Drake Roach, the plant manager at Domtar’s Rock Hill paper converting facility, has a funny version of the “Just say no …” phrase. “Just say no to the electronic version,” he says. Roach is talking about those prompts you get from the credit card companies, utility companies and others encouraging customers to opt out of receiving printed statements mailed to them. “You’re impacting the plant in Rock Hill” when you say “yes” to electronic versions, Roach told a group of about 30 people during a plant tour Tuesday. …Roach is an advocate for the printed statement because that business means 55 jobs for the Rock Hill economy. The center is one of a declining number of plants that convert giant rolls of paper to computer paper, perforated forms and even paper for those monthly bills and statements. “We process the paper into a usable form that might go to the insurance industry, airlines or even colleges,” Roach says.