Category Archives: Special Feature

Special Feature

What’s the Difference Between EFI and NFI?

By Graham Stinson and Joanne White, Natural Resources Canada
Natrual Resources Canada
February 28, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada

Forest inventories in Canada are evolving as new technologies are incorporated into the inventory process. Governments and industry are under increasing pressure to reduce inventory costs, while simultaneously producing improved information to support the increasingly complex demands associated with forest management. For forest professionals, keeping up-to-date on technological innovations and understanding the different sources of forest inventory information available (and the associated terminology) can be challenging. Amidst all this change in forest inventories in Canada, there are two acronyms in particular that seem to invite confusion: NFI and EFI. NFI stands for National Forest Inventory and represents a type of inventory with a very specific purpose: an NFI is typically designed to provide high-level information to support national-level forest policy and reporting information needs. 

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A man with a plan for the future: FPInnovations President and CEO carves out his vision

By Heather Lynch
The Paper Advance
February 6, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada

Stéphane Renou

Paper Advance sat down with Mr. Stéphane Renou, President and Chief Executive Officer of FPInnovations, to discuss his new role. Below are a few quotes from his response:

  • The forestry sector is at a critical juncture: there’s a thirst for innovation now more than ever. Developing innovation requires the desire to inno- vate along with an open mind to acquire new approaches from other industries and apply them in the forestry context to advance its particular needs. 
  • Over the next year, we will work closer with all our partners, improve efficiency and improve value creation as highlighted during the recent survey that FPInnovations launched in 2017.
  • FPInnovations is evolving and increasing its focus on developing the best innovation value proposition for the forest-based industry. We all need to evolve more rapidly to support a constantly changing world and its needs. This can only be achieved through collaboration within and outside of the industry.

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2017: The year wood construction grew like a weed

By Lloyd Alter
December 22, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada

Looking back on 2017 it is hard to know where to start, there was so much happening. It’s the year that wood construction really went mainstream, everywhere. We are not even going to discuss the fantasy projects, just the real stuff being built by real architects. Because we are past gawking at models and renderings, things are getting built! …It really was a remarkable year, with the world’s tallest timber tower, Brock Commons Tallwood House, opening for business. No doubt it will be overtaken very soon, as architects and wood engineers keep pushing the envelope. If I can make some predictions for the coming year:

  • Dowel-Laminated Timber (DLT) and Nail Laminated Timber (NLT) will be used more and more instead of CLT because of cost and competitive pressures.
  • The race to be the tallest building will run out of gas, and wood will mostly be used for medium height buildings, say up to 15 floors, the “missing middle” kind of buildings.
  • We will see a lot more of the European-style high quality wood frame construction in low-rise buildings.

But we will also see a lot more wood.

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The Softwood Lumber Board helps sell more lumber

Softwood Lumber Board
November 27, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, United States

Lumber is an integral part of your business and how America builds its housing. The Softwood Lumber Board’s (SLB’s) mission is to make it much more than that. Our unique programs are showing what is possible when building with wood across residential, commercial, mid-rise, appearance, and even tall building segments. …So far since 2012, our investments have resulted in 2.59 billion board feet of new demand—reflecting a fivefold increase through 2016. 

A recent report by Forest Economic Advisors shows that softwood lumber is not only vital to the industry itself, but also a key economic driver for households across rural America. The average wage for someone working in the softwood lumber industry in America is $54,500 per year, which is $11,000 more than the average rural salary. These earnings mean greater financial freedom and purchasing power, expanding the industry’s overall economic impact.

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The forgotten disaster that inspired Nova Scotia’s yearly Christmas gift to Boston

By John Bacon
Boston Globe
November 23, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, United States

Every winter, the people of Nova Scotia send the province’s best Christmas tree to Boston Common. What did the people of Boston do to inspire Nova Scotians to spend some $180,000 each year to give them a 50-foot spruce tree? The answer lies in a forgotten disaster. [The Great Halifax Explosion]. …When [Massachusetts] Governor McCall’s second telegram to Halifax received no response, he sent a third: “Realizing time is of the utmost importance we have not waited for your answer but have dispatched the relief train.” …On November 30 this year, the people of Boston will light the Christmas tree, a testament to a time when the worst the world could inflict brought out the best in two countries. The hard-earned friendship those days forged has stood as an example to the world for a century.

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Forest sector strategies for climate change mitigation

By Carolyn Smyth and Werner Kurz, Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada
October 30, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada

Scientists examine how forests and wood products can reduce emissions to the atmosphere. Pacific Forestry Centre research scientists Carolyn Smyth and Werner Kurz model the impact of various strategies on the greenhouse gas balance of Canada’s forest sector. Modeling several decades into the future allows scientists to ask, “What mitigation actions will work best for each region?” and assess how changes in activities or technology can reduce future emissions or enhance removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Forests play an important role in the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon from land and water through the atmosphere and all living things.  …This dynamic process of absorbing and releasing carbon constantly affects the global carbon balance.

