Eby ‘profoundly worried’ about B.C. fire season as billions prepped for contingencies

Canadian Press in Business in Vancouver
February 23, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

David Eby

VANCOUVER — Premier David Eby says he is “profoundly worried” about the potentially “terrible” wildfire season in British Columbia, a major reason why the province has set aside $10.6 billion in contingency funds over the next three years. Eby said Friday that parts of B.C., such as the Peace River, East Kootenay and Upper Fraser regions, remain severely dry, and about 100 wildfires are still burning this winter from last year’s record-breaking fire season. …Eby said the province is “standing up an army of firefighters” in preparation for this season’s wildfires, with about 1,000 people already applying to join the wildfire team this year. The premier also said the province is leasing aircraft and expanding infrastructure to allow for firefighters to conduct operations such as aerial missions at night, enhancing B.C.’s capacity to fight wildfires around the clock.

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