DENVER, Colorado – The Wildfire Matters Review Committee advanced bills to bolster the forestry workforce and improve wildfire prevention and mitigation strategies. Bill 2, sponsored by Representatives Tisha Mauro, D-Pueblo, and Ron Weinberg, R-Loveland, and Senators Janice Marchman, D-Loveland and Mark Baisley, R-Woodland Park, would grant landowners who allow access to their property during an emergency immunity from civil liability charges for damage or injury to people or property. …Sponsored by Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, Elizabeth Velasco, D-Glenwood Springs and Representative Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins, as well as Marchman, Bill 3 would support outreach programs to bolster the forestry workforce. The bill would direct Colorado State University to develop outreach programs to build skills and forestry career awareness, and to promote degree programs in forestry. Additionally, it would require the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to provide grants for firefighter and trainer certification.