Critics pan Forest Stewardship Council review finding ‘no corporate control between Paper Excellence and APP’

The Tree Frog Forestry News
May 21, 2024
Category: Today's Takeaway

Critics pan FSC review finding there is ‘no majority ownership relationship between Paper Excellence and APP‘. In other Business news: Brazil’s Suzano may up-its-bid for International Paper; a sawdust fire injures three at Weyerhaeuser plant in Michigan; eight Montana wood producers receive USDA support; and more on BC’s forest sector woes from opposition leader Kevin Falcon, the TLA’s Bob Brash, and Stop the Spray’s James Steidle.

In Forestry/Wildfire news: American Loggers sign MOU with US Forest Service; Colorado to reintroduce wolverines; rain and cooler weather helped BC and Alberta wildfire crews over the long weekend; Canada adopts BC model to ward of smoke hazards; and wildfire updates from Fort Liard, NW Territories; and Tonto National Forest, Arizona.

Finally, three safety stories to kick off Forest Safety Awareness Week:

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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