Debunking old-growth forest claims in British Columbia

By Jens Wieting, Sierra Club BC
The National Observer
September 20, 2019
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

That’s the gist of BC government MLAs’ responses when pressed on what the province of BC is doing about the ongoing destruction of its last, globally rare old-growth temperate rainforest. In the midst of the climate and species extinction emergencies, a growing number of concerned British Columbians are speaking out. In recent months, over 20,000 BC residents have sent messages to the provincial government demanding action to save ancient forests and improve forest management. …For decades, in the battle to save at least some of BC’s endangered old-growth forests, there’s been a severe gap between the pace of protection and the pace of destruction. When the government talks a good game and acts slowly while allowing forests to be clear cut rapidly, we call it “Talk and Log.” …But this government has so far failed to take meaningful steps.

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