowing the top ten most cited safety violations can be a great first step to a better, safer facility. The top ten list of violations recorded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are fairly similar from 2015 to 2017. And the reason is that these are often ignored trouble spots. …When reviewing these violations to the standards, without a doubt, the most common non-compliances that I see are the employer has no written safety program required to meet the basic requirements of the standard, has failed to provide adequate safety training relevant or has not enforced the standard.

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2017 APA Safety and Health Award Winners Announced

APA Engineered Wood
May 16, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States

APA – The Engineered Wood Association recently announced the winners of its 2017 Safety and Health Awards, a program that encourages and recognizes safety and operational excellence in the North American structural panel and engineered wood industry. Smartlam, LLC and LP won Safest Company Awards in their respective categories. Smartlam, LLC, which produces cross-laminated timber at its facility in Columbia Falls, Montana, won its award in the category for companies with three or fewer mills. The company posted a 4.19 WIR for 2017. LP, a producer of engineered wood products in the U.S., Canada, and South America, earned top honors among companies with four or more mills, with a 2017 average Weighted Incident Rate (WIR) of 3.16. The coveted Innovation in Safety Award went to two winners: Boise Cascade Company of Medford, Oregon for the Equipment-Based Innovation Award, and Boise Cascade Company of Oakdale, Louisiana for the Jeff Wagner Process-Based Innovation Award.

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Tractor operator dies trying to suppress Oregon wildfire

By Gillian Flaccus
The Associated Press in the Chronicle Journal
July 19, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US West

PORTLAND, Ore. – A tractor operator who was killed in a wildfire that scorched 70 square miles in little more than 24 hours in the Pacific Northwest appears to have died trying to restrain it, police said. The blaze east of Portland, Oregon, and near the city of The Dalles started Tuesday and spread into a rural farming area with vast wheat fields. Dozens of homes have been evacuated because of the conflagration about 80 miles east of Portland. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown declared a state of emergency Wednesday, marking the unofficial start to a Pacific Northwest Fire season that’s expected to be worse than normal.

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The Latest: Safety investigators eye firefighter death

The Associated Press
July 17, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US West

MARIPOSA, Calif. — California workplace safety officials are investigating the death of a firefighter who was killed while battling a wildfire near Yosemite National Park. California Division of Occupational Safety and Health spokesman Frank Polizzi said Monday an inspector went to the scene on the day Braden Varney died. Polizzi said his office was told that Varney’s bulldozer rolled over on Saturday while he was trying to create a fire line. The investigation will look at whether there were any violations related to Varney’s training or the maintenance of the bulldozer. The 36-year-old Varney was married and had two young children. He had worked for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for 10 years.

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UMaine researchers get $1.17M to help protect forest workers from tick-borne illnesses

July 19, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US East

A team of University of Maine researchers has been awarded $1.17 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop and test land management practices to protect Maine forest workers from exposure to tick-borne diseases. The three-year project, “Developing adaptive forest management practices to mitigate impacts of climate change on human health,” is being led by Allison Gardner and Carly Sponarski. …Maine has experienced a fivefold increase in Lyme disease cases over the past decade, likely due to climate change and land use change, according to the researchers. The increase in cases, combined with the high percentage of nonindustrial private land ownership in southern Maine, they say, provides an urgent need and a unique socio-ecological context to investigate the effects of forest management on infectious disease transmission. Forest workers are at particularly high risk of contracting tick-borne illnesses due to their frequent exposure to ticks.

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Canfor Receives Safety Award

Southern Forest Products Association
July 12, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US East

For the second time, the Canfor Southern Pine sawmill at Urbana, Arkansas, is being recognized for its outstanding safety record.  The mill operated accident-free for all of 2017, earning top honors for Division II that includes mills producing between 51 and 150 million board feet annually. This week, SFPA’s Deputy Director Eric Gee visited Urbana and presented this well-deserved award to the plant’s Safety Committee. “This facility’s success starts with a commitment to safety in everything they do,” Eric remarked. “A safe workplace is no accident and Canfor has created safety solutions that work for our industry,” he added. The Canfor mill at Graham, North Carolina, has also earned SFPA’s 2017 Sawmill Safety Award, likewise posting a perfect safety record for 2017.  