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Conferences bring disease experts together

By Mike Cruickshank
Natural Resources Canada
October 6, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada

Plant diseases threaten many of Canada’s most important timber crops and tree species. Over the years forest pathologists from Mexico to Alaska have worked together to develop important knowledge on how to manage North American forest diseases. Experts work across borders to discuss climate change, mistletoe, foliage and twig diseases, hazard trees, nursery disease, root disease and rusts. Like people, plants catch viruses too. Blueberry Scorch Virus infects our blueberry crops in BC, and infected plants su er with sluggish growth that reduces yields. Another example is Blister Rust of white pine trees; this fungal disease severely a ects this tree’s survival. Pathologists use a range of tools to combat these diseases, but not creating the conditions for them to ourish is one of the most important steps.

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Excellence in structural and architectural wood design recognized at 2018 Wood Design Awards in BC

February 26, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

VANCOUVER – Innovative architectural and structural design in taller and larger mass timber buildings headlined the 2018 Wood Design Awards event at the Vancouver Convention Centre Monday evening. The 14th annual event, organized and hosted by Wood WORKS! BC, honoured excellence in wood building and design, and recognized leadership and innovation in wood use. Nearly 500 guests attended this year’s celebration of wood, including distinguished building and design professionals, owners, local and provincial government representatives, industry sponsors and guests. …The Brock Commons – Tallwood House was the most celebrated project of the 2018 Wood Design Awards in BC, with a win in a record three categories, including the Engineer Award, the Architect Award and Wood Innovation Award. The 18-storey project, located at UBC in Vancouver, was the tallest hybrid mass timber building in the world at the time of construction.

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Minister Heyman Says Forestry Not the Primary Reason for Professional Reliance Review

By Kelly McCloskey
Tree Frog Forestry News
February 25, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Jennifer McGuire, Christine Gelowitz and George Heyman

Speaking at the Association of BC Forest Professionals AGM in Victoria on Friday, George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy said “ensuring the public interest and the environment are protected” is behind the government’s review of the role of professionals in resource management. Citing the Mount Polly mine disaster and the Hullcar Aquifer [agriculture] situation as incidents that have created “public doubt”, Heyman added that the review is “not directed at professionals per se, but whether the system under which they operate is functioning properly”.

Although forestry was not the reason for the review Heyman noted that “all professions need to be included because there are inconsistencies across the associations” and “system challenges have been identified by the Forest Practices Board” in the practice of professional forestry. Quoting the Board, Heyman mentioned situations “where forestry development has put environmental and community values at risk, yet district managers could do little to protect the public interest”; and “where multiple licensees operating on the same landbase may [unwittingly] undermined each other’s action to protect a non-timber value”.

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Doug Donaldson Grateful No Loss of Life During Worst Wildfire Season in History

By Kelly McCloskey
Tree Frog Forestry News
February 25, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Doug Donaldson

Closing the three-day conference of the BC Association of Forest Professionals in Victoria, Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, provided an overview of his government’s forest policy directions. This includes increasing jobs per m3 harvested, expanding BC’s innovating wood-products sector, and improving wildlife management and land use planning. Although future actions related to how the province addresses wildfires will await the Chapman/Abbott review in April, the Minister expressed thanks and gratitude to all who helped ensure the 2017 wildfire season came and went without any loss of life. 

In response to wildfires and the mountain pine beetle epidemic, Donaldson announced the formation of a five-member panel to review the province’s forest inventory program. The panel includes: former UBC Forestry Dean Clarke Binkley; RPFs Bill Bourgeois, Valerie LeMay and Ian Moss; and Nick Reynolds of Sangan Environmental Services. The objective is to ensure the program accurately reflects the changed nature of BC’s forests.

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The Distinguished Forester and the Carbon Conundrum Top Day Two at ABCFP Conference

By Kelly McCloskey
Tree Frog Forestry News
February 23, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Lorne Bedford RPF

Topping off day-two of the ABCFP conference in Victoria was the President’s Awards Banquet where more than a dozen forest professionals and others were honoured for their outstanding work in sustainably managing BC’s forests. The association’s highest honour for a member—the Distinguished Forester Award—went to Lorne Bedford RPF for his decades of work in forest practices and silviculture with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. The award recognizes an individual for outstanding service to the profession of forestry and for furthering the principles of the association. …A feature panel [for us inquiring Frogs], was on the carbon conundrum and the potential of managing for timber and carbon at the same time. The experts included Dr. Werner Kurz, (Pacific Forestry Centre) Satnam Manhas (Ecotrust Canada) and Albert Nussbaum (BC Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch). The key takeaway being that climate change is serious business; the associated issues of wildfire and beetles are key to carbon management, and forests and forest management can play a helpful role. 

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ABCFP kicks off its Conference with a Panel of Chief Foresters

By Kelly McCloskey
Tree Frog Forestry News
February 22, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) kicked off their annual conference with two workshops, a plenary of chief foresters and a public lecture on the future of wildfire in BC. The three-day conference promises to be an outstanding event given the attendance of more than 400 delegates and high profile speakers such as Minister George Heyman (Environment and Climate Change) and Doug Donaldson (Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development) still to come. Al Gorley (the Host Committee Chair) and Diane Nicholls (BC’s Chief Forester) introduced the first plenary “Charting the Path for Truly Sustainable Forest Management”. Gorley and Nicholls spoke of the forest professional’s management challenge given the need to balance ‘expectations and realities’—effectively the conference theme.

