It is difficult, even for one who has been active with forest stewardship groups and the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association’s Forestry Lab, to unravel all of the conflicting claims of governments, industries, environmental groups and others about forest health and forest management in Nova Scotia. …Sadly, the Healthy Forest Coalition (HFC) demonstrated at the recent “forest funeral” in Halifax that the solitudes remain firmly in place. The objectives of the HFC may be laudable, but the Coalition appears to have turned to some less laudable tactics. Two tactics that were on display on the “forest funeral” podium were, in my view, particularly troubling: …Some speakers declared that there has been no reduction in industrial harvesting. That’s simply not true. …A central demand of the HFC has been the removal of senior DNR staff, principally because of past industry connections. This is unfair, indeed unjust.