Conservation groups plan lawsuit over logging near Yellowstone

Helena Independent Record
September 6, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

A month after the Custer Gallatin National Forest supervisor approved a 15-year, 39,909-acre logging project near the western border of Yellowstone National Park, three conservation groups have filed notice they intend to sue to halt the work. The Center for Biological Diversity, Alliance for the Wild Rockies and Council on Wildlife and Fish filed the notice with the Department of Interior, Custer Gallatin National Forest and Fish and Wildlife Service on Sept. 6. In a 10-page letter, the groups argue the work is a violation of the Endangered Species Act. The groups contend the Forest Service failed to properly analyze the project’s effects on grizzly bears and lynx, harming their habitat. Both animals are listed as endangered species. …The logging, first outlined three years ago, is meant to reduce wildfire risk around the community of West Yellowstone, improve the diversity of habitat and also supply regional sawmills with lumber.

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