The Alberta government has approved a controversial clearcut in Kananaskis Country, southwest of Calgary, despite opposition from nearby communities, environmentalists and outdoor enthusiasts. “When we heard the permits were issued, it was really disappointing,” said Katie Morrison of CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society). Opponents are concerned the harvest will scar the picturesque mountainsides, increase the risk of flooding, impact drinking water, displace wildlife and hurt tourism and livelihoods. The government, however, maintains it listened to people’s concerns and made changes as a result. …The government believes it has alleviated a lot of the opponents’ concerns by approving a plan that allows Balcaen to clear only 255 of the requested 409 hectares (an area about the size of Calgary’s Glenmore Reservoir). …While logging has been occurring in the region for years, conservation groups say people will notice this latest harvest plan.