Commercial logging in native forests will come to an end with the Cook Government’s Forest Management Plan 2024-2033 setting out the latest framework for managing more than 2.5 million hectares of native forest throughout Western Australia’s south-west. The plan, which was published on Friday and will come into effect from 1 January 2024, will include: An end to commercial-scale timber harvesting in native forests; Commitment to add more than 400,000 hectares of karri, jarrah and wandoo forests as nature reserves, national parks and conservation parks; Support for Traditional Owner involvement in forest management, consistent with the intent of the South West Native Title Settlement; and Promotion of healthy forests that are more resilient to climate change. The State Government’s latest Forest Management Plan was developed through extensive consultation, assessment and analysis by the Conservation and Parks Commission, which received more than 3,500 submissions when it released the draft plan for public comment.