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Forest ecology shapes Lyme disease risk in the eastern US

By Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Science Daily
July 9, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US East

In the eastern US, risk of contracting Lyme disease is higher in fragmented forests with high rodent densities and low numbers of resident fox, opossum, and raccoons. These are among the findings from an analysis of 19 years of data on the ecology of tick-borne disease in a forested landscape, recently published in the journal Ecology. Lyme disease is the most frequently reported vector-borne disease in the US. “Using nearly two decades of data on the forest food web, we were interested in untangling the ecological conditions that regulate the number of infected ticks in the landscape,” explains Richard S. Ostfeld, a disease ecologist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and one of the paper’s lead authors. …In the absence of vaccines, giving people the right information at the right time and place is critical to reducing cases of tick-borne disease.

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SFPA Announces 2017 Sawmill Safety Awards

Southern Forest Products Association
June 29, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US East

Six Southern Pine sawmills – all members of the Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) – are recent recipients of the 2017 Sawmill Safety Award. SFPA lumber manufacturer members are considered for the award based on information submitted regarding occupational injuries and illnesses. A total of 52 sawmills participated in SFPA’s annual survey of safety records, representing nearly 19 million employee hours. Safety performance is judged by how each mill’s safety record stacks up against facilities with comparable lumber output throughout the year. Division I includes sawmills that produce 50 million board feet or less; Division II covers facilities that produce 51 to 150 million board feet; and Division III includes mills that produce more than 150 million board feet annually.

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Forest owners caught between safety and climate change policies

By Eric Frykberg
Radio New Zealand
July 20, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

The forestry industry risks being caught in its own logjam over the safety of its workers. The state agency WorkSafe said cash crop trees like radiata pine might have to be omitted from steep hillsides, where cutting them down could be dangerous for the workers who did it. However, forest owners said some had a legal obligation to replant pine on steep slopes after felling a current crop. Others could not afford to leave their land bare. The debate began when a forest worker was killed earlier this week in a logging accident in hill country near Nelson. The 31-year-old’s death followed another near Bulls last week, and others in Northland and Marlborough earlier this year. WorkSafe, forest companies and trade unions have been working for years to try to prevent deaths like these.

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Stricter rules urged as forestry deaths rise again

By Katie Doyle
Radio New Zealand
July 19, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

The mother of a forestry worker killed in 2013 fears industry deaths are on the rise again and says the campaign to save lives has suffered since union leader Helen Kelly died two years ago. …The 19-year-old was one of ten forestry workers who died that year and his case was also one of the two successful prosecutions the Council of Trade Unions took against employers. The following year, the death toll dropped dramatically to just one at the height of the publicity over the industry’s poor safety record. …Forestry has the highest death rate of all industries. Four workers have been killed so far this year – the most recent just three days ago in Nelson. That compares with seven deaths for the whole of last year. Fiona Ewing from the Forestry Industry Safety Council said companies were doing more to keep protect staff. 

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Worker input on safety is needed for the forestry industry

By First Union
Scoop Independent News
July 18, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

FIRST Union is deeply saddened by the death of Shannon David Omlo of Tapawera in a forestry accident near Nelson yesterday. FIRST Union extends its condolences to the family and friends of Shannon. Our statement below does not comment on this death but answers media enquiries to FIRST Union on the more general issue of health and safety in the forestry industry and the recent rise in forestry deaths. The work that Helen Kelly led in the forestry industry until her death has been taken up by FIRST Union which, through its President Robert Reid, sits on the Forestry Industry Safety Council. One aspect of Helen Kelly’s legacy, and shared by authors of the 2014 Independent Forestry Safety Review, that has not yet been adequately addressed by the Forestry Industry Safety Council (FISC) is the need for genuine worker health and safety participation systems. 

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Wind drops tree on ute killing one near Bulls, as workers pack up to leave

By Laurel Stowell
New Zealand Herald
July 12, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

A tree which fell on a work vehicle, killing one person and injuring others, was bowled over by a sudden squall of wind as contractors were about to leave. The accident happened about 2.15pm on Monday at a rural property in Pukehou Rd, near the Rangitīkei town of Bulls. Fire and Emergency staff were needed to remove people from the vehicle. …”The crew had decided to knock off for the day because of the weather risk and were in the ute, or loading the ute when a nasty squall came through and blew a tree down on them,” he said. He said people might assume someone was dropping trees in a dangerous manner in the forestry operation, and said that wasn’t the case. “I have spoken to the boss [of the contracting team]. He is a very safety conscious operator and he has taken this very hard.”

