The linchpin for solving Canada’s housing crisis will be found on the factory floor. That was the message former Edmonton mayor Don Iveson gave politicians and leadership in B.C.’s forestry industry Friday at the annual meeting of the BC Council of Forest Industries in Vancouver. Iveson, who now works as executive advisor of Climate Investing and Community Resilience at Co-operators Insurance, described how a 2004 flood in the City of Edmonton opened his eyes to the risk climate change would have on cities. …Last month, a Canada-wide Task Force for Housing and Climate, which Iveson co-chaired, charted another path with a blueprint that aims to build 5.8 million homes by 2030. The number is big, representing roughly one-third of the current housing stock. …Those included tax reforms, a rebalancing of immigration practices to increase the number of skilled labourers in Canada, and tying federal housing financing to municipal pro-density reforms.