…Theresa Whitlock-Wild, whose husband Matt Wild was diagnosed with ALS about 10 years ago realized that one of their top needs was a safe, affordable environment that improved the quality of life for those afflicted with this degenerative disease. With the aim of advocating for and supporting people with ALS, they established the Matt’s Place Foundation. …”We learned something from [building Matt’s Place as a traditional stick-built house],” she says. “So we started the process of building Matt’s Place 2.0 in 2019 in Spokane, using CLT. The idea was to make it scalable and shippable anywhere around the country.” …Nevertheless, Matt’s Place 2.0 is only a milestone on a much longer road. Matt’s Place Foundation and its partners are already working on iteration 3.0, which will apply the same advanced materials and modular concepts to a multi-family building. The prototype unit will be a direct neighbor to the 2.0 house in Spokane.