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One dead, two seriously injured in forestry operation

Radio New Zealand
July 10, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

A man who was critically injured during a commercial forestry operation in Bulls is now in a serious condition. Emergency services were called to a property in Pukehou Road just before 2:30pm yesterday. One person died at the scene and another received critical injuries after a tree fell on their vehicle. A third person received serious injuries. The 27-year-old man with critical injuries was flown to Palmerston North Hospital, before being moved to Wellington Hospital’s intensive care unit. WorkSafe has made initial inquires into the case and said they were investigating. [END]

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Safety conference showcasing forest floor successes

By Forest Industry Engineering Association
July 5, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

A national forest safety conference in August will bring the latest practical solutions to the table for all contractors and forest managers to hear about and learn from. Following the challenges that this industry faced in 2013, it has responded with passion and commitment to new ways to embed safety culture into everyone’s mindset on the job. Also, over the past 5 years, mechanical harvesting technologies have come a long way for keeping workers safe in logging, especially on steep slopes. “Some of our most inspiring forestry safety specialists are those with hands-on experience in both crew culture and harvesting technologies. They have been out there doing it, earning the respect of their peers,” says Forest Industry Engineering Association spokesman, Gordon Thomson.

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Sensible solutions making forest safety seamless and smart

By Innovatek
Scoop Independent News
June 26, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

Rotorua, NZ — A major national conference on forest safety practices is set to showcase how our forestry leaders have delivered both safety and productivity benefits for people across a range of workplaces. “Some of our most inspiring forestry leaders have developed safety improvements in both crew culture and harvesting technologies,” says Forest Industry Engineering Association spokesman, Gordon Thomson. …The summit is on 8th August in Rotorua at the Distinction Hotel. The following week – 15th March – it runs at the Bayview Eden Hotel in Melbourne.

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Health and Safety Authority begins intensive construction site safety campaign

Irish Building Magazine
June 14, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has announced that it will begin an inspection and awareness campaign targeting the construction sector. Inspectors from the HSA will be inspecting construction sites nationwide, with a particular focus on safe working around excavations and safety in timber frame house erection. [Michael McDonagh, Head of Construction Policy with the Health and Safety Authority] said: “Timber frame houses are again becoming popular with builders. They provide a quick and efficient method for construction of housing. However, they pose some different challenges in relation to safety than those presented when using traditional building methods. When constructing timber frame houses it is important to consider; loading and unloading of frames, handling of frames on site, supporting the frames during erection, fire issues during the construction stage, working at height issues including different scaffolding requirements.”

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Fibreboard maker agrees to $210,000 donations after worker’s arm crushed

By Madison Reidy
June 11, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

Fibreboard maker Dongwha New Zealand will donate to three community and charity programmes after a worker’s arm was crushed by a roller machine. WorkSafe said announced it accepted Dongwha’s application to enter into an enforceable undertaking agreement on Monday.  Under the agreement, Dongwha would fund the St John youth training programme for five years, pay for 10 disabled people to join the Riding for the Disabled rehabilitation programme and fund a high school’s health and safety programme.  Dongwha must also establish and run an industry machinery safety event for five years, pay amends to the injured worker and give extra safety training to staff. …WorkSafe …said “this enforceable undertaking has very clear benefits within the business, the wider industry and Dongwha’s local community. Dongwha took the process very seriously.”

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Two workers killed at Australian paper mill

By Paul Bartizan
World Socialist Web Site
May 31, 2018
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

Two workers are dead and a third is in critical condition following a deadly gas leak at a paper mill in the regional Australian city of Albury on May 24. Ben Pascall, 28, was found unconscious on top of a tank and died soon afterwards in hospital. Lyndon Quinlivan, 36, died later, leaving behind a young family. Tom Johnson, 22, remains in hospital on life support. At least another 12 workers taken to hospital were later discharged. About 150 workers at the Norske Skog mill were evacuated. …The gas believed responsible for the workers’ deaths is hydrogen sulphide… which in low concentrations smells like rotten eggs. It is a by-product of the breakdown of wood fibre used to make paper. …At this stage the cause of the gas exposure is unclear… Australian Manufacturing Workers Union organiser Dave Corben praised the company’s response. [And] said the union has no plan for industrial action.

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