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People and Communities are the Answer to BC’s Future Wildfire Threats

By Kelly McCloskey
Tree Frog Forestry News
February 22, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

The summer of 2017 brought the worst wildfire season in BC history with 1.2 million hectares burned. Is this the new normal? How do we reduce the associated risks to our forests and our communities? Cue Deputy Minister Tim Sheldan to introduce Dr. Scott Stephens, Professor, Wildland Resource Science, University of California, Berkeley. With five of its 20 most destructive wildland-urban interface fires occurring last year, it was a similar story in California.  With unbridled passion and considerable knowledge of the Mexican and Australian experience, Professor Stephens spoke of the new normal in California – climate change and larger and more frequent fires. 

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The Future of Wildfire in BC

The Association of BC Forest Professionals
February 19, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Scott Stephens

What can we learn from California? The summer of 2017 brought the worst wildfire season in BC history. It was the same story in California where the Golden State experienced five of its 20 most destructive wildland-urban interface fires in just one year. Is this the new normal? Join Scott Stephens, professor of fire science at the University California, Berkeley, for a free public lecture on the future of wildfire in BC and what we can learn from California’s experience. The lecture is presented in conjunction with the Association of BC Forest Professionals’ annual conference.

Scott Stephens, PhD Director, University of California, Berkeley Center for Fire Research Outreach and co-director of the UC Center for Forestry Introduced by Tim Sheldan, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development

Free Public Lecture – 6:30—7:30 PM Wednesday February 21st
Victoria Conference Centre
Lower Pavilion—Lecture Hall

Sponsored by Natural Resources Canada

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Canadian Forest Service research in Yukon tracks climate influences on forest recovery from forest spruce beetle outbreaks

By Lara Van Akker and Elizabeth Campbell, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
Natural Resources Canada
February 14, 2018
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Yukon is home to extensive boreal forest that covers an area of approximately 28.1 million hectares (ha) and plays an integral role in the regulation of climate locally, regionally and internationally. Yukon’s forests contribute to the territory’s economy by providing wood and other forest products, local employment, regional development, tourism and recreational opportunities in addition to being valued as a vital cultural, social, historical and educational resource. …Boreal ecosystems are especially vulnerable to climate change. Melting permafrost, increased severity of insect outbreaks and drought are driving major forest changes …Potential exists for rapid ecosystem transitions, with parts of the boreal forest nearing ecological “tipping points” by the end of the century. Scientists are already beginning to see evidence of climate associated declines of spruce, pine and aspen in some parts of the boreal forest. 

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Timber Online Education

DBR | Design Build Research
You Tube
September 27, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Well known BC architect Michael Green announces Timber Online Education—a global resource for teaching sustainable wood design, construction, fabrication, development, policy and environmental education. The program is run by DBR | Design Build Research, a Vancouver not-for-profit institute focused on global design and construction education. The TOE program is in its introductory phase and seeking funding to help provide essential knowledge to build wood buildings and especially advanced urban-scale wood buildings in a safe, economical, and sustainable manner.

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Dennis Hardman Named Bronson Lewis Award Winner

APA – The Engineered Wood Association
November 13, 2017
Category: Special Feature
Region: United States

Dennis Hardman (center)

Dennis Hardman, former president of APA – The Engineered Wood Association and longtime leader in the engineered wood industry, was honored with the Bronson J. Lewis Award at the APA Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California. …The annual award is named after the late Bronson Lewis, who served for 24 years as secretary and then executive vice president of APA. The award recognizes individuals for their lifetime leadership and outstanding contribution to the industry. Hardman is recognized for his many contributions to the industry and his leadership of APA. His long career with APA began in 1981… From 2005 until his retirement in 2013, he served as president and worked with the Board of Trustees, making difficult decisions that would ultimately allow the Association to survive and rebound from the crushing recession. …He holds a journalism degree from the University of Oregon.

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SFPA’s Richard Wallace to retire December 15

Southern Forest Products Association
November 8, 2017
Category: Special Feature

Richard Wallace

Concluding a multi-faceted 38-year career with SFPA, Richard Wallace has announced plans to retire in December. Richard arrived at SFPA headquarters in two days before Expo ’79, following a rather lengthy, circuitous career path. …Richard brought his film-making and photography skills to SFPA in June of 1979… was promoted to media director and… after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, he became vice president of communications.

“It has been a pleasure to work with Richard during his 38 years of service to the Southern Pine industry and SFPA,” commented SFPA Executive Director Tami Kessler.” …“On behalf of all members, I want to recognize Richard for his many contributions to our industry and thank him for his dedication and the creative work he has provided SFPA throughout his career,” commented SFPA Chairman Kerlin Drake. …Travel, writing a book or two and flying his drone are some of his retirement plans.  

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